The Wrestling Thread: WWE WrestleMania 31 [NSFW]

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Return_of_the_STAR » Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:24 pm

Would anyone mind posting a small update and results for the ppv. I'm at work and not gonna get to watch the ppv as I don't have time.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by KK » Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:27 pm

Dave Meltzer's Live coverage from wrote:Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger for the IC title in a ladder match

Wow, a screwjob in a ladder match. Kingston and Swagger were fighting at the top of the ladder fighting and each were trying to unhook the belt. Kingston actually grabbed the belt, but the belt fell to the mat. Ziggler, the one selling on the mat, grabbed the belt that fell and was ruled the winner. I guess the idea you had to climb up and grab the belt to win has now been abandoned. Match had a lot of heat until the finish. Safe match, no crazy bumps and only unique move was a springboard by Kingston where he did double knees threw the open ladder into Swagger who climbed.

David Otunga is said to be injured from Raw on Monday. Looks like they've added a tag title match with Nexus vs. Marella & Kozlov.

Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs. Michelle McCool & Layla in a tables match

A lot of teases of people going through the table. Finish saw LayCool try a double superplex on Natalya, but she shoved them off and they both fell onto the gimmicked pink table shown on Smackdown, which bent but didn't break. Natalaya then splashed off the top onto both of them on the table to win. There was a really scary spot early on where Phoenix landed on the back of her head falling out of the ring, but she was able to continue and do all her spots. The finish appeared to be a botch but I'd been hinted to about in testing out the table that LayCool weren't heavy enough to break it, so I think it actually went as it planned. They had a longer match then they usually get and the crowd died during the match.

Kane went crazy and tore down some Christmas decorations.

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater.
Marella talked about defending against Lexus. Husky Harris & Michael McGillicutty are in the corner.

Basically a match to lead to a Nexus beat down heat spot. Not much of a match,ending with McGillicutty interfering for the DQ as Marella teased a cobra on Gabriel. They beat down Marella & Kozlov four-on-two when Barrett came out with a chair. He nailed both guys with chairs to the gut and a hard chair to Marella's back and two hard chairs to Kozlov's back. The beat down got the expected good heat. It was there to build heat for Cena vs. Barrett later in the show.

John Morrison vs. Sheamus ladder match for the No. 1 contendership

Excellent match. The match was built around Morrison's leg being destroyed and worked over after being caught in the ladder. Morrison sold the ankle but would come back, climb on one leg but whenever he'd grab the contract, Sheamus would knock him off. The big spot at the finish was both climbing the ladder and they both fell off the ladder over the top rope with Morrison landing on the floor hurting his ankle again while Sheamus landed on a ladder bridged from ring to announcers table and the ladder snapped in two. Morrison again went to climb, but Sheamus recovered again. Sheamus tipped over the ladder, but Morrison landed with both feet on the top rope, kicked off the top rope and kicked Sheamus in the head knocking him down. He then climbed up and grabbed the contract to win.

They interviewed Miz and teasing Miz vs. Morrison.

Barrett & Harris went into their locker room and Slater, Gabriel and McGillicutty were all laid out with chairs everywhere.

Miz vs. Randy Orton for the WWE title in a tables match

Another screwjob finish with Miz going over. Good match overall with lots of teases of going through the table. Finish saw a ref bump and Orton power bombed Alex Riley (who kept saving Miz) through a table. Miz then gave Orton a skull crushing finale, threw Riley out of the ring and then put Orton in between the broken table. Miz revived the ref who saw Orton and the broken table and called for the bell and gave Miz the win. However, the ref saw the replay on the tron and ordered the match restarted. Orton went wild, throwing Miz into the post, then into the ring. Miz then shoved Riley into Orton, who was on the apron. Orton fell off the apron through a table on the floor so Miz won again. The restart finish was immediate.

Rosa Mendes likes Alberto Del Rio's car. He seems to like her. Del Rio said he doesn't care about Ricardo because he can always get another ring announcer. Edge tried to give Del Rio advice since Del Rio has never been in a TLC match or been a world champion. Del Rio said he didn't need experience when you have gifts and told him to check with his friend Christian in the hospital.

Kane vs. Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio in a TLC match for the World title, so Cena goes on last. Mysterio came out in a Gene Simmons mask.

Edge won the title for the 10th time. Fantastic match. The match wa filled with spots where three guys would get laid out and the fourth would climb and then someone would recover and block. Tons of big spots here. The finish saw Del Rio climb, but Mysterio knocked over the ladder and Del Rio flew off the ladder over the top rope through a table on the floor. Then Mysterio went to give Kane a quebrada (lionsault) but Kane caught him and dropped him on his head with a tombstone piledriver. Kane climbed and Edge hit Kane with a chair to the backand hip. Then Edge speared Kane off the apron and Kane flew off backwards through a table. Edge then climbed to the top and unhooked the belt to win.

Cody Rhodes came out. Grooming tips this late in the show. He ripped on the fans in Houston who are carriers of a repulsive epidemic called IJS. Irritable jowel syndrome. Said Houston was on the list of fattest cities in America. The Bellas and Santa Claus came out. Big Show was Santa. Cody called him Big Show. Pushing the Knucklehead DVD. Rhodes said he had no dignity with the photo of him in his underwear. Show said Cody was too busy dieting and always in a bad mood. Rhodes said how ridiculous it was that Show was starring in a movie and not him. He called Show "Vanilla Shreck." Show said he could get Cody a job in "Knucklhead II." Not sure about that. The segment ended with Show giving Rhodes a spinebuster slam and tore off his suit and shirt and left him in his underwear. Show did the fake laughing at Rhodes in his underwear which came off bad because absolutely nobody in the arena was laughing.

Cena laid out Harris with a chair shot so now there's only member left, Barrett.

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett in a chairs match

Another good match. Tons of chair shots throughout the match. Cena won clean. He delivered a chair to the gut and a wicked shot to the back. Cena then set up six chairs in the middle of the ring and gave Barrett the Attitude Adjustment onto the chairs and got the pin. Barrett crawled to the back and Cena gave himtwo more hard chair shots to the back when it was over. The idea is that Cena took out all of Nexus this week as he promised. He dropped a cart on Barrett and pulled a rope so a ton of chairs fell on the cart, which actually protected Barrett. Came across like a blow-off of the program.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Skippy » Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:21 pm

Watching the world title match, very good spot fest. Del Rio landed HARD in his table spot :shock:

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Return_of_the_STAR » Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:52 pm

KKLEIN wrote:Dave Meltzer's Live coverage from wrote:Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger for the IC title in a ladder match

Wow, a screwjob in a ladder match. Kingston and Swagger were fighting at the top of the ladder fighting and each were trying to unhook the belt. Kingston actually grabbed the belt, but the belt fell to the mat. Ziggler, the one selling on the mat, grabbed the belt that fell and was ruled the winner. I guess the idea you had to climb up and grab the belt to win has now been abandoned. Match had a lot of heat until the finish. Safe match, no crazy bumps and only unique move was a springboard by Kingston where he did double knees threw the open ladder into Swagger who climbed.

David Otunga is said to be injured from Raw on Monday. Looks like they've added a tag title match with Nexus vs. Marella & Kozlov.

Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs. Michelle McCool & Layla in a tables match

A lot of teases of people going through the table. Finish saw LayCool try a double superplex on Natalya, but she shoved them off and they both fell onto the gimmicked pink table shown on Smackdown, which bent but didn't break. Natalaya then splashed off the top onto both of them on the table to win. There was a really scary spot early on where Phoenix landed on the back of her head falling out of the ring, but she was able to continue and do all her spots. The finish appeared to be a botch but I'd been hinted to about in testing out the table that LayCool weren't heavy enough to break it, so I think it actually went as it planned. They had a longer match then they usually get and the crowd died during the match.

Kane went crazy and tore down some Christmas decorations.

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater.
Marella talked about defending against Lexus. Husky Harris & Michael McGillicutty are in the corner.

Basically a match to lead to a Nexus beat down heat spot. Not much of a match,ending with McGillicutty interfering for the DQ as Marella teased a cobra on Gabriel. They beat down Marella & Kozlov four-on-two when Barrett came out with a chair. He nailed both guys with chairs to the gut and a hard chair to Marella's back and two hard chairs to Kozlov's back. The beat down got the expected good heat. It was there to build heat for Cena vs. Barrett later in the show.

John Morrison vs. Sheamus ladder match for the No. 1 contendership

Excellent match. The match was built around Morrison's leg being destroyed and worked over after being caught in the ladder. Morrison sold the ankle but would come back, climb on one leg but whenever he'd grab the contract, Sheamus would knock him off. The big spot at the finish was both climbing the ladder and they both fell off the ladder over the top rope with Morrison landing on the floor hurting his ankle again while Sheamus landed on a ladder bridged from ring to announcers table and the ladder snapped in two. Morrison again went to climb, but Sheamus recovered again. Sheamus tipped over the ladder, but Morrison landed with both feet on the top rope, kicked off the top rope and kicked Sheamus in the head knocking him down. He then climbed up and grabbed the contract to win.

They interviewed Miz and teasing Miz vs. Morrison.

Barrett & Harris went into their locker room and Slater, Gabriel and McGillicutty were all laid out with chairs everywhere.

Miz vs. Randy Orton for the WWE title in a tables match

Another screwjob finish with Miz going over. Good match overall with lots of teases of going through the table. Finish saw a ref bump and Orton power bombed Alex Riley (who kept saving Miz) through a table. Miz then gave Orton a skull crushing finale, threw Riley out of the ring and then put Orton in between the broken table. Miz revived the ref who saw Orton and the broken table and called for the bell and gave Miz the win. However, the ref saw the replay on the tron and ordered the match restarted. Orton went wild, throwing Miz into the post, then into the ring. Miz then shoved Riley into Orton, who was on the apron. Orton fell off the apron through a table on the floor so Miz won again. The restart finish was immediate.

Rosa Mendes likes Alberto Del Rio's car. He seems to like her. Del Rio said he doesn't care about Ricardo because he can always get another ring announcer. Edge tried to give Del Rio advice since Del Rio has never been in a TLC match or been a world champion. Del Rio said he didn't need experience when you have gifts and told him to check with his friend Christian in the hospital.

Kane vs. Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio in a TLC match for the World title, so Cena goes on last. Mysterio came out in a Gene Simmons mask.

Edge won the title for the 10th time. Fantastic match. The match wa filled with spots where three guys would get laid out and the fourth would climb and then someone would recover and block. Tons of big spots here. The finish saw Del Rio climb, but Mysterio knocked over the ladder and Del Rio flew off the ladder over the top rope through a table on the floor. Then Mysterio went to give Kane a quebrada (lionsault) but Kane caught him and dropped him on his head with a tombstone piledriver. Kane climbed and Edge hit Kane with a chair to the backand hip. Then Edge speared Kane off the apron and Kane flew off backwards through a table. Edge then climbed to the top and unhooked the belt to win.

Cody Rhodes came out. Grooming tips this late in the show. He ripped on the fans in Houston who are carriers of a repulsive epidemic called IJS. Irritable jowel syndrome. Said Houston was on the list of fattest cities in America. The Bellas and Santa Claus came out. Big Show was Santa. Cody called him Big Show. Pushing the Knucklehead DVD. Rhodes said he had no dignity with the photo of him in his underwear. Show said Cody was too busy dieting and always in a bad mood. Rhodes said how ridiculous it was that Show was starring in a movie and not him. He called Show "Vanilla Shreck." Show said he could get Cody a job in "Knucklhead II." Not sure about that. The segment ended with Show giving Rhodes a spinebuster slam and tore off his suit and shirt and left him in his underwear. Show did the fake laughing at Rhodes in his underwear which came off bad because absolutely nobody in the arena was laughing.

Cena laid out Harris with a chair shot so now there's only member left, Barrett.

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett in a chairs match

Another good match. Tons of chair shots throughout the match. Cena won clean. He delivered a chair to the gut and a wicked shot to the back. Cena then set up six chairs in the middle of the ring and gave Barrett the Attitude Adjustment onto the chairs and got the pin. Barrett crawled to the back and Cena gave himtwo more hard chair shots to the back when it was over. The idea is that Cena took out all of Nexus this week as he promised. He dropped a cart on Barrett and pulled a rope so a ton of chairs fell on the cart, which actually protected Barrett. Came across like a blow-off of the program.

Thanks for the update KK. Sounds like a decent ppv, but im just not going to have time to watch it. Hopefully fit in Raw though.

I'm assuming that the Cena & Nexus thing may now be over but if that's the case then where to for Cena? Morrison and Miz will now fued for the title at least for the next month. Maybe Cena will just big up his chances for the Rumble, this is also the route that i expect Orton and sheamus to go down. I'm i'm expecting some sort of mini fued between those 3 about how they are going to win the rumble :fp:

Shoe Army
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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Codename 47 » Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:15 pm

Hmmm, i wonder what's next for the Nexus? Cena's single handedly( :| ) beat the crap out of all of them and destroyed Barrett last night, i just don't see how they can come back from this to be honest. Unless they do something spectacular, like completely destroy some big name superstars as their way of saying "if you think nexus is dead, think again, i'm not sure what else they can do to come back from this.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by E-Man » Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:08 pm

I really enjoyed TLC last night, one of the better PPVs in recent times. Using the same gimmicks for several of the matches was a little over the top but in general every match was at least decent. Good stuff.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by KK » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:00 pm

Anyone fancy predicting what's going to be in-store for WrestleMania 27 next year?

Kane Vs Undertaker

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Chocolate Jim » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:01 pm

I ended up watching a bit of the TLC PPV on a stream last night and enjoyed what I saw ....

the opening IC belt clash was fantastic,
the womens match was probably the best womens bout I have seen for years on WWE television
the Morisson vs Sheamus match was incredible in it's storytelling (big props for those two!!)
the tag team match sent me to sleep :lol: :lol:

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Mockmaster » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:03 pm

Miz vs Cena
Sheamus vs Triple H
Kane vs Undertaker
Edge vs Christian
CM Punk vs whoever 'wronged' him

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by KK » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:12 pm

Mockmaster wrote:Sheamus vs Triple H

I think this one is currently scheduled for the Royal Rumble.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Mockmaster » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:14 pm

KKLEIN wrote:
Mockmaster wrote:Sheamus vs Triple H

I think this one is currently scheduled for the Royal Rumble.

I could see them stringing it out till Mania.

Sheamus probably wins at the Rumble. Then they'll both be involved in the Elimination Chamber and Sheamus will pin Triple H or cost him the match. Then he gets his revenge at Mania.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by gaminglegend » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:17 pm

HHH vs Barret?

Check out the GRCADE Beer Money Thread - Free share (with Robinhood), £20 with HSBC new app Zing & Bank Switch Offers £££! :msgreen:
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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Mockmaster » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:19 pm

Alberto Del Rio vs a returning JBL

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Skippy » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:28 pm

Unfortunately I think we're gonna see Orton/Cena at 'Mania but the rest of the card could be good.

Sheamus/Taker, HHH/Del Rio, Rey/Miz, Bryan/Punk, Jericho/JoMo

Would like to see any of those.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by J. Vengeance » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:43 pm

KKLEIN wrote:
Mockmaster wrote:Sheamus vs Triple H

I think this one is currently scheduled for the Royal Rumble.

I hope not, HHH should return in the rumble match and eliminate Sheamus, then drag it out till Wrestlemania.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Return_of_the_STAR » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:57 pm

J.Vengeance wrote:
KKLEIN wrote:
Mockmaster wrote:Sheamus vs Triple H

I think this one is currently scheduled for the Royal Rumble.

I hope not, HHH should return in the rumble match and eliminate Sheamus, then drag it out till Wrestlemania.

That's what I'm assuming will happen. They will probably both be in the elimination chamber title match as well so they don't go one on one till mania.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by KK » Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:02 pm

Would look a bit bad though wouldn't it - Triple H beating him two years running at Mania.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Return_of_the_STAR » Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:59 pm

KKLEIN wrote:Would look a bit bad though wouldn't it - Triple H beating him two years running at Mania.

Yeah I forgot that they faced each other at last years mania. However I think that will only make WWE more likely to do it.

Shoe Army
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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Ginga » Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:34 pm

La la la la la, la la la Lucien wrote:
KKLEIN wrote:Anyone fancy predicting what's going to be in-store for WrestleMania 27 next year?

Kane Vs Undertaker

I hope so. They could do something like... Kane is afraid of the Undertaker and doesn't think he'll come back. But at Wrestlemania he does! They could have priests chanting and then Kane could be shown to be upset and then he gets beaten.

Kane should then go away and Paul Bearer returns only to screw the Undertaker and side with a returning Mankind before telling Taker that he's got a secret and the secret turns out to be that he's got a brother who is Kane and he turns up a Hell in a Cell and tears the door off and tombstones him and then Taker won't fight him until WrestleMania and then they have an inferno match and then they forget they hate each other and they become tag team champions and then the end.

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PostRe: The Wrestling Thread: WWE SmackDown Live! Tuesday, 2am
by Return_of_the_STAR » Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:55 pm

Ginga wrote:
La la la la la, la la la Lucien wrote:
KKLEIN wrote:Anyone fancy predicting what's going to be in-store for WrestleMania 27 next year?

Kane Vs Undertaker

I hope so. They could do something like... Kane is afraid of the Undertaker and doesn't think he'll come back. But at Wrestlemania he does! They could have priests chanting and then Kane could be shown to be upset and then he gets beaten.

Kane should then go away and Paul Bearer returns only to screw the Undertaker and side with a returning Mankind before telling Taker that he's got a secret and the secret turns out to be that he's got a brother who is Kane and he turns up a Hell in a Cell and tears the door off and tombstones him and then Taker won't fight him until WrestleMania and then they have an inferno match and then they forget they hate each other and they become tag team champions and then the end.

That's a massively wild imagination that you have there but sadly i don't think WWE have ever been creative enough to come up with something like that.

Shoe Army

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