The Official Lost Thread-(The End from pg. 197)

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PostThe Official Lost Thread-(The End from pg. 197)
by DrDoom » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:30 pm

Episode 6.01/6.02
Title:LA X
Synopsis: On the season premiere episode, "LA X" Parts 1 & 2, the aftermath from Juliet's detonation of the hydrogen bomb is revealed.
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Episode 6.03 (9th Feb 2010)
Title: What Kate Does
Centricity: Kate
Synopsis: Kate finds herself on the run, while Jack is tasked with something that could endanger a friend's life.
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Episode 6.04 (16th Feb 2010)
Title: The Substitute
Centricity: Locke
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Episode 6.05 (23rd Feb 2010)
Title: Lighthouse
Centricity: Jack
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Episode 6.06 (2nd March 2010)
Title: Sundown
Centricity: Sayid
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Episode 6.07 (9th March 2010)
Title: Dr Linus
Centricity: Ben, duh.
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Episode 6.08 (16th March 2010)
Title: Recon
Centricity: Sawyer
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Episode 6.09 (23rd March 2010)
Title: Ab Aeterno
Centricity: Alpert!
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Episode 6.10 (30th March 2010)
Title: The Package
Centricity: Jin/Sun
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Episode 6.11 (6th April 2010)
Title: Happily ever after
Centricity: Desmond
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Episode 6.12 (13th April 2010)
Title: Everybody loves Hugo
Centricity: Hurley
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Episode 6.13 (20th April 2010)
Title: The Last Candidate
Centricity: Multi

Episode 6.14 (4th May 2010)
Title: The Candidate
Centricity: Jack

Episode 6.15 (11th May 2010)
Title: Across the Sea
Centricity: MIB/Jacob

Episode 6.16 (18th May 2010)
Title: What they died for
Centricity: Multi

Episode 6.17-6.18
Title: The End
Centricity: N/A

Past Episode Links
Lost Season 1
121 (This says ep 1.22 but is actually 1.21)

Lost Season 2

Lost Season 3
300 The Answers

Every Lost Mystery and how it was answered:
LOST: The Complete List of Mysteries and Answers

Pilot (Part 1)
How did Jack end up in the jungle?
What is the significance of the white tennis shoe hanging from the tree in the jungle?
Answered: 316 (It is implied to be Christian’s. Jack said that after he arrived in Sydney to pick up his father, he put on his father’s feet a pair of his own shoes because no one would see his feet and he didn’t believe it to be worth his time or money to go out and buy him shoes)
How did Oceanic Flight 815 crash?
Answered: Live Together, Die Alone (Desmond failed to enter the numbers in the hatch, causing a system failure and allowing the electromagnetism to reach a dangerously high level, which tore the plane apart)
What happened to the tail section?
Answered: Everybody Hates Hugo, The Other 48 Days (It crashed in the water, but 22 survived. They were infiltrated by one of the Others, who was later killed by Ana Lucia. Some died of injuries, some were taken by the Others, leaving only four remaining when they merged with the fuselage survivors)
What is the monster?
Answered: Exodus, the 23rd Psalm, The Cost of Living, Left Behind, LA X, Across the Sea, The End (The “monster” was once a human who arrived on the island around two thousand years ago while still in his mother’s womb. His mother, a Roman named Claudia shipwrecked with her people and was found by a woman who had been living on the island for an unknown amount of time. She helped Claudia give birth to twins, the first being Jacob and the second being the unnamed boy who would later become the monster. The woman killed Claudia shortly after and raised the twins as her own. She would show Jacob and the Boy in Black the source of the island’s powers, a powerful light within a cave, and tell them that one of them would one day become the protector of the Light. When the Boy learned of the existence of his mother’s people living on the island, he joined them and lived there for years in an attempt to leave the island. While living with them, he became convinced humanity was inherently “greedy, manipulative, untrustworthy, and selfish” but found their curiosity useful, specifically in the wells they dug to access pockets of electromagnetism that naturally existed beneath the island. After telling Mother of his plans to use this energy to leave the island, she filled in the well and killed the entire settlement of people he was living with. Mother made Jacob the Protector before the Man in Black murdered her out of rage, and Jacob in turn beat him and threw him into the Source, reflecting on Mother’s words that entering the Light would be worse than death. The extremely high level of electromagnetism killed the mortal Man in Black and made the living essence of the man he once was the smoke monster, an immortal shape-shifting entity. For the next two thousand years, Jacob would devote his time to making sure the Man in Black could not leave the island, convinced that his evil nature would corrupt the world.)
What happened to Bernard, Rose’s husband?
Answered: Everybody Hates Hugo, The Other 48 Days (He survived the tail-section crash and is alive)
Who is the father of Claire’s baby?
Answered: Raised by Another (Thomas, her ex-boyfriend)
Why has no one found the island?
Answered: 316 (The island’s location is not constant, and it continuously moves as a result of its unique properties)
What was the letter that Sawyer was reading on the beach?
Answered: Confidence Man (The letter he wrote to the real Sawyer, who conned his mother, which resulted in the deaths of his parents)
What is the secret Locke told Walt?
Answered: Tabula Rasa (Walt says “Mr. Locke told me a miracle happened to him.”)
Why are there polar bears on the island?
Answered: Orientation, A Tale of Two Cities, The Man Behind the Curtain, Confirmed Dead, Some Like It Hoth, New Man in Charge epilogue (The DHARMA Initiative studied various fields on the island, zoology being one of them. Because of their keen memory and adaptability, they were brought to the island and used in biological experiments at the Hydra station. After solving a complex puzzle, they were shipped to the Orchid station, where they were used in time travel experiments. After the Purge of DHARMA by the Hostiles, they escaped and roamed free on the island)
What did Kate do to become a criminal?
Answered: What Kate Did (She killed her abusive father after learning he was not her stepfather, as she had thought)
Where is the radio transmission being broadcasted from?
Answered: Solitary, Through the Looking Glass (A radio tower built by the DHARMA Initiative)
What did the French woman mean when she said “it killed them all”?
Answered: Solitary, The Little Prince (Danielle’s team was infected with a sickness after an encounter with the monster and their entrance into the Temple wall. Because it changed their personality to the point that Robert was willing to kill her, she killed the rest of her team, blaming their deaths on the Sickness)
What happened to the French woman?
Answered: Solitary (She has been living in seclusion on the island for the past sixteen years)

Tabula Rasa
What is the “miracle” that happened to Locke?
Answered: Walkabout (He regained the use of his legs after the crash)

Where did Locke learn to hunt?
Answered: Deus Ex Machina, The Greater Good, Further Instructions (He learned to hunt from his father, confirming it when Sayid asked and he told him this. He would also use and expand his nature skills on the commune)
Who is the woman in Sayid’s photograph?
Answered: Solitary (Nadia, a childhood friend and the woman he helped escape the Iraqi Republican Guard after being captured and threatened with execution)
What did Locke see when the monster emerged from the jungle?
Answered: The Cost of Living, Left Behind (He saw a “bright light” from the monster scanning him)
Who is the man in the suit that Jack saw in the jungle?
Answered: White Rabbit, The Last Recruit (It was the monster, taking the form of his father)
How did Locke lose the use of his legs?
Answered: The Man from Tallahassee (His father pushed him out of the window of an eight-story building after he confronted him about the murder of a man who found out he was a confidence man)
How was Locke able to regain the use of his legs after the crash?
Answered: Across the Sea, The End (Within the island is a powerful source of electromagnetic energy that has the ability to heal the sick at miraculous levels)

White Rabbit
If Jack’s father is dead, how was he appearing to him on the island?
Answered: The Cost of Living, LA X, The Last Recruit (He was seeing the Man in Black taking his father’s form. The Man in Black told Jack that he was leading him to water, but in light of the revelation that he wanted the candidates dead, he was most likely trying to lead him to the cliff he nearly fell off)
Why was “Christian” wearing white tennis shoes?
Answered: 316 (Jack said that after he arrived in Sydney to pick up his father, he put on his father’s feet a pair of his own shoes because no one would see his feet and he didn’t believe it to be worth his time or money to go out and buy him shoes)
What did Jack do to cause a falling-out with his father?
Answered: All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues(After learning that his father had been drinking before being called in to perform surgery on a pregnant woman who would die on the operating table, Jack turned him in to the medical board, which led them to taking his medical license away)
Why did Christian run away to Australia?
Answered: Two For the Road, Par Avion (He wanted to see his daughter, Claire Littleton)
What happened to the actual body of Christian Shephard?

House of the Rising Sun
Why did Jack get his tattoos?
Answered: Stranger in a Strange Land (He got them in Phuket, Thailand from Achara, a woman who had the ability to see who people are)
Who are Adam and Eve and how did they die?
Answered: Across the Sea (They are the two thousand year old bodies of the Man in Black, who became the smoke monster, and the mother of both he and Jacob, the island’s protector. Their mother died when the Man in Black killed her out of rage for slaughtering the people he lived with and destroying his only way off the island. Jacob killed the Man in Black because of this, throwing him into the Source, the island’s most powerful pocket of electromagnetic energy and the source of its healing powers, turning him into the smoke monster.)
What is the significance of the black and white stones one was carrying?
Answered: Across the Sea (They were the playing pieces of an ancient Egyptian game Jacob and the Man in Black used to play. Jacob placed them with his body in memory of him)
What did Jin do to get blood on his hands?
Answered: …In Translation (He beat up a man Sun’s father wanted dead in order to send a message and prevent his death)

The Moth
Who hit Sayid over the head while he was triangulating the distress signal?
Answered: The Greater Good (Locke hit him to protect them from going to the radio tower)

Confidence Man
Where did Sayid learn to torture?
Answered: Solitary, One of Them (During the Gulf War when the Americans invaded Iraq, Kelvin Inman persuaded Sayid to torture one of his commanding officers to reveal the location of a missing helicopter pilot. After the end of the war, he was promoted within the Republican Guard and used his newfound skills to torture military prisoners for several years)
Who is the real Sawyer?
Answered: The Brig (Anthony Cooper, Locke’s father)

What does the cable lead to?
Answered: Enter 77, Greatest Hits (It powers underwater beacons that guide the submarine to and from the island. It also powers the Looking Glass station)
Where did Danielle get all of her supplies and the bunker?
Answered: The Little Prince (Her supplies and shelter were salvaged from her ship wreck)
Who are the Others?
Answered: One of Us, The Man Behind the Curtain, Jughead, Whatever Happened Happened, Dead Is Dead, Ab Aeterno (The Others’ beginning started with the arrival of Richard Alpert on the Black Rock in 1867. After meeting him, Jacob explained that he disagreed with the idea of the Man in Black, his brother, that humanity is inherently greedy, manipulative, untrustworthy, and selfish, and that they are all corruptible. He had long been bringing people to the island in an effort to prove him wrong, but they all died at either their own hands or the Man in Black’s hands. Subsequently, he offered Richard a job as an intermediary between he and the people he brought to the island in exchange for agelessness. His lists would be brought between he and the Others through Richard, and named those he wanted brought in either as one of his followers or as a candidate to replace him. However, he remained unseen to almost everyone but Richard, as he wanted them to know the difference between right and wrong without being told. The people he brought to the island would have the chance to leave their pasts behind, regardless of what they had done. From then on, Jacob’s will would be unquestioned in the Others, and used in some cases as an ironic tool of manipulation. In 1954, the Others would become involved in hostilities with 18 soldiers from the US army and defensively killed them, taking their supplies and upgrading from their bows to guns. At this time, they would hide a hydrogen bomb called the Jughead the soldiers left behind in an ancient underground tunnel. In the early 70’s, war began with the DHARMA Initiative, a scientific research group who came to study the island’s unique properties. In 1973, a truce was agreed to by both parties, though its terms would begin to be broken by DHARMA, and the war would be revived at some point. At this time, the Others’ leadership stemmed from both Eloise Hawking and Charles Widmore, though Hawking would leave the island in the late 70’s. In 1988, Widmore ordered Benjamin Linus, the Others’ mole within the DHARMA Initiative, to kill Danielle Rousseau, a survivor of a shipwreck, and her daughter in the interest of Jacob. Ben took in Alex and began to challenge Widmore’s leadership. It was at this time that DHARMA’s term of residency on the island was supposed to end. In 1992, the Others, called the “Hostiles” by DHARMA, launched an attack on the Initiative called the Purge, using DHARMA’s own toxic gas, ending their time on the island. Soon after, Ben exiled Widmore for breaking the Others’ rules and became the leader. Under his leadership, he moved the Others into the DHARMA Barracks and recruited fertility doctor Juliet Burke to fix the island’s fertility problems so that women could conceive and have children on the island, though all attempts were unsuccessful.)
How did they get to be on the island?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (Some were brought to the island by Jacob, such as those on the Black Rock. Richard’s arrival would mean the start of the Others, though Jacob would play a decreased role in their activities as the years went on. While some were brought by Jacob, others were recruited into the Others, such as Juliet, who was brought by Ben)
How much of Danielle’s story is true?
Answered: This Place Is Death, Dead Is Dead (Much of it, such as the broadcasting of the numbers, the pillar of smoke, the Others taking Alex, Montand losing his arm, Robert trying to shoot her, and the sickness her team contracted, though it was because of the monster and not the Others. However, her time at the radio tower is unaccounted for. She claims that after her team was dead, she went to the radio tower and changed the message. But her message makes mention of Brennan being outside and having taken some keys, though he was already dead at this point. Also, DHARMA was still in existence so it is unknown how she was able to enter the radio tower and broadcast the distress signal. She associated the Others with the sickness and the whispers because Ben arrived to take Alex shortly after her team was infected, and he told her to run every time she heard whispers.)
What is the Black Rock?
Answered: Exodus, Ab Aeterno (A slave ship in the middle of the jungle. It left port at the Canary Islands and was brought to the Island by Jacob, arriving via a tidal wave)
Is there really a sickness, and if so, what is it?
Answered: This Place Is Death, What Kate Does (It is a sickness associated with the monster that is compared to a “growing darkness”, consuming the victim’s personality so that they no longer feel emotion)
What are the whispers?
Answered: Everybody Loves Hugo (The voices of those who have died on the island and are unable to move on)
What happened to Alex?
Answered: The Hunting Party, Dead Is Dead (She was kidnapped by Ben after Widmore, the leader of the Others, ordered him to kill both she and Danielle. After Ben exiled Widmore, he raised Danielle as his daughter without mentioning that she was not in fact his biological daughter)
Why did the Others take Alex?
Answered: Dead Is Dead (Charles Widmore, the leader of the Others at the time, ordered Ben to kill Alex and Danielle, acting under “Jacob’s orders”, but Ben could not bring himself to murder an infant and instead took her in)

Raised by Another
Why did Richard Malkin tell Claire that she had to raise her baby alone?
Answered: ? (This was most likely part of his plan to stop her current adoption and to give up her child to the couple in LA)
Was Richard Malkin an actual psychic?
Answered: ? (No, he confessed to Eko that he was a fraud)
Did Richard Malkin know about the plane crash?
Answered: ? (No, Malkin was lying to Claire in an effort to get her to give up her child for adoption)
Why was Ethan pretending to be one of the survivors?
Answered: A Tale of Two Cities, One of Them (Ben, in need of a spinal surgeon to remove his tumor and a pregnant woman to act as a control case for Juliet’s testing, had Ethan and Goodwin infiltrate the fuselage section survivors and the tail section survivors. Goodwin was used to bring “good people” from Jacob’s list into the Others and Ethan was used to administer Juliet’s serum to Claire)
What was Claire being injected with?
Answered: One of Them (Juliet had developed a serum meant to keep pregnant women alive during the later stages of their pregnancy. Ethan was secretly administering the serum to Claire, using her as their control case since she got pregnant off the island)

All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues
Why would Ethan kidnap Claire?
Answered: One of Us (Ethan was administering Juliet’s serum to Claire. After he discovered that Hurley was making a census, he panicked and kidnapped her to continue the research)
Where did Ethan take Claire?
Answered: Maternity Leave (He took her to the Staff, a DHARMA medical station)
What is inside the hatch?
Answered: Man of Science Man of Faith (Inside the hatch is a man named Desmond who crashed on the island and has been pushing a button every 108 minutes as a part of a station called the Swan, built by the DHARMA Initiative, a scientific research organization that once existed on the island.)

Whatever the Case May Be
Who was the man Kate loved and why did she kill him?
Answered: Born to Run (Tom Brennan, her childhood sweetheart. He was in her car when she wrecked trying to evade police, killing him)

Hearts and Minds
Why was Sawyer taken into the Australian police station?
Answered: Exodus (He got into a bar fight and hit the Minister of Agriculture)
What is the significance of Locke’s faulty compass?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone, There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3), Across the Sea (There are pockets of electromagnetic energy on the island that cause compasses to spin)
Why was the hatch built so it couldn’t be opened from the outside?
Answered: Answered:Enter 77, The Man Behind the Curtain, LaFleur (The DHARMA Initiative was at war with the “Hostiles”, their name for the Others, because of their presence on the island, and needed to keep the Swan secure)

What happened to Claire while she was gone?
Answered: Maternity Leave (She was taken to the Staff, a medical station under control of the Others, and was cared for by Ethan. The Others intended to keep her there until she gave birth as a part of their research into the island’s fertility problems)
What is the significance of Walt’s powers?

How was Ethan able to reach the beach camp from the water?
Answered: Every Man for Himself (The Others have a submarine)

Who was Kate married to?
Answered: I Do (Kevin Callis, a cop. She left him out of guilt for pretending to be someone she wasn’t)
What was the “Tampa Job”?

…In Translation

What is the significance of the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42?
Answered: The Lost Experience, The Substitute (In the wake of the Cuban Missile Crisis, scientist Enzo Valanzetti created an equation that predicted the end of the humanity, with the core values being those six numbers. His work would prompt the UN and the Hanso Foundation to fund DHARMA in an attempt to change those values and save mankind. Those numbers also refer to the six remaining candidates written in Jacob’s cave after his death: Locke, Reyes, Ford, Jarrah, Shephard, and Kwon. The reason for their recurrence in everyday life, however, is unknown and seems to stretch beyond the physical world)
Why was Hurley in a mental institution?
Answered: Dave (He was involved in a decking accident that killed two people. Believing his weight was the result of the collapse, he fell into a deep depression and a catatonic state, but never stopped eating. His mother had him committed into the institution.)
Why are the numbers on the side of the hatch?
Answered: Some Like It Hoth (They were the Swan station hatch’s serial number)

Deus Ex Machina
How did Locke have a vision of the drug smugglers’ plane crashing?
Who was in the drug smugglers’ plane and how did it crash?
Answered: The 23rd Psalm, Because You Left (Yemi, a priest and Eko’s brother, who was trying to get drugs out of Nigeria in exchange for vaccine for his village. There were also drug smugglers in the plane. When Locke saw it crash while the island was moving in time, it had a damaged turbine, presumably from entering the island during the violent time shifts)
Who said to Boone, “No, we’re the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815”?
Answered: The Other 48 Days (Bernard. He found a transceiver at the Arrow and picked up Boone’s transmission)
Why did the hatch light up when Locke began pounding on it?
Answered: Live Together, Die Alone (At the time, Desmond was beginning to emotionally break down as a result of his time in the hatch and was contemplating suicide. Hearing Locke pound on the hatch door made him realize he wasn’t alone and restored his faith and turned on the hatch’s light to see the silhouette of Locke)

Do No Harm
How did Jack’s marriage to Sarah end?
Answered: The Hunting Party (Jack’s over-dedication to his job caused them to drift apart and become entrapped in an emotionally-isolated relationship. She began having an affair and he kissed his patient’s daughter.)

Born to Run
How did Walt know about the hatch after Locke touched him and why didn’t he want him to open it?
Why was Kate’s mom so scared to see her?
Answered: What Kate Did, Left Behind (Kate blew up her father and Kate’s mother gave her up the police. When Kate later confronted her, Diane told her that if she saw her again, the first thing she’d do is yell for help)

Exodus (Pt 1)
How did the Black Rock get to be in the middle of the jungle?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (It was brought to the island by Jacob and washed into the middle of the jungle via a large tidal wave)
How did Montand lose his arm?
Answered: This Place Is Death, LA X (The monster attacked him and dragged him to the Temple wall after Danielle’s team arrived. When they grab his arm and try to pull him up, the monster severed it. He died shortly after and his body was left beneath the Temple wall.)

Exodus (pt 2)
Why did Claire scratch Danielle?
Answered: Maternity Leave (Danielle was trying to help her escape from the Others, but Claire was drugged and was resisting her help)
Why does the monster appear to be a moving cloud of black smoke?
Answered: Across the Sea (After the Man in Black’s body fell into the Source, his living spirit was removed from his body, leaving only the black smoke)
Were the survivors really brought to the island or was everything purely coincidence?
Answered: The Substitute, What They Died For(Many were brought to the island by Jacob as candidates to replace him as the protector of the island. However, their destinies were determined by their own choices)
Do those on the island have a destiny?
Answered: Ab Aeterno, What They Died For, The End (No, despite Jacob bringing to them to the island to find themselves, free-will always existed and their destinies were always controlled by their own choices)
What is the island?
Answered: Walkabout, S.O.S., Live Together Die Alone, Flashes Before Your Eyes, One of Us, D.O.C., The Economist, The Constant, Ji Yeon, Cabin Fever, There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3), Because You Left, The Lie, This Place Is Death, 316, Dead Is Dead, The Variable, The Incident, LA X, Ab Aeterno, Everybody Loves Hugo, Across the Sea, New Man in Charge epilogue(The island is ambiguously portrayed as both a geographical area with unique natural properties, and an entity with its own influence on the world around it. The main difference between the Island and any other known geographical area in the world is the high concentration of electromagnetism that resides in pockets deep within the ground. Because of this property, miraculous healing has been observed on the Island, including general wounds and sickness, cancer, paralysis, brain damage, and male infertility. However, the release of its energy during DHARMA’s occupation has caused the unintended consequence of pregnant women’s bodies rejecting the embryo in the second trimester, essentially preventing women who conceive on the island to also give birth there. However, simply leaving the island has been shown to ensure a healthy childbirth. These properties also cause the Island to behave in ways that alter normal space-time activity. The island’s location is frequently moving, and finding its location is only done through specific calculations. Even then so, a specific bearing must be followed to come and go from the Island, as those who have past exposure to radiation and electromagnetism are at risk for “temporal displacement”, a condition in which one’s consciousness moves back and forth through time, with the consequence of death if the victim is unable to find a constant factor in both timelines. Drugging and strapping down those who arrive and leave the Island is an effort to avoid such risks. Leaving the island without the calculation of a bearing that takes into account its space-time location has proved to be a futile effort. Remaining at a close proximity to the edge of the island’s boundaries has been shown to cause irrational behavior described as heightened “cabin fever”, driving one to commit suicide. Time itself exists differently on and off the island, with physical objects sometimes arriving sooner or later than they otherwise would. The pockets of electromagnetic energy within the Island have been shown to cause both physical and conscious time-travel upon its release. After Desmond turned the failsafe key and released the energy under the Swan, approximately thirty thousand times stronger than the pocket under the Orchid, his consciousness traveled back in time for a short period, only protected from death because of his unprecedented resistance to electromagnetism. The energy was enough to be picked up in a station in Antarctica. Turning a wheel beneath the Orchid station has the potential to physically move the island and move some of its inhabitants through space-time, with an eventual consequence being death as a result of the temporal displacement “jet lag” that leads to a brain aneurysm. The Heart of the Island is its most powerful source of electromagnetic energy, said to hold “life, death, and rebirth”. Its energy it kept at bay by a stone cork that keeps water flowing from a waterfall to other parts of the island., including the Temple, where a spring is able to heal the sick and wounded. Removing the cork for a long enough period of time can result in catastrophic results for the Island and possibly the entire world. The role of a “Protector” of this Source has unknown origins, though it seemingly gives that individual a share of the Island’s power, having abilities such as premonition, “summoning” people to the Island, and making people ageless or healed. Exposure to the Source can kill some, while others, such as the Man in Black, have experienced physical transformation, as his mortal body was killed and he was transformed into the entity known as the Monster. The Island is also the site of supernatural activity, with some of those who die there being unable to “move on”, manifesting themselves only as scattered whispers in the jungle. Human occupation on the island has been occurring for thousands of years, with a very early Egyptian presence being hinted at by the many ruins they left beind. In the Classical Roman era, Jacob and his brother arrived, along with their mother and the other people on their boat. Other arrivals include the Black Rock, a US Army presence, the DHARMA Initiative, a French science team, Oceanic Flight 815, and Ajira Flight 316.)
Where do the Others live?
Answered: A Tale of Two Cities (In the Barracks, a suburban-type neighborhood in the middle of the jungle, formerly occupied by the DHARMA Initiative)
Why did the Others take Walt?
Debatable/Answered: Room 23 mobisode, One of Us (Ben told Juliet that Jacob wanted Walt brought in, though it is unclear if this is the truth. It is known that the Others took Zach and Emma to give them a better life or because they were on Jacob’s list, or both. Another possible reason is that due to the island’s fertility problems, Ben’s kidnappings were an effort to keep the Others populated)

Man of Science, Man of Faith
What does the computer in the hatch do?
Answered: Adrift (It is used to enter the numbers and restart the timer)
Why are there guns in the hatch?
Answered:Enter 77, The Man Behind the Curtain, LaFleur (The DHARMA Initiative was at war with the “Hostiles”, their name for the Others, because of their presence on the island)
What is the vaccine that Desmond injects himself with?
Unanswered/Debatable: Live Together Die Alone, The Little Prince, Sundown (It has not been confirmed what “sickness” the vaccine supposedly prevents, but it may be related to the Sickness caused by the influence of the monster, which alters the mental state of the victim)
How did Desmond end up in the hatch?
Answered: Orientation, Live Together Die Alone ()
Who built the hatch and why?
Answered: Orientation, Namaste, The Variable, The Incident (The DHARMA Initiative came to the island because of its unique properties. Stuart Radzinsky designed the Swan to study the island’s unique pockets of electromagnetism, and designed the station over one of the pockets. He drilled directly into one, causing a “leak” and, combined with the detonation of the Jughead hydrogen bomb, the electromagnetism was exposed and the hatch’s purpose was redesigned to contain the level of energy by pushing the button every 108 minutes)
Why does the hatch door say “Quarantine” on it?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone, The Man Behind the Curtain (DHARMA was either under the belief or created the idea that there was a sickness on the island)
Is the Adam Rutherford whom Sarah’s car hit related to Shannon?
Answered: Abandoned (Yes, he was her father)
How did Walt appear to Shannon, dripping wet and speaking backwards?
What is behind the magnetic wall?
Answered: Orientation, Live Together Die Alone, The Variable, the Incident, Across the Sea, The End (Within the island, there are naturally-occurring pockets of strong electromagnetic energy existing at levels that can heal the sick and be manipulated to enable time travel. Behind the magnetic wall is one of these pockets, 30,000 times stronger than the one at the Orchid, and was drilled into by the DHARMA Initiative for research purposes)
What happened to Kate after she went down the hatch?
Answered: Adrift (She and Locke were captured by Desmond, and she was tied up)

Who is the “him” Desmond expected Locke to be?
Answered: Because You Left (His replacement)
What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (Smells like carrots)
Why do the numbers have to be put in the computer every 108 minutes?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone, The Variable, The Incident (DHARMA drilling into the pocket, combined with the detonation of the Jughead’s core, caused the Incident, in which the pocket of electromagnetism grew at a level that could’ve been globally catastrophic. DHARMA sealed the area around the pocket with concrete and redesigned the Swan to keep the energy at bay by pushing the button every 108 minutes)
What happens if the timer reaches zero?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (The electromagnetism within the Swan reaches an uncontainable level with potentially catastrophic results on a global scale)
Why did Desmond ask Locke if any of the survivors got sick?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (He was led to believe that there was a sickness on the island by Kelvin)
Who are the people Sawyer and Michael encounter after washing ashore?
Answered: Everybody Hates Hugo (The tail-section survivors)
Why was Jin tied up?
Answered: The Other 48 Days (They believed he was an Other)

Who was Kelvin and how did he die?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (He was one of the last remaining DHARMA Initiative members who had been stationed in the Swan and pushing the button for years. He lied to Desmond about a sickness on the island and told him that there was no outside world. When Desmond learned that Kelvin was sneaking off every day to fix Desmond’s sailboat in an attempt to leave the island, Desmond attacked him and accidentally killed him)
Does pushing the button really “save the world” or is it just a psychological experiment?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone, The Incident (Yes, the button contains the growing electromagnetism and prevents it from growing to dangerous levels)
What was DHARMA’s purpose?
Answered: The Man Behind the Curtain, The Lost Experience ARG, There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3), Because You Left, The Incident, The Package (At some point before the 70’s, a man named Enzo Valanzetti developed an equation in the wake of the Cold War that predicted the end of mankind based on human and environmental factors, with six core values making the equation’s foundation. To change the course of history and humanity’s extinction, one of those values needed to be changed. Alvar Hanso, a former World War II arms dealer and founder of the Hanso Foundation founded the DHARMA Initiative, a scientific research program headed by Karen and Gerald DeGroot. In the late 60’s to early 70’s, they began looking for the Island, with an unknown man finding its coordinates by building a station over a pocket of electromagnetic energy in Los Angeles, which would then calculate the locations of similar pockets, among them being the island. DHARMA would arrive on the island and begin searching for these electromagnetic pockets for research in fields such as time travel, but were thwarted by a war with the Island’s indigenous natives they dubbed “The Hostiles”.)
What happened to the DHARMA Initiative?
Answered: Enter 77, The Man Behind the Curtain (They waged war with the “Hostiles”, the island’s natives, and were eventually killed in a genocide called “The Purge”)
What does DHARMA stand for?
Answered: “The Lost Experience” (The Department of Heuristics and Research on Material Applications)
Where did the DHARMA Initiative members reside on the island?
Answered: Enter 77 (They lived in the Barracks, a small suburban-type community on the northern side of the island)
What are the rest of the stations on the island?
Answered: Everybody Hates Hugo, Because You Left, Maternity Leave, ?, A Tale of Two Cities, Enter 77, Greatest Hits, The Other Woman, There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 1), 316 (The Arrow, a defense station; The Staff, a medical station; The Pearl, a psychological station; The Hydra, a biological experimentation and psychological station; The Flame, a communications station; The Looking Glass, an underwater beacon station that guides submarines with additional communications purposes; The Tempest, a gas-production hatch; The Orchid, a station trying to harness electromagnetic energy to study time travel; The Lamp Post, an off-island station in Los Angeles built over a pocket of energy similar to the ones on the island, which calculates the island’s next location)
What happened to “Marvin Candle’s” arm?
Answered: The Incident (During the Incident, in which a pocket of electromagnetism was drilled into, the construction site for the Swan began to be dragged inward by the strong magnetic force. His hand was crushed by a metal beam in the process)
What happened to Locke’s relationship with Helen?
Answered: Lockdown (Because he lied to her about seeing his father, who had faked his death, she left him)
Who is the woman in the photograph with Desmond?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (Penelope Widmore, his ex girlfriend)
What was “the incident”?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone, The Variable, The Incident (The events that resulted in Incident began when Stuart Radzinsky, the architect of the Swan station, drilled into a pocket of electromagnetic energy thirty thousand times stronger than that in the Orchid. This anomaly began to devastate the construction site, but was not alone the cause of the Incident. Daniel Faraday, having traveled back in time with the rest of the survivors, formulated a plan that involved detonating the core of a hydrogen bomb over the pocket of energy, which would stop the Swan from ever being built, Flight 815 from crashing on the island, the Kahana being sent to the island, and everything else in the long chain of events that resulted as a cause of the station’s construction. The bomb would later be detonated, but actually caused the Incident rather than prevented it. In the aftermath of the devestation, DHARMA would pour concrete over the entire area and restructure the purpose of the Swan to pushing a button that would keep the continuously growing energy at bay.)
What is the current status of Alvar Hanso and the DeGroots?

Everybody Hates Hugo
What happened for DHARMA to pour concrete around an entire section of the hatch?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone, The Incident (DHARMA’s drilling into the pocket of electromagnetism located at the Swan site, combined with the detonation of a hydrogen bomb’s core, caused the energy to grow at a nearly uncontrollable level, prompting DHARMA to pour concrete around it in an attempt to contain it)
What happened to the rest of the tail-section survivors?
Answered: Abandoned, The Other 48 Days (Four died of their injuries, twelve were taken by the Others, one was killed by Goodwin, who himself was an Other infiltrating their camp)
What was the purpose of the Arrow station?
Answered: Because You Left (It was used to develop defensive strategies and gather intelligence against the Hostiles)

...And Found
Who was Goodwin and how did he die?
Answered: The Other 48 Days (He was an Other who infiltrated the tail-section survivors’ camp to provide information regarding them to the Others so that they could take who they needed. When Ana discovered his true identity, she confronted and killed him)
Why was one of the Others carrying a teddy bear?
Answered: The Other 48 Days (He was Zach, one of the children the Others kidnapped)
What happened between the Others and the tail-section survivors?
Answered: Abandoned, The Other 48 Days (The Others kidnapped twelve of the tail-section survivors, and one of them infiltrated their camp before he was discovered and killed)

What did Ana mean when she told Eko she liked him better when he wasn’t talking?
Answered: The Other 48 Days (He took a vow of silence after he killed two of the Others)
What happened to Cindy?
Answered: Stranger in a Strange Land (She was taken by the Others to be given a better life)
Why did Ana shoot Shannon?
Answered: The Other 48 Days (She shot her in confusion after hearing the whispers, believing she was an Other)

The Other 48 Days
Why did the Others have a list of the tail-section survivors they took?
Answered: The Incident, Ab Aeterno (The Others’ unseen leader, Jacob, had the fundamental belief that humanity was good and wanted them to see the difference between right and wrong without being told, an idea that contrasted with his unnamed brother, who believed they were all corruptible. Making Richard his intermediary for the people he would bring to the island in an attempt to prove his brother wrong, he would constantly give him lists of the names of people he wanted brought in by the group of people later called “The Others”)
Who did the glass eye in the Arrow belong to?
How did Goodwin have a US army knife at least twenty years old?
Answered: Jughead (The US Army was present on the army in 1954 when they were surveying islands in the South Pacific on which to test hydrogen bombs. When the 18 soldiers refused to leave, Richard had them killed and then occupied their camp)
Why did the Others take some of the survivors?
Answered: Stranger in a Strange Land, The Other Woman, The Incident, Ab Aeterno (The Others’ unseen leader, Jacob, had the fundamental belief that humanity was good and wanted them to see the difference between right and wrong without being told, an idea that contrasted with his unnamed brother, who believed they were all corruptible. Making Richard his intermediary for the people he would bring to the island in an attempt to prove his brother wrong, he would constantly give him lists of the names of people he wanted brought in by the group of people later called “The Others”. Cindy, Zach, Emma, and the other tail-section survivors they took were on Jacob’s list and brought into the Others, as they were told, to give them a better life.)

What Kate Did
Where did the black horse come from?
Answered: Enter 77 (The Others are in possession of several animals, including horses at the Flame)
How did Wayne seemingly talk to Kate through Sawyer?
Was Michael really talking to Walt on the computer?
Answered: Three Minutes (No, he was being led to the Others)
Why are there blast doors in the hatch?
Answered: Enter 77, The Man Behind the Curtain, LaFleur (The DHARMA Initiative was at war with the “Hostiles”, their name for the Others, because of their presence on the island. The blast doors were presumably to protect the Swan station residents in case of a Hostile incursion)
Who spliced the orientation film?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (Radzinsky, the man who pushed the button with Kelvin)
Why was the orientation film spliced and put in the Arrow?

The 23rd Psalm
Why did the monster appear to “scan” Eko?
Answered: Left Behind, LA X, The Last Recruit (The monster has the ability to “scan” people and see into their memories)

The Hunting Party
Where did Michael go?
Answered: Three Minutes (The Others led him into a trap using the Swan computer and took him back to their village. They told him that he and Walt could leave the island if he brought Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley to them and released “Henry Gale”)
How do the Others know so much about the survivors?
Answered: One of Us (They have a submarine, people off of the island, access to a communications station, and many resources. After the crash, Ben ordered detailed files to be made on all of the passengers)
Who was Sarah having an affair with?
Is the “Alex” that Tom calls in the jungle Danielle’s daughter?
Answered: Maternity Leave (Yes, she is alive and living with the Others)

Fire + Water
Where did Hurley recognize Libby from?
Answered: Dave (Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute, when she was a patient)

The Long Con
Where was the radio transmission playing music coming from?
Answered: The Constant, Cabin Fever, There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3), Because You Left (Because of the island’s unique properties and irregular movement of things on and off the island, they were picking up a signal from the 1940’s)

One of Them
Is Henry Gale telling the truth or is he an Other?
Answered: Lockdown (He is an Other)
Do the Others know about the Swan and pushing the button?
Answered: Expose (Yes, they have been watching the survivors in the Swan)

Maternity Leave
What was Ethan injecting Claire with?
Answered: One of Them (Juliet had developed a serum meant to keep pregnant women alive during the later stages of their pregnancy. Ethan was administering the serum to Claire, using her as their control case since she got pregnant off the island)
Who is the “he” that Ethan and the bearded man from the raft answer to?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (Ben, the leader of the Others)
What is the significance of the fake beards and the Others pretending to be primitive natives?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone, A Tale of Two Cities (This was part of their ruse to fool the survivors and keep them in the dark about the Others’ true nature)
Where did all the medical equipment go?
Answered: D.O.C. (It was moved behind a hidden door)

The Whole Truth
When did Kate use a pregnancy test?
Answered: I Do (She tested her pregnancy during her brief marriage to Kevin Callis)
If Jin is infertile, how could Sun be pregnant?
Answered: D.O.C (Due to the island’s properties, sperm count is five times higher)

How did Henry Gale die?
Why did the lockdown suddenly occur?
Answered: Dave, New Man in Charge epilogue (As speculated in “Dave” and supported by the epilogue, it is implied to have occurred as part of the food drop procedure)
Why was Jack in Thailand?
Answered: Stranger in a Strange Land (He took a vacation after his breakup with Sarah)
What is the “?” on the blast door map?
Answered: ? (It is the target made on the ground so that the Pearl station could be found from above)
Who drew the blast door map?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (It was started by Radzinsky, who had a photographic memory, and continued by Kelvin)
Where did the food drop come from?
Answered: New Man in Charge epilogue (A secret DHARMA shipping station in Guam had been running for years, including after the Purge, kept in operation by Ben, who didn’t inform the two men working there that DHARMA no longer existed. They received products, labeled them, and shipped them in palettes using coordinates automatically sent from the Lamp Post station)
What is “Henry Gale’s” real name?
Answered: A Tale of Two Cities (Ben)
What was “Henry Gale” doing when he broke the truce and got captured?
Answered: Two for the Road (He tells Locke that he was coming to bring him to the Others)

How did Dave appear to Hurley on the island?
Why was Libby in the mental institution?

What is the cause of the island’s healing properties?
Answered: Across the Sea, The End (Within the island is a source of powerful electromagnetic energy which has the ability to heal the sick at miraculous levels)

Two for the Road
Who is Christian’s Australian daughter?
Answered: Par Avion (Claire)
Why did Michael kill Libby and Ana Lucia and free “Henry Gale”?
Answered: Three Minutes, Live Together Die Alone (After the Others led him into a trap by pretending to be Walt on the Swan station computer, they offered to let both he and Walt leave the island if he did two things: bring Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley to the Others, and let “Henry Gale” go. He killed Ana Lucia at his own discretion, and killed Libby out of shock at her sudden appearance.)

Where does the pneumatic tube go?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (They are dumped in an open field on the island, meaning the Pearl is actually the psychological experiement)
Is the Swan a psychological experiment or is the Pearl?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (The Pearl)
What is the true identity of Marvin Candle/Mark Wickmund?
Answered: Because You Left (Pierre Chang)
Why does the man in the Orientation films use false aliases?
Answered: New Man in Charge epilogue (In the Hydra orientation video, Pierre states that if his identity were revealed, he would resort to using aliases)
What is the significance of the log printout from the Pearl?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (It is a log of every time the button is pushed or not pushed)
Who has been using the Pearl?
Answered: Expose (The Others have been using it to observe the survivors in the Swan)

Three Minutes
What is in the hatch in the Others’ decoy village?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone (Nothing, it was a part of the Others’ ruse. Behind the door is only solid rock wall)
Why did Ms. Klugh ask so much about Walt, including if he ever “appeared in a place he wasn’t supposed to be?
Answered: Room 23 mobisode (While in the Others’ captivity, Walt displayed surprising behavior, including the attraction of many birds to where he was being kept, and presumably his ability to appear in places he wasn’t)
What are the “tests” the Others made Walt take?
What is the “room” Bea threatened to put Walt in?
Answered: Not in Portland, Room 23 mobisode (Room 23, a room at the Hydra compound used for psychological testing)
Why do the Others want Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley?
Answered: Live Together Die Alone, The Cost of Living, Expose (Hurley was there to warn the rest of the camp not to try and rescue Jack, Kate, and Sawyer. Jack was needed to remove the tumor on Ben’s spinal column. And Kate and Sawyer were used as emotional leverage against Jack to force him to operate.)

Live Together Die Alone
What did Desmond do to be dishonorably discharged from the military?
What did the four-toed statue depict?
Answered: The Incident (Taweret, the Egyptian goddess of protection, birth, and fertility)
Why does the statue only have four toes?
Answered: The Incident (Because Taweret is only depicted as having four toes)
How was the statue broken?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (When Jacob brought the Black Rock to the island via a violent storm, a tidal wave carrying the Black Rock smashed into the statue)
Who built the statue and why?
Why did Radzinsky splice the orientation film?
Why did Radzinsky start drawing the blast door map?
Why did Radzinsky supposedly kill himself?
How did Radzinsky know about the lockdown procedure?
Answered: Namaste (He designed and helped build the Swan)
What happened to the rest of the DHARMA Initiative if Kelvin is still present on the island?
Answered: The Man Behind the Curtain (They were purged by the Hostiles, the island’s native inhabitants, at the end of a war between the two groups using toxic gas)
What is Kelvin and DHARMA’s relationship to the “Hostiles”, or Others?
Answered: Enter 77, The Man Behind the Curtain, LaFleur, The Incident (When DHARMA arrived on the island, a war began between the Hostiles and DHARMA over their presence on the island. A temporary Truce was eventually agreed to by both parties, which limited DHARMA’s presence both in location and time on the island. DHARMA eventually began to secretly break the terms of the Truce by building stations outside of their allowed perimeter and, following the events of the Incident, war began once again. In 1992, with the help of Benjamin Linus, a man who grew up living with DHARMA but defected to the Hostiles, they were able to gain control of a gas-production station and use it to launch an attack on the DHARMA Initiative called the Purge, which killed nearly all of them. The Hostiles presumably allowed Kelvin to live because of his work in the Swan)
What was the large bird that supposedly squawked Hurley’s name in the jungle?
Answered: New Man in Charge epilogue (It was a part of DHARMA’s biological experiments in which they tested gentic alteration on animals to create hybrids and see how they adapted to the unique properties of the island)
What did Ben mean when he said they “got more than we bargained for” with Walt?
Answered: Room 23 mobisode (While in the captivity of the Others, Walt began to show his unique abilities, which scared the Others to the point that they refused to go into the room he was being kept. Juliet would show Ben a pile of dead birds outside of Room 23, presumably caused by his abilities)
Why does a certain bearing have to be followed to get off the island?
Answered: The Constant, Ji Yeon (For some people, there are side effects from coming and going to the island, especially those who have been exposed to radioactivity or electromagnetism. Among these side effects is the person’s consciousness becoming “unstuck” in time until possible death. Going through certain coordinates minimizes the risk. Also, remaining at a close proximity to the island’s “barrier” results in a “heightened case of cabin fever”, which can drive one to committing suicide)
What happened to the hatch after Desmond turned the key?
Answered: Further Instructions (It imploded and the electromagnetism was released)
What happened to Desmond, Locke, and Eko after Desmond turned the key?
Answered: Further Instructions, Flashes Before Your Eyes, Happily Ever After (Locke and Eko were both physically transported out of the Swan. Desmond, as a result of turning the failsafe key and his resistance to electromagnetism, was consciously sent back in time to 1996 for a short period of time and later awakened in the jungle, naked)
What is the fate of Michael and Walt after leaving the island?
Answered: Meet Kevin Johnson (They followed Ben’s bearing until they reached a populated island and took a plane back to the US. Walt began living with Michael’s mother and they both took false names, lying about where they had been for the past two months. Michael, out of guilt for killing Ana Lucia and Libby, tried to kill himself, but was later told by Tom that the island wouldn’t let him die because it wasn’t done with him. Ben and Tom would recruit Michael to be a mole on Widmore’s freighter in an attempt to stop his plan to retrieve Ben and kill everyone else on the island.)
How does Penny know about the island and its electromagnetic properties, and that Desmond is on it?
Did Penny find the location of the island?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (Yes, the system failure would lead her closer to finding it, but her phone call with Desmond would be tracked from one of her stations, giving her the correct coordinates)

A Tale of Two Cities
Why was Juliet on the verge of tears at the start of the episode?
Answered: One of Them (Juliet could not solve the island’s fertility problem and Ben refused to let her go back home to her sister)
Where did the houses the Others live in come from?
Answered: Par Avion, The Man Behind the Curtain (They were built by the DHARMA Initiative and taken over by the Others after the Purge)
Why was Karl locked in the cages?
Answered: Through the Looking Glass (Ben was afraid he would get Alex pregnant)
Why did the Others bring them to the Hydra?
Answered: Every Man for Himself (It is on its own island, so escaping would be nearly impossible. It has been undiscovered by the survivors so rescue is unlikely. It has cages and tanks that Jack, Kate, and Sawyer can be kept in. And it has an operating theater for Jack to perform surgery on Ben)
What does Ben have planned for Jack, Kate, and Sawyer for “the next two weeks”?
Answered: The Cost of Living (Ben’s plan was to wear them down until they were convinced the Others weren’t their enemies, get them to trust them, and lead them to believe they were choosing to do whatever the Others asked them. He also intended on Jack getting emotionally invested in Juliet because of her resemblance to Sarah)
How do the Others have files on the survivors?
Answered: One of Us (They have a submarine, people off of the island, access to a communications station, and many resources. After the crash, Ben ordered detailed files to be made on all of the passengers)
Why was Juliet chosen to speak with Jack?
Answered: The Cost of Living (As a part of Ben’s initial plan to “break” Jack and force him to operate on the tumor on his spine, he chose Juliet because she bears a striking resemblance to Sarah, counting on the possibility that he would become emotionally invested in her)

The Glass Ballerina
Is the father of Sun’s child Jin or Jae Lee?
Answered: One of Us (Jin)
What are the Others building?
Answered: 316 (A runway for the arrival of Flight 316 in 2007, presumably told to build it by Jacob)
How did the Others get onto the boat unnoticed?
Answered: Every Man for Himself (The Others have a submarine)

Further Instructions
What happened to Desmond after the hatch implosion?
Answered: Flashes Before Your Eyes (The exposure to the release of the electromagnetism beneath the Swan led to Desmond’s consciousness being transported back in time to his 1996 self for a period of time before being transported back)
How does Desmond have knowledge of future events?
Answered: Flashes Before Your Eyes (He began having visions of the future, specifically of Charlie’s death)
What happened to the commune?

Every Man for Himself
Where did the Others get a submarine from?
Answered: The Man Behind the Curtain (It was appropriated by the Hostiles from the Others after the Purge)
Who is the man with a tumor on his spine?
Answered: The Cost of Living (Ben)

The Cost of Living
Why do the Others burn their dead and set them out to sea?
Answered: The Last Recruit (The monster can only take the form of dead people whose bodies are on the island, and this is presumably a tradition that prevents it from doing so to their own people)
What happened to Yemi’s body?
Where was the feed in the Pearl coming from?
Answered: Enter 77 (The Flame, a communications station)
Who is the man with the eyepatch?
Answered: Enter 77 (Mikhail Bakunin, an Other)
Why does Juliet want Ben dead?
Answered: One of Us (Ben refuses to let Juliet go home unless she solves the fertility problem on the island)
Why did the monster kill Eko?
Answered/Debatable: The Candidate (The monster needs all of Jacob’s candidates dead to leave the island. Eko may have been a threat to him if he could potentially become the island’s next protector, so he killed him)
If the island cured Locke’s paralysis and Rose’s cancer, why didn’t it cure Ben’s tumor?
Answered: The Man From Tallahassee (Locke postulates that because Ben is living in houses and “eating refrigerated chicken”, he has lost his connection with the island)
Why can the monster only take the form of the dead?

I Do
What does “Lift your eyes and look north” mean?
Answered: Tricia Tanaka Is Dead (To Locke, he saw it as a sign as to where to look for Jack)
Who is Jacob?
Answered: Walkabout, White Rabbit, The Man Behind the Curtain, Cabin Fever, Because You Left, This Place Is Death, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, 316, Dead Is Dead, Follow the Leader, The Incident, LA X, The Substitute, Ab Aeterno, Across the Sea, The Candidate, The Last Recruit, What They Died For, The End
(Jacob arrived on the island while still in the womb of his mother, Claudia, whose ship wrecked in the Classical Roman era. She gave birth to both he and his fraternal twin, an unnamed boy called the Man in Black, but was killed by a woman already living on the island who took the boys in as her own sons. During his childhood, he and his brother would discover the existence of their biological mother’s people living on the island. In response, Mother would tell them that they weren’t corrupt like those people, and were on the island for the purpose of protecting a light at the Heart of the Island. The light, as she said, was inside every man and that they always want more. If the light ever went out in the cave, it would go out in all men. She revealed that she was the Protector of the light, but one day one of them would take her place. She had also somehow made it so that Jacob and the Man in Black could not kill each other. After the Man in Black discovered that she was not their real mother, he left to live with the other people on the island and did not return for years. Following this, Mother told Jacob that she killed Claudia to keep him good and when he asked why she loved his brother more than he, she replied that she loved them in different ways. Years later, the Man in Black told Jacob about his plan to leave the island by manipulating a similar light he and the villagers found by digging a well into the ground where compasses spun and metal behaved strangely. When Jacob told this to Mother, she confronted his brother, filled in the well, and killed all of the villagers. Mother returned to Jacob and performed a ceremony in which he drank water from the cave, telling him they were now “the same” and that he was the Protector of the light, taking on the responsibility for as long as he could before finding a replacement. As Protector, Jacob was given the gift of agelessness as well as supernatural powers that could be passed on to others. That night, Mother would be killed by the Man in Black. Out of rage, Jacob threw him into the cave, which killed his mortal body and turned what was left of him into a shape-shifting entity later to be known as the smoke monster. For many years, Jacob would devote his time to preventing the Man in Black from leaving the island because of his evil nature, and bringing people to the island in an attempt to prove his theory, that people are “greedy, manipulative, untrustworthy, and selfish”, wrong. Every attempt he made led to those people’s deaths either by their own hands or the Man in Black’s. After bringing the Black Rock to the island and meeting Richard Alpert, Jacob made the former slave ageless and an intermediary to the people he would bring to the Island, later to be called “The Others”. His goal was to show these people the difference between right and wrong without having to tell them, hoping they would realize it themselves. They would also be able to leave their pasts behind regardless of who they were. Richard would be the one to bring back Jacob’s lists of names of people he wanted brought in. It was at this time that Jacob compared the Island to the cork in a bottle full of wine, with the wine inside representing evil. The Island, therefore, was meant to the cork that kept evil, the Man in Black, from spreading to the rest of the world. The Man in Black failed to succeed in recruiting Richard to his side and vowed to find a loophole to kill Jacob. At some point, Jacob began searching for candidates to take his place and, after hundreds of names, the final six names came down to passengers on Oceanic Flight 815. By visiting John Locke, Sayid Jarrah, James Ford, Hugo Reyes, and Jin and Sun Kwon at important times in their lives and touching them, he “pushed” their paths in the direction of the Island.

The Man in Black, meanwhile, began a complex plan that began when he “scanned” John Locke, a weak and vulnerable candidate who was willing to pursue the idea that he was on the Island for a purpose long enough to get himself killed. When Locke and Benjamin Linus visited Jacob’s cabin, which the Man in Black at some point gained control of, he allowed only Locke to hear “help me” before putting on a violent scene in front of the two men. This not only inflated Locke’s belief that he was special, but began Ben’s downward spiral into realizing he was not, a factor that would be instrumental in the Man in Black’s plan to kill Jacob. He would then take on the form of Christian Shephard and lead Locke to believe he was speaking on behalf of Jacob, telling him to move the island. When the Oceanic 6 left the island and those on the island began moving through time, Richard would tell Locke he needed to die and that he needed to bring back those who left, ideas later confirmed by “Christian”, directing Locke toward the help of Eloise Hawking. He would also tell him to “say hello” to his son, Jack, a statement he knew would disturb and break the already unstable Jack, as the Man in Black taunted him by posing as his father on one of Jack’s first days on the island. Because the only way for the Man in Black to leave the island was with every candidate dead, he needed them back on the island. Eloise, hinted to be under the direction of Jacob, would help since Jacob needed the candidates back on the island just as badly, to replace him. But Locke’s failure to bring back those who left nearly led him to killing himself, but was saved by Ben and subsequently killed by him shortly after Locke mentioned Eloise’s name. She would also direct Locke’s body back to the island with those who were coming back. The Man in Black needed Locke to die because he needed his dead body present to take his form and convince everyone on the island that he was the resurrected John Locke, a man whose position as a candidate and leader of the Others had enough influence to make Richard tell him where Jacob was. He also took Richard to find the time-travelling Locke in the jungle, having Richard fulfill the conversation Locke had with him in which he was told that the only way to stop the island from jumping through time was to bring back those who left and that he would need to die to do so. With every loose end tied up, the Man in Black worked on pushing Ben toward killing Jacob since he could not do so himself, according to “the Rules”. He had previously “judged” Ben beneath the Temple walls and took the form of his dead daughter, telling him do everything John Locke told him to do, an act that preyed on Ben’s biggest vulnerability, his guilt over his daughter’s death, and used it to ensure Ben would later kill Jacob when he told him to do so. After convincing the Others to confront their unseen leader, he reminded Ben that after all of his sacrifices, including a tumor on his back and his daughter’s death, he never once was taken to see Jacob. Richard took the Man in Black and Ben to Jacob in the ruins of an ancient statue and Ben emotionally questioned Jacob’s reasoning before killing him, fulfilling the Man in Black’s vow to find a loophole and kill Jacob. The final stage of his plan involved reuniting the candidates and getting them all together in one enclosed space and have them accidentally kill each other since he could not, as part of the Rules. He also waged a war against an ally of Jacob, Charles Widmore, who brought Desmond back to the island as a failsafe to extinguish the light in the Heart of the Island, the source of the Man in Black’s powers. Jacob’s last appearance would be after his death, making Jack the Protector of the island. Jack would successfully stop the Man in Black’s plans and save the island, but died as a final sacrifice to the island.)
What does it mean to be on his list?
Answered: See “Who is Jacob?”

Not in Portland
Why did the Others bring Juliet to the island?
Answered: One of Us, D.O.C, Ji Yeon (On the island, women who get pregnant on the island do not make it to their third trimester, and die before then unless they leave the island, posing a threat the Others’ continued existence. Ben brought Juliet to the island because she was a skilled fertility doctor who developed a serum that allowed her sister, a woman whose reproductive system was ravaged and made sterile by cancer, to get pregnant)
What is the current status of Richard Alpert?
Answered: The Man From Tallahassee (He is still living with the Others as an assistant to Ben)
What is the Others’ connection to Mittelos Bioscience?
Answered: One of Us, Cabin Fever (It is the Others’ front company for recruiting people to come to the island)
How are the Others able to leave the island?
Answered: One of Us (They come and go via their submarine)
What happened after the “sky turned purple” that now prevents the Others from leaving the island?
Answered: Enter 77, Par Avion (The electromagnetic pulse ended communication in the Flame, and to the underwater beacons, meaning submarines can leave but they cannot return)
Why were the Others brainwashing Karl?
Answered: Through the Looking Glass (Ben was afraid he would get Alex pregnant)
What is the purpose of Room 23?
Answered: The Package, New Man in Charge epilogue (The DHARMA Initiative used it for experiments on subliminal messaging, specifically on Hostiles. The Hostiles would be acquired, sedated, and brought to the Hydra from the mainland for interrogation on their ways of life and their “island deity known as Jacob”. They would then be injected with a drug which, combined with the dreamlike quality of videos in Room 23, would create an amnesia of sorts before they were returned, ensuring the Truce was not violated.

Flashes Before Your Eyes
Who is Ms. Hawking?
Answered/Debatable: Jughead, Whatever Happened Happened, The Variable, Follow the Leader, The Incident (Eloise Hawking arrived on the island at an unspecified point, but was an Other since the age of at least 17. She would eventually rise to become the Others’ leader and, in 1977 while she was pregnant, shot a man revealed to be her son, Daniel, from the future, who had traveled back in time and was trying to stop a chain of events that brought many people to the Island. She helped Daniel’s friends carry out his plan to detonate a hydrogen bomb to stop the Incident at the Swan site, though their actions proved to cause it rather than prevent it. Some time after, she resigned from her position and left the island to give birth to Daniel. At some point, Eloise’s motivations would shift and she would end her young son’s musical talents, telling him his mind was made for science, fully aware he would later be sent to the Island to die at her hands. As an adult, Daniel would become a gifted quantum physicist, though one experiment with time travel left his mind permanently damaged, unable to recall even short-term events. Charles Widmore, also a former Other leader, was Daniel’s father and visited to offer him the opportunity to go to the Island where his memory would slowly be healed. When Daniel expressed hesitation to accept the offer, Eloise encouraged him to do so, later revealed to be fully aware she was sacrificing his life. In 1996, Eloise also visited a time-travelling Desmond to stop him from changing the future, though how she knew where and when he would be is unknown, as well as her motivations for doing so. In 2007, she helped the Oceanic 6 return to the island under similar unknown motivations, helping them with the use of the Lamp Post station to find the island. The day after they left, Desmond would be shot and Eloise would tell Penny that for the first time in a long time, she didn’t know what was going to happen next. This suggests that she was given knowledge of events up until the return of the Oceanic 6 to the island, possibly by Jacob, whose premonitions would explain her vast knowledge of future events. However, what convinced her to sacrifice her own son is unknown.)
Why is she so intent on preventing the future from changing?
Is Charlie’s death inevitable or can it be prevented?
Answered: Through the Looking Glass (It can be prevented for a short period of time, but his life will always be threatened until he finally does die)
Why was Desmond transported back in time after turning the key?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home, Because You Left, This Place Is Death (The electromagnetic properties in pockets such as that under the Swan have the power to manipulate space-time)

Stranger in a Strange Land
What happened to Cindy and the kids immediately after they were taken by the Others?
What is the significance of the mark put on Juliet?

Tricia Tanaka Is Dead
How did Roger die?
Answered: The Man Behind the Curtain (He was Ben’s neglectful father, and Ben gassed him during the Purge of DHARMA)

Enter 77
How did Mikhail lose his eye?
What is the relationship between the “Hostiles” and the Others?
Answered: The Man Behind the Curtain (They are the same group of people, but DHARMA had a different name for them. The Others include some DHARMA defectors)
Why did a war between DHARMA and the Hostiles begin?
Answered: Some Like It Hoth, The Incident (The DHARMA Initiative first began violating terms of the truce by building the Orchid and the Swan in the Hostiles’ territory. The events that took place after Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid traveled back in time after arriving on the island caused them to think they were being infiltrated by the Hostiles, prompting escalated tensions)

Par Avion
How does Mikhail know the names and information about the survivors?
Answered: One of Us (He was the one Ben ordered to make detailed files of each and every passenger after they learned that the plane was Oceanic Flight 815)
What are the pylons protecting the Barracks from?
Answered: Left Behind, The Man Behind the Curtain, LaFleur (They protect the Barracks from the monster)
Why did Locke take the C4 from the Flame?
Answered: The Man From Tallahassee (He planned on blowing up the submarine to prevent anyone from leaving the island)
Was the plug pulled on Claire’s mother after Christian’s death?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 1) (No, at some point after the crash, she awoke from her coma)
Did anyone find Claire’s message?
Answered/Unknown (No evidence has been shown to suggest the message was ever found)
Why is Jack now cooperating with the Others and playing football with Tom?
Answered: The Man From Tallahassee (In exchange for helping Ben, they offered him the opportunity to leave the island)

The Man From Tallahassee
Where is the electricity from the Barracks and other stations powered from?
How did Anthony Cooper end up on the island?
Answered: The Brig (He was involved in a car accident in which someone slammed into the back of his car before he was put in an ambulance and a paramedic smiled at him as he put an IV in his arm. He blacked out immediately after and woke up on the island. It is strongly implied that the Others were responsible for this.)
Why do the Others have Anthony Cooper tied up on the island?
Answered: The Brig (Because of Locke’s turbulent history with his father, Ben wanted to give him the opportunity to kill Cooper so that he could let go of his past)


Left Behind
Why is Locke’s hand bandaged?
Answered: The Brig (Anthony Cooper bit him after Locke tried to take off his gag)
Why is Locke going with the Others?
Answered: The Brig (Ben showed him his father and offered him the opportunity to come with them)
Why did the Others leave Juliet behind?
Answered: One of Them (They didn’t. Ben’s plan is to have her infiltrate the survivors so that they can take the pregnant women for further research)
Where did the Others go?
Answered: The Brig (They made camp in some ruins left in the valley)
Where did Juliet learn to fight?

One of Us
What are Ben and Juliet planning to happen in a week?
Answered: The Brig (The Others are going to raid the survivors’ camp and take the pregnant women for her to continue her research)
How do the Others have resources to so much money and to Mittelos Bioscience?
Why can’t women give birth if they conceive on the island?
Answered: New Man in Charge epilogue (The electromagnetic levels in areas like the Orchid and Swan are harmful on early pregnancy, meaning either DHARMA’s drilling and experimenting, the Incident, or quite possibly both, caused the Island’s pregnancy issues)
Why does one need to be drugged and strapped down to come to the island?
Answered: The Constant (For some people, especially those who have been exposed to radioactivity and electromagnetism, there are side effects, such as the person’s mind becoming “unstuck” in time)
How can the Others cure cancer?
What did Sayid do in Basra?

Where did the helicopter come from?
Answered: The Brig, The Constant (A freighter, about eighty nautical miles west of the island when Naomi parachuted on the island)
Why did the helicopter crash?
Answered: The Brig (While entering the vicinity of the island, the helicopter’s machinery started to malfunction and the helicopter went down)
Why did the woman have a picture of Desmond and Penny?
Answered: The Other Woman, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (She was working for Widmore, who had knowledge of survivors of Flight 815 and the Others on the island. Saying she was working for Penny, Widmore’s own daughter, was most likely a realistic cover story)
What is Brother Campbell’s relationship to Ms. Hawking?
Who is the parachutist?
Answered: The Brig, Confirmed Dead (Naomi Dorrit, a skilled operative with military experience who was hired to arrive on the island before the science team and escort them on their mission)

Will Sun die because of her conception on the island?
Answered: Ji Yeon (No, she makes it off the island and successfully gives birth to a healthy baby girl)
Is Jack working with the Others?
Answered: Greatest Hits (No, he devised a plan to thwart Ben’s intentions of taking the pregnant women)
How did Mikhail not die from being pushed into the sonic barrier fence?
Answered: The Man Behind the Curtain (It was not turned up to a lethal level)
How was Flight 815 “already found” and all the passengers dead?
Answered: Ji Yeon, Meet Kevin Johnson (At some point after the disappearance of Flight 815, Charles Widmore learned that the plane crashed on the very island he had a history with and that there were survivors. Afraid that the massive search and rescue operation might lead to the outside world discovering its location, he dug up over three hundred bodies in a cemetery in Thailand, put them in an old Boeing 777 he purchased, and dropped it in a trench so deep that no one would ever be able to retrieve it. Although not in official canon, the “Find 815” ARG suggests that he directed, through a branch of Widmore’s company called the Maxwell Group, the crew of the Christiane I to the wreckage’s location as well.)

The Brig
What is interfering with the satellite phone’s signal?
Answered: Greatest Hits (A jamming transmission from the Looking Glass station, ordered by Ben to prevent any calls being made to or from the island)
What did Danielle need the dynamite for?
Answered: Greatest Hits (After Juliet told Jack of Ben’s intentions to kidnap the pregnant women from the survivors’ camp, he met up with Danielle and asked for her help in retrieving enough dynamite to set up a trap for the Others to ambush them when they arrive)
What do Jack and Juliet know?
Answered: The Man Behind the Curtain, Greatest Hits (Juliet told Jack about the Others’ plan to kidnap the pregnant women. Jack devised a plan to gather dynamite with the help of Danielle and to blow up the Others when they arrive)
What are the ruins and the pillar the remains of?
What is the Others’ “purpose”?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (The disagreement between Jacob and the Man in Black over humanity’s nature, with the latter believing they are all corruptible, led Jacob to start bringing people to the island in an effort to prove him wrong. With Richard acting as an intermediary, his goal was to show them the difference between right and wrong without having to tell them.)
Who staged the wreckage of Flight 815 and why?
Answered: The Other Woman, Meet Kevin Johnson, The Variable (Charles Widmore, to end the massive search for the real Flight 815 after its disappearance, because he didn’t want anyone else to find the island due to his history on it)

The Man Behind the Curtain
How does Richard seemingly not age?
Answered: The Incident, Ab Aeterno (In exchange for being an intermediary between Jacob and the Others, Jacob touched him and stopped him from aging)
Who or what did Locke see and hear in the cabin?
Answered: See “Who is Jacob?”
Why did this entity say “help me”?
Answered: See “Who is Jacob?”
Was Ben really talking to Jacob or did he lie about being able to see him?
Answered: The Incident (No, Ben was pretending to see Jacob to convince Locke that he was special and Locke was not, and he was just as surprised to see things begin to fly around the room as Locke was)
Why is there ash around the cabin?
Answered: LA X (The monster cannot cross the ash, and it was placed around the cabin to protect Jacob)
What happened to Annie?
What is the source of the island’s unique properties?
Answered: Across the Sea, The End (Within the island are pockets of electromagnetism at extremely high levels, responsible for the island’s healing properties and other unique properties. The Heart of the Island is a cave in which the source of the energy exists)
How do the Hostiles have access to lethal gas?
Answered: The Other Woman (At some point, they gained access to the Tempest, a toxic gas-production station built and operated by DHARMA)

Greatest Hits
Who are the women in the Looking Glass?
Answered: Through the Looking Glass (Bonnie and Greta, two Others stationed there by Ben to ensure that no transmissions were leaving the island)

Through the Looking Glass
What happened to Jack caused him to start drinking and popping pills, and made him want to return to the island?
Answered: Something Nice Back Home, There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3), The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (Jack eventually began seeing visions of his father off of the island, which led to his drug and alcohol habit in coping with the hallucinations. His subsequent behavior led to a breakup with Kate after he lashed out at her over the favor she was doing for Sawyer. The final blow came when Locke visited him and begged him to return to the island, telling him that bad things happened to everyone they left behind and that the only way to save them was to return. The next day, he would book a round-trip to Sydney and back)
Who is in the coffin?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (John Locke)
What is the Temple?
Answered: LA X (An actual ancient Temple in the jungle guarded by a stone wall, having a complex of tunnels beneath it. It is built on top of a spring that heals the sick and wounded by offering direct access into areas within the island that are responsible for its healing abilities)
Is Kate pregnant?
Answered: Eggtown (No)
Why is Jack referring to his father as being alive?
Answered: Something Nice Back Home (He began seeing visions of his father and, combined with his drug and alcohol addictions, began to lose a grip on reality)
How did Jack and Kate get off the island?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (After helping the Others defeat the mercenaries and free Ben, they took the helicopter back to the freighter, piloted by Frank. Because of a bomb on board, they and several others took off just before the freighter exploded. At the same time, Ben turned a wheel that moved the island and, because the helicopter ran out of gas, they crash landed in the water. They survived and remained on an emergency raft until being picked up by Penelope Widmore’s search boat)
Who else, if anyone, got off of the island?
Answered: The Beginning of the End, The Economist, Eggtown, Ji Yeon, There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 2 and 3), The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (In addition to Jack and Kate: Hurley, Sayid, Ben, Aaron, Sun, Desmond, and Frank. Locke later left after turning the wheel)
Is Kate still on the run?
Answered: Eggtown (No, she was put on trial for her crimes and received ten years probation after her mother refused to testify)
Who is the “he” that’s going to be wondering where Kate is?
Answered: Eggtown (Aaron, who is now being raised by Kate)
What are Kate and Jack lying about?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 1) (Fearful of what Widmore might do to them and those they left behind if they exposed his fake wreckage, they went along with his story and said that they, along with Aaron, Hurley, Sayid, and Sun were the only ones to survive and find rescue after over one hundred days on a remote island called Membata)
If Naomi isn’t working for Penny, why was she carrying a picture of Desmond and Penny and claiming that she worked for her?
Answered: The Other Woman, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (She was working for Widmore, who had knowledge of survivors of Flight 815 and the Others on the island. Saying she was working for Penny, Widmore’s own daughter, was most likely a realistic cover story)
If Naomi doesn’t work for Penny, who does she work for?
Answered: The Other Woman, The Shape of Things to Come (Charles Widmore)
What is the mission of the people on the freighter?
Answered: Confirmed Dead, The Other Woman (Naomi’s mission was to arrive on the island first, followed by the science team, who she would protect. They were given instructions to find and disable the Tempest, a station under control of the Others, who could use its toxic gas to launch a counter-attack against the freighter team. They were chosen because of their skills, which could help them find Benjamin Linus. If they were unable to find him, the mercenary team would come in next to locate and retrieve him with the orders of killing anyone else on the island)
How and why did Walt appear to Locke?
How did Locke recover from his gunshot wound?
Answered: Confirmed Dead (The bullet went straight through him due to the removal of his kidney)

The Beginning of the End
Who are the Oceanic Six?
Answered: The Economist, Eggtown, Ji Yeon (In addition to Jack, Kate, and Hurley: Sayid, Aaron, and Sun)
How is Hurley able to see and speak with the dead?
Why did Hurley deny knowing Ana Lucia?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 1) (Because the Oceanic 6 are claiming that they were the only ones who survived the crash, Hurley needed to stick to the story)
What is the lie that the Oceanic Six are upholding?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 1) (Fearful of what Widmore might do to them and those they left behind if they exposed his fake wreckage, they went along with his story and said that they, along with Aaron, Hurley, Sayid, and Sun were the only ones to survive and find rescue after over one hundred days on a remote island called Membata)
Who does Abbadon work for?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, What They Died For (Widmore. He helped people “get to where they need to be”, and was at that time keeping tabs on the Oceanic 6 due to Widmore’s instructions given by Jacob after the freighter explosion)
What did Abbadon mean when he asked Hurley if “they” were still alive?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (The Oceanic 6 left the rest of the survivors on the island after Ben moved the island)
How is Jacob’s cabin able to seemingly move?
Who did Hurley see in the cabin?
Answered: The Incident, The Last Recruit (The Man in Black)
Why did Hurley regret going with Locke’s group?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come (The mercenaries from the freighter led an assault on Locke’s group, killing many of them, including Danielle, Karl, and Alex)
Who is the man that parachuted from the helicopter?
Answered: Confirmed Dead (Daniel Faraday, a quantum physicist)
Why was the helicopter flying so erratically?
Answered: Confirmed Dead (The helicopter was struck by lightning in the storm)

Confirmed Dead
Why is the rescue team not surprised to see survivors of Flight 815?
Answered: The Variable (Widmore knew that survivors of Flight 815 were on the island, which was why he staged the wreckage. This knowledge somehow spread throughout the rescue team)
Why did Abbadon’s employer put together a team with no field experience?
Answered: Meet Kevin Johnson, This Place Is Death, Some Like It Hoth, The Variable [Frank was picked because Widmore believed his story about Flight 815 being staged, so he put him on the freighter; Charlotte because of an award she won for an outstanding achievement in anthropology and was looking for the place she was born/DHARMA, Miles because of Widmore’s interest in his work and because his ability would help find Ben, considering the many people who died on the island as a result of Ben, Daniel because he is unknowingly Widmore’s son, and Widmore sent him to the island so that his memory would be healed]
What happened to Minkowski?
Answered: The Constant (Because he attempted to come to the island in a direction other than through Daniel’s specific coordinates, his mind became “unstuck” in time, moving back and forth uncontrollably. He was strapped down in the sick bay on the freighter because of this.)
Who is Ben’s spy on the freighter?
Answered: Ji Yeon, Meet Kevin Johnson (Michael)
How is Miles able to talk to the dead?
Answered: Some Like It Hoth (He was born with the ability)
What are the gas masks dropped from the helicopter for?
Answered: The Other Woman (The scientist team’s mission of deactivating the Tempest, should anything go wrong and the gas is released)
Why didn’t Frank fly Flight 815?
Answered: Dr. Linus (He overslept)
Why was Daniel so upset when he saw Flight 815 had been found?
Answered: The Variable (His experiments at Oxford damaged his mind to the point that he became easily confused and had a difficult time remembering recent events)
Why did Daniel have a caretaker?
Answered: The Variable (His experiments at Oxford dealing with time travel led to an accident which put his girlfriend in a coma and severely affected his memory to the point that he had a difficult time remembering recent events)
Why was there a DHARMA polar bear in the middle of Tunisia?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3), New Man in Charge epilogue (DHARMA built the Orchid station over a pocket of electromagnetic energy to study space-time and conduct time travel experiments. Because of polar bears’ adaptability, they were used in their experiments, and Tunisia happened to be where it ended up)
How did Charlotte recognize the DHARMA logo on the polar bear?
Answered: This Place Is Death (Charlotte was born and raised on the island in the DHARMA Initiative, but evacuated with her mother shortly before the Incident. She clearly remembered it, but her parents denied both the island’s and the Initiative’s existence. Charlotte became an anthropologist to search for her birthplace, also explaining why she recognized the DHARMA logo)
Why does the freighter team’s employer want Ben?
Answered:The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, Dead Is Dead (Widmore was once the leader of the Others. After Widmore began to regularly leave the island and had a child with an outsider, Ben had him exiled. Ever since then, Widmore has been trying to find the island and Ben.)

The Economist
Who is the RG on Naomi’s bracelet?
Who is Elsa’s employer?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (Charles Widmore)
Why was there a time delay in the payload’s arrival?
Answered: The Constant, Cabin Fever, There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (Because of the island’s unique properties, time exists differently on and off the island, including the arrival of physical objects)
Why does Ben have so many passports and forms of currency?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come (He has resources that extend globally)
Why is Sayid working for Ben?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come (Nadia was hit in a car accident, and Ben gave Sayid the identity of the man, claiming he worked for Widmore. Out of anger, Sayid agreed to hunt down and kill everyone who worked for Widmore)
Who are the people Ben is having Sayid kill?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (Everyone who was a part of Widmore’s organization, though Ben led him to believe they had malicious intentions)
What did “they” do the last time Sayid thought with his heart instead of his gun?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come (Nadia was killed by a man working for Widmore)
Did Sayid ever reunite with Nadia?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come (Yes, but she was killed in a hit-and-run accident)
How is Ben protecting Sayid’s friends?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come, There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3), Because You Left, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, He’s Our You, What They Died For (Ben, out of anger for Alex’s death at the hands of Widmore’s mercenaries, hired Sayid to kill members of Widmore’s organization that he claimed “posed a threat” to he and his friends. Widmore’s people began watching the Oceanic 6 for reasons that appeared to be villainous in nature, though neither Ben nor Sayid knew that Jacob visited Widmore after the destruction of his freighter, showed him the error of his ways, and told him everything he needed to know to protect the candidates and to destroy the Man in Black. Because of his investment to the island, he began to monitor the movements of the Oceanic 6)
How did Ben get off the island?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come, There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (He turned the wheel beneath the Orchid station, which moved the island and transported him both off the island and forward in time)
Why did Kate stay with Locke’s group?
Answered: Eggtown (She wanted to ask Miles if they knew she was a criminal)
How does Daniel know the bearing at which to get off the island?
Answered: The Lie, The Variable (He uses a sextant and the island’s space-time location to calculate the bearing)

Who are the eight survivors that Jack claims survived the initial crash?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 1, extended) (Boone, Libby, and Charlie)
Why does Miles want 3.2 million dollars?
Answered: Some Like It Hoth (It was double the amount of money Widmore was paying him to find Ben, 1.6 million)
How does Ben have access to millions of dollars?
What is the problem with Daniel’s memory?
Answered: The Variable (He was performing experiments at Oxford dealing with time travel until an accident left his memory severely damaged. When he returned to the island, his memory began to slowly heal, accounting for his strange behavior and inability to initially recall his name or the names of simple objects, and the three cards)
Why hasn’t the helicopter arrived on the boat after an entire day?
Answered: The Constant (There is a time gap between the island and everything off island)
Why isn’t the freighter answering the main line?
Answered: The Constant (With the ship anchored and with no orders, Minkowski and another crew member named Brandon took the ship’s tender in an attempt to see the island. As a result of entering the island’s vicinity, they began experiencing temporal displacement, with their consciousness bouncing back and forth in time. Brandon died and Minkowski was put in the ship’s sick bay)
Why is Kate raising Aaron?
Answered: Something Nice Back Home, There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3), The Little Prince (After Claire disappeared in the jungle, Aaron was brought onto the freighter and escaped its explosion. While on Penny’s boat, Kate told Jack that she planned on raising him)
Why does Jack not want to be around Aaron?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 1) (He learned from Carole Littleton that Claire was his half-sister, a startling revelation that also meant he was Aaron’s uncle)
How does Miles know about Ben and “what he can do”?

The Constant
How does Daniel know about the island and the DHARMA Initiative?
Why is Widmore interested in the Black Rock’s ledger?
Answered: The Other Woman, Meet Kevin Johnson, Jughead, Dead Is Dead (Widmore was at one point the leader of the Others on the island but was exiled by Ben, and has been trying to find the island ever since)
If you can’t change the future, why doesn’t Daniel remember meeting Desmond in 1996?
Answered: The Variable (He was performing experiments at Oxford dealing with time travel until an accident left his memory severely damaged)
What are the effects of Daniel’s prolonged exposure to the radioactivity of his machine?
Answered: The Variable (The experiments had implications that damaged his memory, including an accident that permanently scarred his mind)
Why was Penny calling the freighter?
Why was the crew under strict orders not to answer the call from Penelope?
Who sabotaged the communications equipment and why?
Answered: Meet Kevin Johnson (Michael, acting under orders from Ben to protect his friends on the island, had him cut off communications so the crew of the Kahana couldn’t report their situation back to Widmore)
Who left the door open for Desmond and Sayid?
Answered: Ji Yeon, Meet Kevin Johnson (Michael)
What information about the island did Penny learn through her research?
Why did Daniel write in his journal that Desmond would be his constant if “anything goes wrong”?

The Other Woman
How is Ben in contact with the Others?
Why would Ben want to activate the Tempest station, if it would kill everyone including himself?
How do Daniel and Charlotte know about Ben and the purge?
How would the freighter team’s employer know about the Tempest and that Ben would use it?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, Dead Is Dead (The team’s employer, Widmore, was once the leader of the Others and oversaw Ben’s defection from DHARMA. Considering that the Tempest was used in the Purge to kill DHARMA, he would know Ben could use it against his team)
What information was Widmore told from the Other that he captured?

Ji Yeon
Is Ben really behind the staged wreckage or is Gault not to be trusted?
Answered: The Variable (Widmore admits he was behind it to Daniel)
Why is Frank taking Keamy to the island?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come (Keamy’s orders are to lead the mercenaries to locate and retrieve Ben, killing anyone else on the island after doing so)
Where was a fake plane and 324 bodies found?
Answered: Meet Kevin Johnson (The 324 bodies were dug up from a cemetery in Thailand by Widmore, who had them placed in an old Boeing 777 he purchased and dumped from a freighter in a trench)
Why would someone stage the wreckage of Flight 815?
Answered: Meet Kevin Johnson, The Variable (Charles Widmore wanted to end the massive search for the real Flight 815 after its disappearance, because he didn’t want anyone else to find the island due to his history on it)
How did Jin die?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3), The Little Prince (The freighter exploded while he was on it, just after the helicopter took off. However, he survived the blast and floated on a piece of wreckage until making it to safety, though this was unknown to Sun)
Why is Michael on the freighter?
Answered: Meet Kevin Johnson (After making it back to the mainland, he told Walt what he did to Ana Lucia and Libby. His guilt led him to try and commit suicide, though he failed every time. Tom told him that the island wouldn’t let him die because it wasn’t done with him. Ben and Tom then recruited him to become a mole on Widmore’s boat and stop his plans to save those on the island)
Where is Walt?
Answered: Meet Kevin Johnson (Living with his grandmother in New York)

Meet Kevin Johnson
How is the Temple the last safe place on the island?
Why was Michael unable to kill himself?
Debatable: Dr. Linus (Although not shown, Jacob may have had a hand in stopping his death, as the candidates experienced a similar result when trying to kill themselves)
How did Widmore find the coordinates of the island?
Debatable/Unanswered (Although not explicitly stated, it may have been part of the information he extracted from the Other he captured, as seen in the video recording Ben showed Locke)
How did Miles know Michael’s name wasn’t Kevin Johnson?
Who shot Karl and Danielle?
Answered: The Shape of Things to Come (The mercenary team from the freighter)
How did Michael and Walt make it back to New York unnoticed?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 1) (Michael and Walt followed Ben’s bearing until arriving on an inhabited island, sold their boat, and hopped a cargo ferry back to the US)
How did Widmore know that there were survivors of Flight 815 on the island?
Unanswered/Debatable: (Although not explicitly stated, it may have been part of the information he extracted from the Other he captured, as seen in the video recording Ben showed Locke)

The Shape of Things to Come
What happened to Ray?
Answered: Cabin Fever (When Frank refused to take Keamy back to the island, Keamy slit Ray’s throat to force Frank to do it)
What’s wrong with Jack?
Answered: Something Nice Back Home (He has appendicitis)
How did Ben end up in the middle of the Sahara desert?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 2 and 3) (After receiving orders from Christian in Jacob’s cabin to move the island, Ben went to the Orchid station and turned the wheel, which transported him to Tunisia ten months in the future due to the release of electromagnetic energy)
Why was Ben wearing a DHARMA jacket?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 2 and 3) (He put it on while at the Orchid station because of the cold temperature beneath the Orchid at the wheel)
How did Ben get the wound on his arm?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 2 and 3) (While descending down a ladder in the Orchid station, a rung broke and he cut his arm on it)
What did Ben do behind the secret door?
Answered: Dead Is Dead (He crawled through a tunnel and unplugged a drain, which he believed summoned the monster)
Who built the secret door and why?
How did Ben take everything he had from Widmore?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, Dead Is Dead (Ben led a coup against Widmore and had him exiled for breaking the Others’ rules, effectively taking his position as leader of the Others)
What are the rules between Widmore and Ben?
Why couldn’t Ben kill Widmore?
What is the cause of Ben’s rivalry with Widmore?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, Dead Is Dead (Widmore would initially encourage Ben’s shift from DHARMA to the Hostiles after he was healed in the Temple. However, animosity eventually grew between them, especially after Ben disobeyed his order to kill Danielle and Alex Rousseau, instead taking the young girl in. After the Purge, Ben would have him exiled for regularly leaving the island and having a child with an outsider)
What is Widmore’s history with the island?
Answered: Jughead, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, Dead Is Dead (Widmore had been on the island since at least 1954 as an Other, and worked his way up, eventually becoming their leader. As Ben’s influence in the Others grew, Widmore’s authority was challenged until he was exiled in 1992 for regularly leaving the island and having a child with an outsider. Ever since then, he had been trying to find the island and Ben.)
Why did Ben ask the hotel clerk what year it was?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (Turning the wheel transported him into the future)
How was Ben able to “summon” the monster?
Answered: Dead Is Dead, What They Died For (The monster was seemingly able to be summoned by unplugging a drain at the end of a tunnel beyond the secret door. However, Ben later learned that this was never the case and believed it was a manipulation tactic by the Man in Black)

Something Nice Back Home
Why didn’t the island heal Jack’s appendix?
Answered/Debatable: The End (Although not explicitly stated, it is strongly implied that the removal of his appendix allowed Jack to survive the stab wound later inflicted upon him by the Man in Black long enough to make it back to the Source, put the cork back in place, and save the island)
How was Jack seeing his dead father off of the island?
Why did Claire run off with Christian?
Answered: What Kate Does (She was influenced by the Sickness, associated with the Man in Black)
What did Christian want with Claire?
Answered: Lighthouse (He wanted to recruit her on his side for his upcoming war with Jacob and his candidates)
Why did Claire leave Aaron behind?
Answered: Lighthouse (The Man in Black left him behind and told her the Others took him)
What promise did Kate make to Sawyer?
Answered: Whatever Happened Happened (She promised to find Sawyer’s daughter, Clementine, and make sure she was cared for)
Why did Sawyer choose to stay on the island, according to Jack?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (The helicopter they were on was going down because of a fuel leak and he jumped off to reduce the weight load so they could make it back to the freighter)

Cabin Fever
Why was Richard visiting Locke several times throughout his childhood?
Answered: Jughead, The Incident (While traveling through time, Locke visited Richard and told him that he would one day be the Others’ leader. Richard was doubtful and told him the process for choosing their leader begins at an early age, so Locke told him the date and location of his birth. Richard would find nothing special about young Locke, but his faith was reaffirmed when Jack told him not to give up on him in 1977. Locke’s uniqueness, therefore, was an accidental self-created allusion)
What was the purpose of Richard’s test?
Answered: Jughead (Locke would give Richard the compass that Richard gave him while he was time travelling. Richard believed that if Locke truly was special enough to be the Others’ leader, he would remember their encounter and giving him the compass)
What was the correct answer to the test?
Answered: Jughead (The compass)
How did Widmore know where Ben would go to the Orchid if under attack, according to the secondary protocol file?
Debatable/Unanswered: Dead Is Dead (Both men had extensive knowledge of the island’s locations as Others, and Ben worked for DHARMA. Both presumably knew about the wheel and the Orchid station)
What was Omar strapping to Keamy’s arm?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (A dead man’s switch, which would trigger C-4 on the freighter should he be killed while on the island)
What was the miracle that happened to Abaddon?
What did Abaddon mean when he said he’s “more than just an orderly”?
Why is Christian speaking on behalf of Jacob?
Answered: The Last Recruit (This was part of the lie the Man in Black created to get Locke to follow his orders. He saw Locke’s dedication to the island and used his belief to have him move the island, try and bring the candidates back to the island, and lead him to his death so he could take his appearance and find Jacob)
Where is Jacob on the island?
Answered: The Incident (He is residing in the four-toed statue)
What accounts for Claire’s odd behavior?
Answered: What Kate Does (She was under the influence of the Sickness, associated with the Man in Black)
How is Locke supposed to “move the island”?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (Ben goes to the Orchid station and turns a wheel that releases a large amount of electromagnetism and moves the island)
Who was the leader of the Others before Ben?
Answered: Jughead, Whatever Happened Happened, Dead Is Dead (The only other known leaders have been Eloise Hawking and Charles Widmore. Richard Alpert acted in a leadership position for a lengthy period of time as well.)

There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 1)
Why is there C-4 on the boat?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pt 2 and 3) (The C-4 was connected to Keamy’s dead man’s switch, which would detonate the explosives if he were to die on the island)
How does Daniel know about the secondary protocol (including that Ben would turn the wheel) and the Orchid station?
How is moving the island “dangerous and unpredictable”, a measure of last resort?
Answered: Because You Left, This Place Is Death (The island begins to randomly flash forward and backward in time, an event that is neurologically dangerous and eventually causes death)
Why was there a box hidden with a mirror inside?
Who is the second person Sun blames for Jin’s death?
Answered: Because You Left (Ben, presumably after finding out he was the reason the Kahana blew up)
Where are the Others taking Kate and Sayid?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (Kate and Sayid made a deal with Richard that he’d let them take the helicopter and leave the island if they helped free Ben. Kate and Sayid are leading Richard and the Others to the helicopter)
Why did the Oceanic 6 construct such an elaborate lie rather than explain what actually happened?
Answered: There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3) (Locke would tell Jack that they’d have to lie about everything that happened on the island, an idea that resonated within him until he realized that Widmore had enough power and resources to fake an entire plane crash and that exposing his lie would put not only them in danger, but everyone they left behind)

There’s No Place Like Home (Pts 2 and 3)
Why was Locke using the name Jeremy Bentham?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (It was the alias given to him by Charles Widmore in order for him to keep his true identity a secret. The name was chosen in reference to the philosopher, similar to John Locke’s own name)
Why did Desmond’s vision of Claire boarding the helicopter not come true?
Why was Locke visiting the Oceanic 6 and Walt?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (He visited Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid with the help of Widmore and Abaddon in an attempt to bring them back to the island to seemingly stop the time flashes that were endangering those on the island. He chose not to extend this offer to Walt after all he had been through)
How does Miles know about Charlotte?
What did Sawyer whisper to Kate?
Answered: Whatever Happened Happened (He asked her to find Cassidy and his daughter, Clementine, and make sure they were cared for)
Was Charlotte born on the island, and if so, how?
Answered: This Place Is Death, LaFleur (Yes, her parents were members of the DHARMA Initiative. She was able to be born on the island because the fertility problems did not occur until sometime after 1977)
How did Locke get off the island?
Answered: This Place is Death, This Place Is Death (He turned the wheel and ended up in Tunisia. From there, he was helped by Charles Widmore and Matthew Abaddon)
Who is watching the Oceanic 6 and why?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, What They Died For (Widmore is watching the Oceanic 6 because of his investment in the island. After the freighter explosion, Jacob visited him and convinced him the error of his ways, recruiting him to help his cause instead)
How did Christian appear to Michael on the freighter?
What is the fate of Jin and those on the freighter?
Answered: The Little Prince (Jin was the only survivor of the Kahana explosion, being thrown off by the blast and floating on wreckage, unconscious, until rescued by Danielle Rousseau’s team in 1988 during one of the time flashes)
What is the fate of Daniel and those on the Zodiac raft?
Answered: Because You Left (They were inside the island’s perimeter when Ben turned the wheel and moved with it)
Why can’t Ben come back to the island after turning the wheel?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (This statement was a lie. He could)
How does turning the wheel move the island?
Answered: This Place Is Death (It releases a large amount of electromagnetic energy from one of the island’s “pockets”, moving the island both physically and in time)
Why, of all locations, does turning the wheel result in the person ending up in Tunisia?
Answered: 316, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (All pockets of energy in the world, such as that under the island, are connected like wormholes through space-time. The island’s “exit” is the pocket in Tunisia)
Who built the wheel under the Orchid station and why?
Answered: Across the Sea (The Man in Black, Jacob’s brother, helped the people who were on the boat his mother was on when it crashed on the island dig wells in areas over electromagnetic pockets where their compasses would spin. He planned to create a system involving water and the wheel to release the energy and find a way off of the island.)
How did Locke die?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (After failing to bring back anyone who left the island, Locke prepared to hang himself. Ben stopped him from doing so long enough to find out that he was supposed to find Eloise Hawking. Having the information he needed, Ben strangled Locke and made it look like suicide)
Did Locke relapse into paralysis after leaving the island?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (No)
What bad things happened after the Oceanic 6 left?
Answered: Because You Left, This Place Is Death (The island violently moved through time repeatedly, many of the survivors were killed in an attack by the Others during the 1950’s, and the “temporal displacement” caused by the time shifts led to Charlotte’s death and nearly led to the deaths of all the other survivors)
Why can those who left only return to the island if all of them go together, including Locke’s body
Debatable/Unanswered: 316 (It was said that the circumstances of Flight 815 must be recreated as closely as possible for them to return to the Island, though Flight 316 was the only reentrance to the Island to be given those specifications.)
Where did Desmond and Penny go?
Answered: The Lie (They are in hiding on one of their boats with Charlie)
Where did Frank go after leaving the island?
Answered: 316 (He picked up a new piloting job in Ajira Airways)
What happened to the island after Ben turned the wheel?
Answered: Because You Left, This Place Is Death (Ben moved the wheel off its axis, causing the island to skip through space and time, putting the lives of those on it in peril)

Because You Left
How did Daniel become a part of the DHARMA Initiative?
Answered: LaFleur (After those who were left behind stopped moving through time, they ended up in 1974, where they were taken in by DHARMA)
What was Daniel doing at the Orchid?
Answered: The Variable (He returned to the island after seeing that Jack, Kate, and Hurley had also returned to inform them of his plan to prevent the Incident. But before that, he traveled to the Orchid to assess the minor drilling accident to confirm his theory about the Incident and to tell Chang to evacuate the island, saving Charlotte in case his plan didn’t work)
Why don’t the Others move through time as well?
Who sent Norton to get a blood sample from Kate and Aaron?
Answered: The Little Prince (Ben, trying to coerce Kate into coming back to the island)
Why does Sun want to kill Ben?
Answered: This Place Is Death (At some point, she learned that the freighter exploded because Ben killed Keamy)
Why did Daniel spend so much time researching the DHARMA Initiative?
Where did Daniel get all of his information on DHARMA from?
When does Locke supposedly tell Richard that he’s been shot?
Answered: Follow the Leader (In 2007, after he’s returned to the island, he takes Richard precisely to where and when time-travelling Locke is and informs him about the bullet. However, it is later revealed that this is not the real Locke, but the Man in Black posing as John Locke)
Why is Locke supposed to give Richard the compass?
Answered: Follow the Leader (The compass is in a self-contained time loop. The Man in Black, posing as Locke, told Richard to give it to time-travelling Locke so that he would in turn return it to Richard in 1954 to prove he was from the future)
Why did Richard say that the only way to stop the flashes is to bring everyone who left back to the island?
Answered: This Place Is Death, Follow the Leader, The Incident (This is what he was told to say by Fake Locke in 2007 when he brought him to time travelling Locke)
Why does Richard say Locke is going to have to die to bring them back?
Answered: Follow the Leader, The Incident (Richard was only saying to Locke what he was told to say to him by Fake Locke)
How is Desmond special and why don’t the rules apply to him?
Answered: Happily Ever After, What They Died For, The End (He is the only person known to have survived a catastrophic electromagnetic event when turning the failsafe key due to his extremely high resistance to electromagnetism. In the afterlife, he is also “special” in that he acted as a guide for people who needed to move on)
Who is Daniel’s mother?
Answered: This Place Is Death, The Variable (Eloise Hawking)
How did Sun find out that Ben killed Keamy and inadvertently caused the Kahana to explode?
Why is the island skipping through time?
Answered: This Place Is Death (When Ben turned the wheel, he pushed it off its axis, causing the energy behind the wheel to be released repeatedly)
Is the past truly unchangeable?
Answered:LA X, The End (Yes, whatever happened happened. However, there seem to be minor deviations from the rule, such as with Desmond)
Who are the people who attacked Sayid and Hurley, and had Kate’s address?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, What They Died For (Widmore is watching the Oceanic 6 because of his investment in the island. After the freighter explosion, Jacob visited him and convinced him the error of his ways, recruiting him to help his cause instead)
What is the fate of Pierre Chang, his wife, and child?
Answered: Some Like It Hoth, The Incident (Before the Incident, Pierre would order all women and children in DHARMA to evacuate the island, including his wife and child, Miles. Pierre would remain on the island until his death)

The Lie
What is the significance of Charlotte’s nosebleed, headache, and memory problems?
Answered: The Little Prince (The “temporal displacement” caused by the time shifts displaces the brain’s neurological clock, like a severe form of jet lag. Depending on one’s duration on the island, the lethality of the condition may be more severe)
Who is behind the flaming arrow attack?
Answered: Jughead (The Others from 1954)
Who are the men in military uniforms?
Answered: Jughead (The Others from 1954. “Jones”, specifically, is a young Charles Widmore)
What was Hawking doing under the church?
Answered: 316 (She was calculating where the island’s next location would be.)
What is the pendulum and the computer?
Answered: 316 (It’s all part of the Lamp Post station, which calculates where the island is going to be next, as it is always moving.)
What is going to happen in 70 hours?
Answered: 316 (The pocket allowing entrance to the island is going to close.)
What is the connection between Ben and Hawking?
Answered: Whatever Happened Happened, The Variable (They were both Others on the island, though Eloise left when he was still young)

Why do the Others speak Latin?
Debatable/Answered: Across the Sea (This is the language Jacob originally spoke, since his heritage dates back to Classical Rome)
What did the Others do with the hydrogen bomb?
Answered: Follow the Leader (They placed it underground in an area of the Tunnels)
Why did Widmore fund Daniel’s research and pay for Theresa’s medical expenses?
Answered: The Variable (Widmore is his father)
Who does Ellie look like, as Daniel says?
Answered: The Variable (Ellie is in fact his mother, Eloise Hawking, who was an Other in 1954 and their leader up until the late 70’s)
What is Widmore’s connection to Daniel’s mother?
Answered: The Variable (They were both Others living on the island and both served as leaders. They were also romantically involved, with Eloise having Daniel, his son.)
How and why did Widmore leave the island?
Answered: Dead Is Dead (He was exiled by Ben for breaking the Others’ rules and was escorted off the island using the submarine after the Purge)
What experiment caused Theresa’s current state of mind?
Answered: The Variable (Daniel’s experiments with time travel, which he tested on himself first, but left her in a comatose state. Daniel would too suffer severe brain damage, having memory problems that left him unable to recall even recent events)

The Little Prince
Has Miles been on the island before?
Answered: Some Like It Hoth, The Incident (Yes, he was the son of Pierre Chang and may have been born on the island. But he and his mother evacuated the island before the Incident)
Who ransacked the beach camp and came in the outriggers with Ajira water bottles?
Who were the pursuers in the outrigger?

This Place Is Death
Why did Christian want everyone who left to come back?
Answered: The Substitute, The Candidate (The Man in Black, as the smoke monster, was taking on the appearance of Christian Shephard. As the enemy of Jacob, the only way he can leave the island is to kill all of Jacob’s candidates, people who could replace him as Protector of the island. Many of those who left the island were candidates, so he needed them to return. However, he lied to Locke when he told him that the only way to stop the flashes was to bring them back. Simply turning the wheel again would’ve done so.)
Why did Christian tell Locke he needed to die?
Answered:The Incident, LA X, The Substitute, The Last Recruit (The Man in Black, as the smoke monster, was posing as Christian Shephard and not speaking on behalf of Jacob, but rather against him. He chose Locke at an early point because he was, as the Man in Black said, “stupid enough” to pursue the idea that he was on the island for a reason until it got him killed. To look like Locke, he needed him dead, which is why he gave John the idea through Richard and later in the form of Christian. Locke was both a candidate and, at the time of his death, the leader of the Others, which made it very easy for the Man in Black to be taken to Jacob, whom he’d have Ben kill)
Why did Christian tell Locke to say hello to Jack?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, The Last Recruit (The Man in Black would later reveal to Jack that he was the one posing as his father on the island in “White Rabbit”. Knowing how much it tormented him, he knew this is the one thing that would unsettle Jack.)
Why did Christian tell Locke to find Eloise Hawking?
Debatable/Answered: The Substitute, What They Died For (If Eloise was working for Jacob as Widmore was, the Man in Black knew that Jacob would need to bring back the candidates just as much as he needed them to, and Eloise would help him do so)
What is beneath the Temple Wall?
Answered: Dead Is Dead, LA X (A system of walkways leading to the Temple. One room beneath a walkway appeared to be associated with the monster)
How does the monster infect someone with the Sickness?
Why did Daniel tell Charlotte to leave the island and never to return when she was young?
Answered: The Variable (He initially wanted to make sure that he would not fulfill the event that Charlotte told him she remembered. However, his plan concerning the Jughead detonation and changing the future put the lives of everyone on the island at risk, forcing him to tell young Charlotte to leave in case his plan didn’t work)
Where did Locke go?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (He ended up in Tunisia in the future, the “exit” from the island, just as Ben did)
If Brennan was killed by Danielle, why did she say in her distress signal, which she claims to have made after her team’s death, that he was outside and “took the keys”
How did Danielle make the distress signal with the DHARMA Initiative still on the island?
How did Danielle survive the Purge?

Why did Flight 815 need to be recreated, but no other trip to the island did?
How did the picture from the US military end up in the Lamp Post?
How did DHARMA know about the island before they arrived, prompting them to look for it and build the Lamp Post?
Who is the “clever fellow” who realized that to find the island, you must calculate where it will be?
Why isn’t the island done with Desmond?
Answered: Happily Ever After, What They Died For, The End (He was needed as a “failsafe” to kill the Man in Black in case Jacob’s candidates were all killed. Because of his high resistance to electromagnetism, he was able to venture into the Source of the island and turn off the Light, the source of the Man in Black’s powers)
What is Eloise’s motive for helping everyone get back to the island?
How did Eloise come to possess the Lamp Post?
How did she know Desmond would be in the jewelry store in 1996 attempting to change the future?
What is the promise to an old friend that Ben needed to tie up?
Answered: Dead Is Dead (He was going to kill Penelope, recalling his promise to Widmore)
Why was Ben bloody and beaten when he called Jack?
Answered: Dead Is Dead (He was going to kill Penelope, but was beaten up by Desmond before he could)
What happened to Kate to make her change her mind?
Answered: Whatever Happened Happened (After nearly losing Aaron at the store, she realized that she expected it to happen eventually and gave him to Carole Littleton after telling her that she was returning to the island to bring back Claire)
Where is Aaron?
Answered: Whatever Happened Happened (Kate gave him to Carole Littleton)
Why did Hurley change his mind about returning to the island?
Answered: The Incident (Jacob visited him after his release from prison and convinced him that he was neither crazy nor bad luck, and that returning to the island was his choice)
How did Hurley know to board Flight 316?
Answered: The Incident (Jacob told him the flight number)
What’s in Hurley’s guitar case?
Answered: LA X (A wooden ankh made by Jacob, with a message inside to Dogen that listed the names of his candidates and orders to protect them)
Why is Sayid on board with a woman escorting him?
Answered: He’s Our You (He was taken into custody by Ilana, a bounty hunter claiming to work for the family of Peter Avellino, the man he killed on the golf course under Ben’s orders)
Who is the woman escorting Sayid?
Answered: He’s Our You, The Incident, Ab Aeterno (She is Ilana Verdansky, and she claims to be a bounty hunter working for the family of Peter Avillino. In reality, she was working for Jacob and was on a mission to bring Sayid back to the island, protect the candidates, and find Richard.)
What year did Jack, Kate, and Hurley land in?
Answered: LaFleur (1977)
Where are Sun, Sayid, Frank, and Ben?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, Namaste (Sun, Frank, and Ben arrived on the island in 2007 and landed on Hydra Island. Sayid moved with Jack, Kate, and Hurley to 1977 but ended up in the jungle)
Why is Jin wearing a DHARMA jumpsuit?
Answered: LaFleur (Sawyer, Juliet, Jin, Miles, and Daniel were brought into DHARMA after Locke turned the wheel)
Why didn’t Widmore just use the Lamp Post to find the island if he knows Eloise?
Answered: The Variable (They suffered a falling-out in their relationship)
How did Jin’s ring end up from Locke’s possession to Ben’s?
Answered: The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham (He took it after he murdered Locke)

The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham
Why didn’t Frank, Sun, or Ben travel back in time?
How did Danielle’s maps and Daniel’s equations end up at the Hydra?
How is Locke seemingly resurrected?
Answered: The Incident, LA X (He isn’t. Because Locke is dead, the monster was able to take his form)
Who is the woman that left with Frank?
Answered: Namaste (Sun)
Why did Frank and the unknown woman leave and where did they go?
Answered: Namaste (They went to the main island to look for Jin and everyone else left behind)
Why did Ben exile Widmore?
Answered: Dead Is Dead (Widmore broke the Others’ rules by frequently leaving the island and having a daughter with an outsider, so Ben took his place and had him exiled)
What is the war Widmore says is coming?
Answered: The Substitute, Recon, The Candidate (The war between Jacob’s candidates and the Man in Black)
Is Widmore truly trying to help Locke and those who left or is he using him to return to the island?
Answered: What They Died For (Following the explosion of Widmore’s freighter, Jacob came to visit him and showed him the error of his ways. He told him why he needed to return and everything he needed to know to protect the candidates and destroy the Man in Black)
Was Widmore truly the leader of the Others?
Answered: Whatever Happened Happened, Dead Is Dead (Yes)
What is the significance of Walt’s dream?
Answered/Debatable: Dead Is Dead (It may be a vision reflecting the Ajira passengers’ distrust of Fake Locke)
Why did Ben kill Locke after preventing his suicide?
Answered: Dead Is Dead (Locke had valuable information Ben needed, so after he realized he had to find Eloise Hawking, he “took a shortcut” instead of convincing Locke to kill himself again, believing his death would bring those who left back together)
How was Ben injured?
Answered: Namaste (He was hit by Sun with an oar because she didn’t trust him enough to go back to the main island with him)

Why did the well eventually become filled in?
Answered: Across the Sea (The Man in Black’s mother learned that he intended to use the energy beneath the well to leave the island, so she filled it in to stop him from doing so)
What happens after 1977 that stops women from giving birth on the island if they conceive there?
Answered: New Man in Charge epilogue (The electromagnetic levels in areas like the Orchid and Swan are harmful on early pregnancy, meaning either DHARMA’s drilling and experimenting, the Incident, or quite possibly both, caused the Island’s pregnancy issues)
What are the terms of the Truce?
Answered: Season 5 DHARMA Initiative Orientation Kit (The resolution of hostilities was called into effect on August 15, 1973. DHARMA’s terms: Mobilization of fighting personnel, a standing army, and war materials would cease, protection of all island shrines and sanctuaries would be observed, a non-infiltration zone of five kilometers between each group’s boundaries would exist, Horace Goodspeed would be the mediator of DHARMA and Richard Alpert of the Hostiles. The Hostiles’ terms: DHARMA would not enter or violate any ruins on the island, DHARMA could not dig any more than ten meters into the ground, maximum population for DHARMA at any time is 216, and their maximum term of residency on the island is fifteen years, 1988)
What caused the initial problems between DHARMA and the Hostiles?
Where are Rose and Bernard?
Answered: The Incident (They built a life in seclusion near the beach, hiding from DHARMA)

What happened to Daniel?
Answered: Some Like It Hoth (He left the island at some point to work as a physicist at DHARMA’s headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan)
What did Christian instruct Frank and Sun to do?
Answered: Dead Is Dead (He told them to wait in the Barracks until John Locke arrived)
Why doesn’t adult Ben remember meeting the survivors when he was younger?
Answered: Whatever Happened Happened (His experience in the Temple erased his short-term memory of the events that took place)

He’s Our You
Who in Ann Arbor holds authority over DHARMA?
Did Sayid kill Ben?
Answered: Whatever Happened Happened (No, he was healed by the Temple when Kate, Juliet, and Sawyer took him to Richard)

Whatever Happened Happened
What in the Temple healed Ben and how does it work?
Answered: LA X, Across the Sea, The End (Water directed from the Heart of the Island, the island’s source of electromagnetism and healing properties, flows to many locations including a healing spring in the Temple)
How is Ben’s innocence lost by being healed?

Dead Is Dead
How did Ethan go from being the son of one of DHARMA’s leaders to one of the Hostiles?
How did Locke know about the Temple walls to find the monster?
Answered: The Incident, LA X (He is in fact, the monster)
What is in Bram and Ilana’s crate?
Answered: The Incident (The real body of John Locke)
What is the significance of the drain behind the hieroglyphics door?
Where does the water drain to?
Why did Ben believe the drain summoned the monster?
Whose order was it to execute the Purge?
What is the fate of Desmond after being shot?
Answered: The Variable (He was rushed to the hospital and made a full recovery)
What lies in the shadow of the statue?
Answered: The Incident (Ille qui nos omnes servabit, Latin for “He who will serve us all”)
What is the significance of Ilana’s question?
Answered: The Incident (It tells Ilana and her group who they can trust, as the person who knows the correct answer must be one of Jacob’s)
What are Ilana and her friends doing?
Answered: The Incident, LA X (They are going to the Others to show them the real body of John Locke and to protect Jacob from the Man in Black)
Who built the chamber containing the vents allowing the monster’s access in the room and why?
What was their relationship to the monster?
Why did “Alex” tell Ben to do everything Locke says?
Answered: The Incident, LA X (Alex and Fake Locke are both the monster, just different manifestations of it. The Man in Black would need Ben to kill Jacob since he could not do so himself, so he took Ben’s main vulnerability, his guilt over his daughter’s death, and used it against him, appearing as Alex and telling him to do everything “John Locke” tells him to do)

Some Like It Hoth
Why did Pierre kick out Miles and his mother?
Answered: Follow the Leader (He forced them off the island because the Incident was imminent, and he ordered their evacuation to save their lives)
What did Daniel do in Ann Arbor?
Why is Daniel back from Ann Arbor?
Answered: The Variable (He saw a picture of the new recruits on the island, which included Jack, Kate, and Hurley)

The Variable
Why did Eloise knowingly send her son to the island to die?
What caused the falling-out between Eloise and Charles?
Can Daniel’s plan change the future or did whatever happen, happen?
Answered: LA X, The End (Whatever happened, happened and the past can never be changed. Daniel’s plan was carried out, but caused the Incident rather than prevented it)
Why does Eloise no longer know what’s going to happen next, and how did she know things prior to their occurrence in the first place?

Follow the Leader
What caused Eloise to go from trying to prevent her son’s death by detonating the Jughead, to later being convinced his death was a necessary sacrifice?
Where does Eloise get all of her information from?
How did Locke know exactly when to find his time-travelling self in the jungle?
Answered: LA X (He is the monster and had Locke’s memories, including where the conversation with Richard took place.)
How did Richard see all of Sun’s friends die in 1977?
Answered: The Incident, LA X (The aftermath of the Incident and the Jughead detonation gave him the impression that they died)
Who built the Tunnels and why?
What is Richard’s relationship with Jacob?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (He arrived on the island in 1867 on the Black Rock and agreed to be an intermediary between Jacob and the people he brings to the island, to be known later as the Others. In return, Jacob stopped him from again. For the next 140 years, he would be one of the only Others to directly communicate to Jacob, bringing back his lists of people)
How did Richard come to have his advisor role within the Others?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (He arrived on the island in 1867 on the Black Rock and met Jacob. In return for preventing him from aging, he was made an intermediary between Jacob and the people he brought to the island, to be later known as the Others)
Why does Locke want to kill Jacob?
Answered: The Incident, LA X, Across the Sea (Fake Locke is in fact the monster. The monster was made the way he was by Jacob, who threw him into the Heart of the Island after he killed their mother for stopping his only way off the island. The result of being exposed to the Source’s high level of electromagnetism made him the entity known as the monster and killed his mortal body. Because of his evil nature, Jacob would not let him leave the island, prompting him to look for a way to kill him)
How did Daniel intend on moving the Jughead?
Answered: The Incident (He planned on removing the core, which was enough to wipe out the energy beneath the Swan)

The Incident
Why did Jacob bring the Black Rock to the island?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (Jacob and the Man in Black had a fundamental disagreement over the nature of humanity, with the Man in Black believing they were all corruptible. Jacob for years brought people to the island in an attempt to show them the difference between right and wrong without having to tell them. The Black Rock is one of his many attempts to do so.)
What and why is Jacob trying to prove the Man in Black wrong?
Answered: Ab Aeterno, Across the Sea (Jacob and the Man in Black had a fundamental disagreement over the nature of humanity, with the Man in Black believing they were all corruptible. Jacob for years brought people to the island in an attempt to show them the difference between right and wrong without having to tell them.)
What are the origins of Jacob and the Man in Black on the island?
Answered: Across the Sea (Their mother, Claudia, was a Roman whose ship wrecked on the island. Claudia was found by a woman who would help her give birth to the twins Jacob and an unnamed boy before she killed Claudia. This woman would raise Jacob and the “Man in Black” as her own sons)
How is Jacob able to bring people to the island?
Debatable/Answered: Across the Sea (It is implied that this is one of the powers that is given when becoming the Protector)
Why does Jacob bring people to the island?
Answered: The Substitute, Ab Aeterno, The Candidate, Across the Sea, What They Died For (Jacob and the Man in Black had a fundamental disagreement over the nature of humanity, with the Man in Black believing they were all corruptible. Jacob for years brought people to the island in an attempt to show them the difference between right and wrong without having to tell them. He is also looking for candidates, people who could potentially replace him as protector of the island. These candidates are like him: flawed, alone, and looking for something they couldn’t find.)
What is the significance of Jacob’s touch?
Answered: The Substitute, Dr. Linus, Ab Aeterno (Because of Jacob’s supernatural powers, his touch can bestow various “gifts”. In Richard’s case, Jacob granted him agelessness. In the case of Jack, Kate, Locke, Hurley, Sayid, Jin, and Sun, his touch “pushed” them onto a certain path and presumably made them candidates, protected from being directly killed by the Man in Black and from killing themselves)
Why does the Man in Black need a loophole to kill Jacob?
Answered: Across the Sea (Their mother made it so that they could not kill each other)
Why was Jacob present in the lives of many of the survivors before and after the crash?
Answered: The Substitute, What They Died For (He has been looking for candidates to replace him as protector of the island. These candidates are like him: flawed, alone, and looking for something they couldn’t find.)
What is the significance of Jack, Kate, Locke, Sayid, Sun, Jin, Hurley, and Sawyer?
Answered: The Substitute, Ab Aeterno (They are the remaining candidates who could take Jacob’s place as Protector)
What is the origin of the conflict between Jacob and the Man in Black?
Answered: Ab Aeterno, Across the Sea (Tensions between the Man in Black and Jacob began at a young age when they fought for the attention of their mother. Jacob would later throw him into the Heart of the Island after the Man in Black killed their mother for stopping his only way off the island. The result of being exposed to the Source’s high level of electromagnetism made him the entity known as the monster and killed his mortal body. Because of his evil nature, Jacob would not let him leave the island, prompting him to look for a way to kill him)
Why does the Man in Black believe humanity is corrupt?
Answered: Across the Sea (This was the idea asserted by his mother. However, while living with the people who came to the island on the same boat his mother was on, he agreed with her, calling them greedy, manipulative, untrustworthy, and selfish)
What did Jacob do to make Richard ageless?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (He touched him)
What is the Man in Black’s intentions for the Ajira passengers?
Answered: Recon (He wanted them dead)
What is a candidate?
Answered: The Substitute, The Candidate (People chosen by Jacob who could potentially take his job as Protector of the island. They are protected from killing themselves and are protected from being directly killed by the Man in Black, but can otherwise still die. As long as they are alive, the Man in Black cannot leave the island. Their job involves protecting the Light at the Heart of the Island for as long as they can and finding a replacement when they no longer can.)
Why did the Man in Black need Ben to kill Jacob?
Answered: Across the Sea (He was unable to kill Jacob himself because their mother made it so they could not directly kill one another)
How and why did the Man in Black assume Locke’s identity?
Answered: LA X, The Substitute, The Last Recruit (The Man in Black, as the smoke monster, has the ability to manifest himself into human beings. He chose Locke at an early point because he was, as the Man in Black said, “stupid enough” to pursue the idea that he was on the island for a reason until it got him killed. To look like Locke, he needed him dead, which is why he gave John the idea through Richard and later in the form of Christian. Locke was both a candidate and, at the time of his death, the leader of the Others, which made it very easy for the Man in Black to be taken to Jacob, whom he’d have Ben kill)
Why was Ilana bandaged and so badly wounded in the Russian hospital?
What is Ilana’s history with Jacob?
What did Jacob ask Ilana to do for him?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (He asked her to come to the island to protect the six remaining candidates, what she had been training to do her whole life)
Who has been using the cabin if not Jacob?
Answered: LA X, The Last Recruit (The Man in Black, taking the appearance of Christian Shephard)
How does Ilana and her team know the island so well?
What did Jacob mean by “they’re coming”?
Answered: LA X, The Substitute (His candidates have arrived on the island in present time)
Did the bomb change the future or cause the Incident?
Answered: LA X, The End (The drilling into the electromagnetic pocket, combined with the detonation of the Jughead’s core caused the Incident)
Why did Ilana address Richard as Ricardus?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (Jacob told her to find “Ricardus” upon returning to the island)
If the bomb exploded, what are the effects?
Answered: LA X, The End (The drilling into the electromagnetic pocket, combined with the detonation of the Jughead’s core released enough energy to send Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Juliet, Miles, Sayid, and Jin back to the present, but also caused the very Incident they intended to prevent)
What is the name of the Man in Black?
Answered: Across the Sea (He was never given a name since his mother was not expecting twins and only picked one name, being killed before she could pick another)

Who built the Temple and why?
How does the healing spring work?
Across the Sea, The End (Water directed from the Heart of the Island, the island’s source of electromagnetism and healing properties, flows to many locations including the spring in the Temple)
What did Juliet mean by “it worked”?
Answered: The End (As she was dying, she was having glimpses of the afterlife she created, in a moment where she meets James. “It worked” referred to a vending machine she helped him fix.)
How did the Man in Black become the monster?
Answered: Across the Sea (Out of rage for the Man in Black killing their mother, Jacob threw him into the Heart of the Island, and the exposure to such a high level of electromagnetism turned him into the monster, killing his mortal body)
How did he attain all of his powers?
Answered: Across the Sea, The End (The source of the Man in Black’s powers and immortality is the Heart of the Island. Removing the cork at the Source makes him mortal)
What happened to Christian’s coffin in the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (It was lost somewhere in Sydney, but later brought back to the States. However, this is all a part of Jack’s self-created afterlife in which he once again strives to find and bury his father, something he was not ever able to do during his real life)
What is the Temple leader’s role within the Others?
Answered: Sundown (He is said to be the only thing keeping the Man in Black out of the Temple, which acts as a sanctuary on the island)
Who is the Temple leader?
Answered: What Kate Does, Sundown (Dogen, a man whose son nearly died as a result of an accident, but was saved by Jacob with the agreement that he could never see his son again and would come to the island to work for Jacob. He is the only thing keeping the Man in Black out of the Temple)
How was Locke able to go on a walkabout in the flash-sideways if he was still in a wheelchair?
Answered: The Substitute (He lied. He still wasn’t permitted to go on the trip)
Why are the survivors “in trouble” if Sayid dies?
Answered: The Substitute, The Candidate (He is one of the candidates to replace Jacob as protector of the island. If all of the candidates die, the Man in Black can leave the island)
How did Sayid return to life after dying?
Answered: What Kate Does (He was “claimed” by the Sickness)
What is Dogen’s and Lennon’s relationship to the Man in Black?
Answered: Sundown (Lennon acts as a translator to Dogen and an advisor. Dogen is the only thing keeping the Man in Black out of the Temple, where the Others are safe.)
Why can’t the Man in Black go home?
Answered: Ab Aeterno, Across the Sea (Jacob believes that the Man in Black is evil and that letting him leave would allow evil to spread to the entire world)
Where is the Man in Black’s home?
Answered: Across the Sea (He refers to the world outside of the island as “home”)
What is Richard’s history with the Man in Black?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (When Richard arrived on the island on the Black Rock, he witnesses the monster kill the crew of the Black Rock. The Man in Black then scans Richard, takes the form of Isabella, and convinces them that they are in hell and Jacob is the devil, preying on his fears. After escaping his chains, he talks with the Man in Black, who tells him the only way to escape hell is to kill the devil, giving him a dagger and directing him to Jacob. Richard fails to do so and is persuaded by Jacob to become his intermediary in exchange for agelessness. The Man in Black told him that if he changed his mind, the offer would still stand)
What did the Man in Black mean when he said it was nice to see Richard “out of those chains”?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (He appeared to him as the monster when Richard first arrived on the island as a slave on the Black Rock)
Where is the Man in Black taking Richard?
Answered: The Substitute (He took him into the jungle to talk about joining his side)
What is the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (The “flash-sideways” was in fact a metaphysical realm the survivors entered after their deaths, described as being a place they created to find each other and reflect on the time they spent together, the most important time of their lives. The scenarios they created sometimes mirrored their real lives and sometimes reflected personal desires. When they were ready to let go, a connection with someone or something significant to that person would bring back the memories of their real lives and they would finally be able to “move on”)
How did Jack get the wound on his neck in the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (It is one of Jack’s memories from his real life, a wound inflicted on him by the Man in Black when he tried to cut Jack’s throat)
Why is Desmond on Flight 815 in the flash-sideways?
Answered: Happily Ever After, The End (He was on an assignment for Widmore in the world he created in the afterlife)
Why is the island underwater in the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (The survivors imagined a world without the island in the place they created in the afterlife)
Where does Jack remember Desmond from?
Answered: The End (He remembered him from his real life before they died and their time on the island)
What account for all the differences in the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (The flash-sideways is a place in the afterlife where the survivors have created their own worlds that can either mirror or vary from the lives they actually lived)
Why can’t the monster cross the ash?
What did Juliet’s last words, “we should go out for coffee some time” and “we can go Dutch” mean?
Answered: The End (As she was dying, she was having glimpses of the afterlife she created, in a moment where she meets James. “We should go out for coffee some time” is what she tells James after they meet and “we can go Dutch” is her reply to him when he tells her the machine ate one of his last dollars.)
Why did Charlie want to die in the flash-sideways?
Answered: Happily Ever After (He saw a vision of Claire and was finally at peace)
How does Jacob know so much, including events that have not yet happened?
Answered: Across the Sea (As a part of becoming protector of the island, he gained supernatural abilities that included premonition)

What Kate Does
How did Sayid become infected?
How did Claire become infected?
What is the Sickness and how can it bring someone back to life?
Where has Claire been for the past three years?
Answered: Lighthouse (She’s been surviving on her own with the help of the Man in Black)
In the flash-sideways, why does Kate say she was innocent of the crime she’s accused of?
Answered: The End (In the world she created for herself in the afterlife, she was not a murderer)

The Substitute
What is the Man in Black recruiting for?
Answered: The Candidate (Although he claimed to be trying to get everyone off the island, he was actually trying to get all of the candidates in one enclosed space they had no chance of escaping from, and giving them a situation in which they’d accidentally kill each other)
Why can the Man in Black no longer change his form?
Who is the boy that the Man in Black keeps seeing and why?
Answered: Across the Sea, What They Died For (The boy is young Jacob, and he is a form presumably controlled by Jacob)
Why can’t the Man in Black kill Sawyer?
Answered: The Candidate (Sawyer is a candidate and the Man in Black is not allowed to directly kill any candidates)
What are the rules?
Does the island truly need protected?
Answered: Across the Sea, The End (Yes, the light within the Source can be put out, which has potentially globally catastrophic implications)
What is the “inside joke” concerning the white rock on the balance and the Man in Black?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (It refers his fundamental debate with Jacob concerning the nature of humanity, with Jacob’s belief that they are good being symbolized by the white rock)
What determines candidacy?
Answered: What They Died For (Jacob chose individuals who were like him: alone and flawed, looking for something they couldn’t find themselves. However, being crossed out either means that person has died, or has fulfilled a part of their life. Any candidate can still become the Protector of the island)

How is the Lighthouse able to see into peoples’ lives?
Who built the Lighthouse and why?
What is about to happen to those at the Temple?
Answered: Sundown (Sayid kills Dogen, allowing the Man in Black to enter the Temple and kill everyone who refuses to join him)
Who is David’s mother in the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (Juliet)
How did Jack get the scar on his stomach?
Answered: The End (It is a memory from Jack’s real life, the fatal wound inflicted on him by the Man in Black when he stabbed his side)

How was Dogen the only thing keeping the Man in Black out of the Temple?
Why was Jin in Keamy’s freezer in the flash-sideways?
Answered: The Package (Keamy was hired by Mr. Paik to kill Jin after he learned that he had a relationship with Sun)
What is the significance of the dagger Dogen gave Sayid to kill the Man in Black with?
Answered: Across the Sea (It belonged to the Roman people Jacob and the Man in Black’s mother arrived on the island with, and it eventually fell into the possession of the Man in Black, with which he used to kill his mother. It then passed in possession to Richard, Jacob, Dogen, and finally Sayid)

Dr. Linus
When was Richard at the Black Rock before?
Answered: Ab Aeterno (He was a slave on the Black Rock, which arrived on the island via a large tidal wave)
Why is Widmore returning to the island?
Answered: Happily Ever After, What They Died For (After the destruction of the Kahana, he was visited by Widmore, who showed him the error of his ways, recruited him on a mission to stop the Man in Black, and told him everything he needed to know. One part of his plan was to bring back Desmond and test his resistance to electromagnetism in case he had to be used as a failsafe to unplug the Source if all of the candidates were killed)
In the flash-sideways, why did Ben and Roger leave the island?
Answered: The End (In the world they created in the afterlife, that is what they wish had happened)

Who was the Man in Black’s mother and how was she crazy?
Answered: Across the Sea (Known only as “Mother”, she was already living on the island when Jacob and the Man in Black’s mother arrived and gave birth to them. She was killed by Mother soon after, who raised the boys as her own. She had a fear of outsiders, believing them to be corrupt, and kept the boys away from their mother’s people, who were also living on the island. When the Man in Black tried to leave the island, she stopped him and slaughtered the entire settlement)
Why does Widmore want the Man in Black dead?
Answered: What They Died For (He was recruited by Jacob to do so, who convinced him of imminent danger if the Man in Black left the island)
Who is lying about their intentions: Widmore or the Man in Black?
Answered: The Candidate, What They Died For (The Man in Black, as he was trying to get all of the candidates together in an enclosed space they couldn’t escape from, and have them kill each other somehow since he couldn’t kill them directly. Widmore was acting in the interest of Jacob, who came to visit him after the destruction of the Kahana, showing him the error of his ways and giving him all the information he needed for his mission to kill the Man in Black)
What is in the locked door on the submarine?
Answered: The Package (Desmond)

Ab Aeterno
How did Jacob betray the Man in Black and take his real body?
Answered: Across the Sea (Jacob threw the Man in Black into the Source after he killed their mother, turning him into the entity known as the Monster, and killing his mortal body)

The Package
Why was Kate’s name crossed off?
Answered: What They Died For (She fulfilled a part of her life by becoming a mother, so Jacob crossed her off. However, as a candidate, she could still become Protector)
Why did Widmore bring Desmond back to the island?
Answered: Happily Ever After, What They Died For (Because Desmond is the only known person to survive a catastrophic electromagnetic event, he possesses an extremely high resistance to electromagnetism, including that at the Source of the island. Widmore brought him to the island as a failsafe in case all of the candidates died so that he could remove the cork at the Heart of the Island, the source of the Man in Black’s powers)

Happily Ever After
What was the purpose of Widmore’s test?
Answered: What They Died For, The End (Widmore needed to see if Desmond could truly withstand a high level of electromagnetism, so that he could make it to the Source if the candidates died)
How was Desmond able to experience the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (The experience put him so close to death that he was able to see glimpses of his afterlife)
Where did Widmore hear about Desmond’s abilities?
Answered: What They Died For (Jacob visited Widmore after the destruction of the Kahana and told him everything he needed to know for his mission to defeat the Man in Black)
Why are people in the flash-sideways starting to see glimpses of their other life?
Answered: The End (They are in the afterlife in a world they created to find each other and to let go. As they begin to do this, their memories begin to flood back)
Why is Eloise trying to stop Desmond in the flash-sideways and how does she know about the other life?
Answered: The End (She has already realized that she they are living in the afterlife, and she is trying to stop Desmond out of fear that by “waking” Daniel, he will move on without her)
Were things changed in the other life, as hinted by Daniel in the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (No, nothing was changed. They are living in the afterlife and Daniel is beginning to remember his real life)
What does Desmond want to show the people on the Flight 815 manifest in the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (He wants to bring them together so they will realize they are in the afterlife and begin to move on)
What sacrifice does Widmore want Desmond to make?
Answered: The End (Since Desmond is the only person who could survive the level of electromagnetism that exists at the Source, he intends to use him as a failsafe in case the candidates die to remove the cork and turn off the source of the Man in Black’s powers)
How is showing people the existence of the other life in the flash-sideways, as Eloise says, “a violation”?
Answered: The End (She was trying to stop Desmond from “waking” Daniel from his existence in the afterlife out of fear that he will move on without her)

Everybody Loves Hugo
What is the fate of Desmond after being thrown in the well?
Answered: The Last Recruit (He survived the fall)
Why did Desmond hit Locke with his car in the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (He wanted Locke to arrive in Jack’s care so that he would remember his life and move on)

The Last Recruit
Did Sayid kill Desmond?
Answered: The Candidate (No, he left him in the well)
Why was Sun so scared to see Locke in the hospital in the flash-sideways, saying “it’s him” to Jin?
Answered: The End (She was most likely remembering the Man in Black in the form of Locke from her real life, and was so horrified because he was the man who killed her)

The Candidate
How does Widmore have a list of candidates?
Answered: What They Died For (Jacob visited Widmore after the Kahana’s destruction and showed him the error of his ways, recruiting him for his upcoming war against the Man in Black and telling him everything he needed to know about the candidates and his mission)
Why will Jack need Desmond?
Answered: The End (Desmond’s high resistance to electromagnetism makes him the only one able to enter the Source and unplug the Light, the source of the Man in Black’s powers)

Across the Sea
What are the origins of Mother?
How did Mother become the Protector and what are the origins of the job?
Why did Mother believe humanity was corrupt?
Why did the Man in Black turn into black smoke when he was exposed to the Source?
How did Mother make it so that Jacob and the Man in Black couldn’t kill each other?
How does drinking the water give the Protector his or her powers?
What prevents the Rules from being broken?
How and when was the wheel put in place after Mother filled in the well?
What happened to the Man in Black after his body entered the cave?
Answered: The End (He was exposed to the Light and was killed, but his spirit became the shape-shifting entity known as the monster)
How would the light “go out”?
Answered: The End (In the Source, there is a light being contained and kept at bay by a carved stone cork within the pool of water. Removing the cork causes the water to recede, extinguishes the light and activates a volcanic cave)
Why does the light need to be protected?
Answered: The End (Unplugging the Light extinguishes it, meaning destruction for the island and potentially the entire world)
How did Mother kill the entire village and fill the well in by herself?
Where did the Egyptian Senet game come from?

What They Died For
What is the fate of Richard after being attacked by the monster?
Answered: The End (He survived)
How does the Man in Black intend on destroying the island?
Answered: The End (He planned to have Desmond remove the stone “cork” in the Source, which would extinguish the Light and begin to destroy the Island)
Who let Desmond out of the well?
Answered: The End (Rose and Bernard)
Why is Desmond bringing everyone to the concert in the flash-sideways?
Answered: The End (He wants everyone together so they’ll remember their time alive and be able to finally move on)

The End
What would happen to the rest of the world if the stone cork remained unplugged?
Who carved the area around the Light and built the water ducts and why?
Did Hurley and Ben find a way to get Desmond off of the island?
Answered/Debatable: New Man in Charge epilogue (Seeing as how Hurley and Ben had the ability to leave the island, it can be assumed that they let Desmond leave)

New Man in Charge epilogue
What job do Hurley and Ben have for Walt?
How are they going to help Michael on the island?


Last edited by DrDoom on Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:22 am, edited 74 times in total.
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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Madness » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:31 pm

My parents finished Season 3 last night.

So I watched the finale, and
how bloomin annoying was Naomi?

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Alvin Flummux » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:31 pm

A Lost thread?

Spoiling our lovely new forum?


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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Benj » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:37 pm

Best thread on the board! Well, that is until the Big Brother one gets created. The new series is scheduled to start in January, right? x

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Steve » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:38 pm

Best. TV show. Ever.


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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Benj » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:43 pm

Steve wrote:Best. TV show. Ever.


Less posting in here, more creating the Big Brother thread! x

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Pilch » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:43 pm

Well I thought season 4 was one of the best yet. Let's hope they can keep up the pace for numero cinco.

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Memento Mori » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:44 pm

DrDoom wrote:I'll update this first post as more info about Season 5 comes to light.

The ARG should be kicking off about Tues/Wed.

Dharma sent me another email the other day. Don't think it had any specific day on it though.

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by DrDoom » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:45 pm

I got it too. But if you go to the dharmawantsyou site and log in it gives you a date for when testing begins. It's either tuesdays or wednesdays date.

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Poncho » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:47 pm

This thread just reminds me that the new season is still so far away :cry:

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by President Evil » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:50 pm

Steve wrote:Best. TV show. Ever.



Skarjo wrote:
Plus I never listen to Jesus. I'm never taking exercise advice from a guy who got nailed halfway through a star-jump.
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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Memento Mori » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:53 pm

President Evil wrote:
Steve wrote:Best. TV show. Ever.


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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Curls » Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:46 pm

Madness wrote:My parents finished Season 3 last night.

So I watched the finale, and
how bloomin annoying was Naomi?

I think she's hot.

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Steve » Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:19 pm

Huw Jazz wrote:
Madness wrote:My parents finished Season 3 last night.

So I watched the finale, and
how bloomin annoying was Naomi?

I think she's hot.

I would.

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Poncho » Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:21 pm

Steve wrote:
Huw Jazz wrote:
Madness wrote:My parents finished Season 3 last night.

So I watched the finale, and
how bloomin annoying was Naomi?

I think she's hot.

I would.

You'd strawberry float anything with a pair of tits you horny old git :lol:

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Steve » Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:22 pm

Poncho wrote:
Steve wrote:
Huw Jazz wrote:
Madness wrote:My parents finished Season 3 last night.

So I watched the finale, and
how bloomin annoying was Naomi?

I think she's hot.

I would.

You'd strawberry float anything with a pair of tits you horny old git :lol:


Not true.

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Memento Mori » Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:49 pm

DrDoom wrote:I got it too. But if you go to the dharmawantsyou site and log in it gives you a date for when testing begins. It's either tuesdays or wednesdays date.

Today's date but testing hasn't started yet.

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by DrDoom » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:01 pm

It'll probably be 7-8 US time I would imagine.

They've started filming the new series recently btw.

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Benj » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:11 pm

I just passed the eligibility test! Is it actually possible to fail, or is there just to make yourself feel special? :lol: x

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PostRe: The Official Lost Thread
by Danzig » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:12 pm

Can't wait for the next series, re-watched all of Series 4 in one sitting recently.

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