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by Captain Kinopio » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:28 pm

sawyerpip wrote:It would have been quite amazing if I was an Alpha, I had both seers get in touch with me and then was almost above suspicion in the thread afterwards. Me and Rhubarb had many a discussion over PM trying to figure if the other was trustworthy.

When Kinopio told me PPM was human to try and cover for him also threw me when a day later PPM messages us all saying he was the Psychic. I thought he might have been trying to play us, but couldn't really figure what would have been in it for him with the other Psychic already dead so decided to trust him, and then he died shortly afterwards anyway. Although PPM didn't help with my trust issues by completely forgetting he had told you to tell me he was human.

I think I told you he was Human of my own volition. I was getting ultra paranoid at that point and discussing stuff over pm is a real pain in the arse when you're thinking of new stuff on the fly.

Being a Psychic is too stressful.

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by sawyerpip » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:31 pm

Captain Kinopio wrote:
sawyerpip wrote:It would have been quite amazing if I was an Alpha, I had both seers get in touch with me and then was almost above suspicion in the thread afterwards. Me and Rhubarb had many a discussion over PM trying to figure if the other was trustworthy.

When Kinopio told me PPM was human to try and cover for him also threw me when a day later PPM messages us all saying he was the Psychic. I thought he might have been trying to play us, but couldn't really figure what would have been in it for him with the other Psychic already dead so decided to trust him, and then he died shortly afterwards anyway. Although PPM didn't help with my trust issues by completely forgetting he had told you to tell me he was human.

I think I told you he was Human of my own volition. I was getting ultra paranoid at that point and discussing stuff over pm is a real pain in the arse when you're thinking of new stuff on the fly.

Being a Psychic is too stressful.

Ah okay, when I messaged him saying I had good authority he wasn't a Psychic, he asked who my source was, before saying "oh yeah I told him to say that". Made me pretty paranoid about him for awhile.

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by Drumstick » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:32 pm

PCCD wrote:
Tomous wrote:You even used Phoenix Wright gifs in your PM to Drumstick? :lol: :fp:

Hell I couldn't think of anything to put in my vote PMs so I sent a picture of Steve Davis.

Got no response :(

The reason I ask for the votes to be but in the titles of PMs is so that I don't have to read them. The only PMs I really looked at were questions and night actions.

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by Pancake » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:36 pm

Great game Drummy. It's brilliant that you managed to make it so balanced despite including two factions, removing Alphas, introducing an inactive cull and abolishing mayoral protection. Bravo!

In general I think the game was played at a high level. Both Super factions did a great job of disguising themselves,; Kinopio, PMM and Albear played well and were all crucial to the human victory. Shout out for Dan killing Cuttooth and for sawyerpip, Ironhide, and Rightey for surviving.

Really enjoyed the whole game, now back to lurking until the next game starts. :)

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by Drumstick » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:59 pm

As for me, the game went mostly to plan. The first three days were a horrendous timesink but as the numbers dropped it became easier (especially having to monitor the last times each person posted). Aside from the odd blunder from me I'm happy enough with how the game went.

I really couldn't believe the lack of crossfire between the two factions. At times it was almost like they all knew who each other were and were deliberately avoiding one another in their kill phases!

I'm not sure if I'll run another one of these again... If I come up with a great concept then I'd definitely consider it but I've got to admit I am relieved that it's over. I do hope that changing things up how I did encourages future gamerunners to come up with their own takes on the game.

The reason I didn't include any alphas were because I felt the game would be suitably different to present enough of a challenge without them. Players werent going to be able to rely as much on Mayor voting lists anymore for analysis because of the third faction, it would have been too much. That was actually the last change I made - I was racking my brain over the possible permutations of Alphas and then as if by epiphany I just thought "what if there were no Alphas? That would make things easier for me, balance the game and provide a subtle twist."

The biggest bit of advice I could give to someone wanting to run a game is not to rush it. I've had this game bubbling around in my head for almost a year but it took a long time for the last few pieces to fall into place. The single two most important things are making sure you have enough time to run the game and ensuring your balance of roles is as good as you can possibly make it. If you need a sounding board for an idea then don't be afraid to ask someone.

Most people seem to have enjoyed this to some degree so I'll class it as a success! Lastly, I thought that there was next to no chance that this game would be as close as the first one I ran... Little did I know it would be even closer!

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by PaperMacheMario » Mon Feb 15, 2016 11:04 pm

Right, so here's my write-up of the game. I've probably got some details mixed up, but I'll try recollect it as best I can.

Day 0: I'm round DML's and we both receive our role PMs. We both say that we won't look now as we don't want to give anything away, instead waiting until we're not in each other's company. At the same sort of time, I'm messaging a friend on my phone who I've not spoken to for a while. I don't open my role PM until the following morning. The bastard claimed he thought I was PMing my fellow Wolves, although he told me it was in self-preservation. :x

Day 1: Mini-E and I usually get talking at the beginning of all of these games (not sure why, he's screwed me over enough) and we reveal our roles to each other. The next day I tell him that I Seered him that night and that he returned a Super. His reaction is enough to convince me that he is a genuine Human. I actually did Seer DML, who returned Human.

I was pretty suspicious of Errkal at surviving the lynch, but thought maybe the Supers were doing it to confuse us. Still not sure why SD was offed instead of him. That wasted so much time.

Day 2: So the whole point of today seemed to be off Errkal. When he was saved again, I knew something was up. I thought Vote Rigger but I didn't know why anyone would want to save him, all it was going to do was drag it on for even longer! I wanted to Seer him but thought I could do that the day after, and instead Seer a good player who I could start to form some sort of alliance with. I picked Sykes as he was posting a little bit like suspiciously, so I thought he might be a Super or a special. He came back Wolf which was brilliant, but I had no real way of getting it out to the thread. Mini-E could have sacrificed himself but I thought we'd take it slow and see how things panned out over the next couple of days.

Looking back at messages between Mini-E and myself, my original target was TAP for the same sort of reasons, which would have totally changed the way the game played out. Kicking myself for not Seering him at all now. :x I was also strongly considering Seering Dan the following evening. :slol:

Day 3: I was thinking of ways to leak Sykes' identity out to the thread but thought it was too risky, especially just the two of us knowing. Also, I could look at his posts in more detail with the knowledge I have of him and try to make some links. This post from Sykes also made me even more suspicious of Errkal. Thought it might be a post to distance himself from Errkal, whilst subtly gloating and then referring to it post-game.

Anyway, that night my only informant, Mini-E, was Super-killed. So whereas before I was thinking about Seering Errkal, I thought it smart to get in contact with somebody I could trust in case I died the next day and Sykes' Wolfiness was lost with me. My only other previously Seered player was dead, and so I figured I had to go for somebody who seemed trustworthy but also somebody I'd had experience with so I could maybe figure out if they were lying or not. I considered Satriales but in the end chose Shadow as he seemed slightly less Super-y. I got in contact with him, layed my cards out on the table and prayed he wasn't an Alpha. Fortunately for me he wasn't, although I was extremely aware of the fact that I might just have lost the game for the Humans. :lol: I also reached out to Ob Blob as he just wasn't playing like a Super and I wanted to be in contact with more than just one person so we could get rid of Sykes, although I didn't tell him I was a Seer until Day 4.

Day 4: Ah, Day 4. Probably my favourite day of the game. Today was the day that I wanted to do something about Sykes. Shadow and Ob Blob both separately agreed to push for him in the thread, and managed to get a couple more on board too. The beauty of this was that as soon as it looked like Sykes was going to be up for the lynch, there was a big swing in votes and he ended up not going up - instead, Albear did.

Unintentionally we had just forced a special to out himself, which worked out superbly over the next few days, but more intentionally we had created a list of people who were responsible for swinging the vote. I knew not all of them would be Wolves, but I figured 1 or 2 of them would be and so I made the choice that evening to Seer the one who seemed most suspicious to me: Frank. You can imagine my delight when he also returned Wolf! We now has 2 named Wolves and more names on the list to go through, as well as a claimed special to get in contact with. Today was a good day.

Although I almost shat myself when Ob Blob seemed to adopt a Kamikazee-type role that evening :lol: he completely called Sykes out and I thought they'd then start targeting those who voted for Sykes during that day. In retrospect it wasn't a bad move as it could have bought him a bit of time: it would have looked too obvious if the Wolves had have killed off Ob Blob without Sykes dying after his outburst.

Over the course of this day, both Shadow and Ob Blob got in contact with Albear separately, and I think revealed to him that they were in contact with a Seer and that Sykes was a Wolf? I might be wrong, I forget. Anyway, this was obviously huge as Albear knew he was dead at the next available chance anyway but could out a Super before he was killed. He was the main reason we could get rid of both the Seered Wolves, and also was key in linking up the Seers. Arguably MVP for the Humans.

The highlight for me though was Sykes PMing me, almost calling me out on voting for him. This lead to an exchange of messages which basically ended with him saying "I'm not in contact with anyone but I'll let you know if I hear anything!" and me saying "sorry for suspecting you, I'll stay in touch!" :lol:

Day 5: The Chair of Death day. This was unfortunate timing as we wanted a clean lynch to get rid of Sykes, not an event in which he could survive and possibly brush it all under the carpet all together. There was the debate between hopefully lynching a 'confirmed' Wolf or going for a big group in the hope of getting lucky. I didn't really like either but ended up changing from Gold to Black: partly to remain off a list of people for the Wolves to go after, and partly because I could see the reasoning behind Black.

Ob Blob informed me that Albear informed him that the other had informed him that the other Seer had Seered Sykes and he was a Wolf. How informal. This was potentially great news as it meant the Seers could be hooked up soon, as long as the other Seer wasn't bullshitting. Shadow also let me know that Pancake had been Voyeured(?) as inactive last night, and so seemed trustworthy. These exchanges eventually lead to Herbi and I getting hooked up.

The vote for Gold tribe prevailed and fortunately Sykes was fried by the chair. Phew. Albear then announced the next Wolf, Frank. The Super kills that night were not great for me, despite being expected. Shadow and Ob Blob were both offed (the latter of which of course resulted in Denster's death :lol: ) along with TAP, our final Vigi. I Seered sawyerpip and he came back Human. Along with Errkal, these two were now my picks for the Alphas.

I also received a late PM from PCCD saying that he had been in contact with Ob Blob and was I in contact with Nun - I wasn't, but had heard others were. I didn't properly get back to him until Monday as it completely slipped my mind (was away all weekend). In hindsight I would have been better off ignoring him completely as it seemed to lead to his untimely demise. :(

Day 6: As I mentioned I was away all weekend with very limited time and signal, which made it tricky keeping up with the game. With Ob Blob and Shadow dead, I knew I had had to get in touch with Albear. He told me that I'd be Seered tonight by the other Seer, which I was - it was Herbi! I was confused as it was obvious he was the mummy strawberry floating Alpha, but it added up so I went with it.

Frank got lynched that night, bringing the number of Supers down to 6 as Dragon had somehow got himself inactive culled. :fp: :lol: at this point I was feeling quietly confident, although we didn't seem to have too many leads. I finally got around to Seering Errkal this evening. Why did you delete that post Errkal? WHYYYYYYY?!

Day 7: Herbi had informed me that obviously he was the other Seer, and that Pancake was 100% trustworthy and that Rhubarb should be trustworthy as Albear had viewed him as inactive. Immediately a group was set up with Pancake in too. We all exchanged information including who we'd been in contact with, who had been Seered, other suspicions etc. Unfortunately I also learned that sawyerpip had been copied into Albear's message to Herbi telling him to Seer me. That wasn't ideal as really thought he was the Alpha at the time. :lol: we also decided to pass the Amulet to Errkal, the thought process being that it he was an Alpha then hopefully the group might target him as they might think he's some sort of special role who's been given protection.

I got in touch with Rhubarb, having been informed he has been viewed as inactive. We start to make plans about who to send for the expedition the following day. Herbi put himself forward - which looking back was a terrible move - and we all agree on Rhubarb being sent too.

Mori dies after being put up for lunch with Herbi and Ironhide. I was really fearing the worst :dread: but thankfully Mori dies and is revealed to be a Super. Yay! Still feeling pretty good at this point. Although Pancake also dies which is a bummer, and my Seering proved unfruitful again as I continued through the 'Saving Werewolf Sykes' list (PuppetBoy - Human).

Day 8: The expedition team go out and return successful. After they return, both factions kill a member of the squad. Herbi dying is obviously a huge loss. To me, the kills insinuate that neither faction has one of their own guys in there, as it would look odd if they killed 4 of them but left 1 remaining. If they hadn't have targeted Herbi and TNAG, I wouldn't have got in contact with the remaining members and started a discussion group.

As it was, I got in contact with the remaining members and started a discussion group. Satriales (unknown), Rhubarb (inactive) and sawyerpip (Human). I said that we needed to get rid of Hyperion the next day, as he seemed to be linked very closely with Mori, to which I learned that they were already planning on shooting him with 1 of the 2 bullets they had picked up between the 3 of them. I couldn't believe it when it turned out we'd shot a human. :lol:

I decided to Seer Ironhide that night as we all thought he was worth checking out. Again I had another message from Drummy saying Human. :x Sat then did some digging and came up with a few names:

This page of the thread - t:ayas---rules-in-op?f=7&start=1500
has Mori posting three times in short succession. He votes gold and says that if there is a Super in the Gold tribe (Sykes obviously was) then we should next look at those voting Black tribe.

The votes for black tribe at the time were:
YaoHasLanded, satriales, Edd, Nun, TNAG, Pancake, Jay Adama, sawyerpip, Rhubarb, Albear, PPM

This makes me think all/most of these people are not Supers. We know for sure a lot of them aren't.

So ignoring the Alpha, as they could be anyone, my list of possible Supers is narrowed down to 10:
Dark Ritual
Cheeky Devlin

He also mentioned that Mori was strongly against voting Black tribe, whose only two remaining people were Tomous and Devlin. This seemed like a pretty good lead and so we agreed to push for the pair of them to be put up for the lynch the next day.

Day 8: Votes for Devlin and Tomous seemed to be encountering almost no resistance at all, which had us worried. As a result, we decided that we'd change tack and go for Errkal. I mentioned everything I've already mentioned about him, and everyone else seemed on board too, so we went for it.

I still can't believe sawyerpip wasn't an Alpha. :lol: although I think I'm almost more annoyed at this:

Dangerblade wrote:Herbi was a special role hunch one night.
PPM was a hunch the next.
PCCD the same night was the Wolves so I'm not sure.

It was sheer coincidence. :lol:

It's unbelievable that it was a coincidence! So bizarre having just invited PCCD to that group chat, although I was still doubtful that one of the groups would have allowed an Alpha on that trip.

I feel like I should have done a lot better with my Seering after hitting 2 Supers in the first 4 days. It really didn't help that there was almost nothing to go on after the first 2 Vamp deaths, and the Supers did pretty well in general in avoiding grouping together on lists.

How the strawberry float did none of the Supers hit each other?! Even if it was intentional it was still quite remarkable. I thought there has to be something in place where there just wouldn't be a kill or something.

Anyway, I thought overall it was a brilliantly ran and played well-balanced game. The removal of the mayoral system and the fact there were no Alphas were two changes that mixed the game up nicely, but ones that both positively affected the game. Massive thanks and well done to Drummy for running it. :wub: was fun having a Special role too. Felt pressured to do well and you're more conscious of looking suspicious, but it makes the game more interesting in many ways. Also Pancake and Albear were crucial to taking some sort of control early on, they deserve a lot of credit. Almost everyone I was PMing seemed useful too actually. The Supers did a good job in remaining undetected too, didn't suspect about half of the ones that were uncovered after my death. GG all.

HSH28 wrote:Sounds what you really need is a sense of humour.
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by Psychic » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:32 am

PaperMacheMario wrote:...

Good read there, apart from the blatant lie where you accuse me of being a good player. Interesting to see some of the thought process that another Psychic went through. ;)

I'm afraid I can't offer much in the way of post game analysis as I died fairly early (Expected to, tbh) and I felt the other wolves generally offered more to the game than I did.

Bit disappointed that no-one went through my posts with a fine tooth comb after I'd been killed though. I left a few choice mentions of "Praising the Alpha" etc in tiny font in some of them, in the hopes it would lead to mass suspicion.

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by satriales » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:03 am

I wasnt too far off with my lists of Supers and innocents there :)

My favourite moment was when I nominated Mori to be lynched for no real reason, just a hunch. Somehow it caught traction and he ended up making himself look guilty eventually leading to an actual wolf-kill later that evening.

After that I was worried that I was too obviously a human and so prime target to be killed by the Supers. Then the humans lynch me a day or two later :x

First time I've ever been lynched in one these games, and still I have never been a baddie.

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by Parksey » Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:10 am

Similar to PMM's write-up, I'm going to reveal some behind-the-scenes secrets that might shed a lot of light on what was actually going on, and how the game turned out the way it did.

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by Parksey » Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:11 am

Day One

Woke up. Was dead.

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by Hypes » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:19 pm

PaperMacheMario wrote: I said that we needed to get rid of Hyperion the next day, as he seemed to be linked very closely with Mori, to which I learned that they were already planning on shooting him with 1 of the 2 bullets they had picked up between the 3 of them. I couldn't believe it when it turned out we'd shot a human. :lol:

I still don't get why I was linked very closely to Mori.

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by sawyerpip » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:50 pm

Were the bullets found by Rhubarb and Satriales the only treasure from the expedition, or did Kinopio and TNAG find something too?

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by Drumstick » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:07 pm

sawyerpip wrote:Were the bullets found by Rhubarb and Satriales the only treasure from the expedition, or did Kinopio and TNAG find something too?

Just those two.

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by Ironhide » Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:44 pm

I still can't believe I was one of the survivors, I genuinely didn't expect to last long as I didn't particularly contribute much to the game.

I'm glad I ignored my incorrect hunch that Rightey was a bad 'un, it would have cost us the game.

Shout out to my fellow survivors, WE strawberry floating DID IT!

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by sawyerpip » Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:59 pm

Ironhide wrote:I still can't believe I was one of the survivors, I genuinely didn't expect to last long as I didn't particularly contribute much to the game.

I'm glad I ignored my incorrect hunch that Rightey was a bad 'un, it would have cost us the game.

Shout out to my fellow survivors, WE strawberry floating DID IT!

I think it was more luck than judgement a lot of the time but who cares! :toot: :toot:

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by Roonmastor » Tue Feb 16, 2016 7:38 pm

Don't know whether to be happy or annoyed I was number 3 on Sats Suspicion list!! I might have gotten onto the goody team.

I inadvertently told the Vamps I was a human on Day 2 when I PMed white tribe as on page 1 I had used "human" in my first post before it was a known role. Not sure if that kept me alive any. I think I died when it got to the straight non-seered cull so a personal win for me.

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by satriales » Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:01 pm

Roonmastor wrote:Don't know whether to be happy or annoyed I was number 3 on Sats Suspicion list!! I might have gotten onto the goody team.

It was in no order, and actually it was just a quick 5 min thing I put together by taking everyone who was left (except Pedz who I missed by accident) and removing the known and probable humans. The remaining 10 people were just ones who needed further investigation, but our group was decimated the next day before we had done much.

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by Kezzer » Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:03 pm

Ironhide wrote:I still can't believe I was one of the survivors, I genuinely didn't expect to last long as I didn't particularly contribute much to the game.

I'm glad I ignored my incorrect hunch that Rightey was a bad 'un, it would have cost us the game.

Shout out to my fellow survivors, WE strawberry floating DID IT!

I was so close :cry:

gone but not forgot

This post is exempt from the No Context Thread.

Tomous wrote:Tell him to take his fake reality out of your virtual reality and strawberry float off

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by Oblomov Boblomov » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:46 pm

Cracking game, thanks Drummy!

Very impressive balancing. I feared it would be weighted in favour of the Supers but it obviously didn't turn out that way! (Having said that, I'm fairly sure it would have been a different story had SD64 not been whacked for inactivity.)

Entertaining read, PPM. I had a ball during my time alive :D.

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by LewisD » Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:07 pm

I'd like to add, before I forget, that I did find garlic in the kitchen.
I would've been safe from Vampire attack.

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