Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - All done now!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Mar 31, 2024 10:01 am

Ashes to Ashes

I said the Borg kids were ok in the last episode they were in. But I didn't realise they would keep using them. :dread:

I don't remember Lindsey at all and I didn't care enough to look her up. The story was ok, but never got above being average.

Harry Kim was creepy as strawberry float at the end. "Such pretty hair you have little girl" before he grabs her hand and drags her to the holodeck. :dread:

Still, this was a strawberry floating masterpiece compared to the New Haven bollocks that came before. :lol:

Child's Play

A Chucky episode? Nope, the strawberry floating Borg kids by the look of it. I bet this will be gooseberry fool. I'm going to regret saying the kid actors weren't too bad aren't I? Why are kids always so annoying in American TV shows?

Ok, I was harsh, it wasn't that bad. Most of the episode was ok, if unspectacular, but the last ten minutes or so was great.

Although, why use a child to deliver the pathogen? Instead of using a kid, use an adult that volunteered! I know they said he was genetically engineered from birth to produce the pathogen, but that's bollocks, they could come up with a way of doing the same thing with an adult.

Good Shepherd

Tom Morello? :lol:

Another desperately average episode. This would have been better as a "lower decks" episode, with the three misfits bitching about the higher ups. And at the end Rage Against The Machine could have popped up to tell Janeway to strawberry float off.

Live Fast and Prosper

Fingers crossed this is an episode where the "family" from Fast and Furious steal a warp core and zoom away in a shuttle - at the end it's revealed that Tuvok was the mastermind behind the heist...

Sadly not :cry:

Despite a lack of Vin Diesel, this was pretty fun. I like the identity theft idea and thought the bad guys were very well played.

How bright was that torch at the end? The guy reacted like he had the light of a sun fired into his face. :lol:


I'll be disappointed if this isn't about a supermassive black hole....

Urghhh, I would have been happy for a black hole to swallow up this episode. ;)

It reminded me of an Assassin's Creed game. An Ancient Rome/Greece setting with a little bit of advanced sci-fi tech thrown in.

Imagine how bored and pissed off you'd have to be to be happy to see Harry Kim arrive. And I can absolutely answer the question of whether he's ever inspired anybody :lol:


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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Apr 07, 2024 8:22 am


I see that this has terrible ratings and people seem to hate it. But I thought it was pretty good. It's not up there with the best of Voyager, but it's far from being bad.

I enjoyed Tuvok's confusion when he was seeing the premonitions. And his utter loathing of his birthday :lol:

Kes was never the greatest character. But it was nice to see her, her powers were way too strong for Janeway to have any hope of stopping her, it would have been better to get through to her with reason than for Janeway to survive a few psychic blasts and then still be able to shoot a phaser.

Life Line

That massage :lol:

Zimmerman is a strawberry floating arsehole. The Doctor should have just let the prick die.

A good episode but there's not much to say about it really. I'm glad they're sticking with the Barclay/Pathfinder stuff, it'll be interesting when they get home just how Starfleet reacts to the maquis and Borg crew. :lol:

The Haunting of Deck Twelve

Neelix telling ghost stories to the Borg kids?



I thought this was going to be gooseberry fool and was stunned to find out that it was actually very gooseberry fool. Meh.

Unimatrix Zero: Part 1

This was made about a year after the first Matrix movie. While it's not identical, the people living inside a computer simulation and outside people coming in fighting the machines is a similar feel.

Why did Seven say Unimatrix Zero was a myth? It's literally part of her full Borg name. :slol: ;)

A very good end of season episode with a great cliffhanger , even if it is very similar to the TNG end of season episode where Picard was turned into a Borg.

Looking at the air dates, this was the last episode to air (in the US) while I was a teenager. I'm so old. :cry:

On to the final season!

Unimatrix Zero:Part 2

The final season! It won't be long before Dr Sam Beckett shows me what old Federation ships were like.

I laughed that it was Tuvok who was first to start turning into a full Borg. That Vulcan self control wasn't so great. :lol:

Good conclusion to the two parter and a decent season opening. I thought it was weaker than the first part, but overall was very enjoyable.

I assume that's the last we will see of that Borg queen. I have no idea how that works, does a drone in the collective now get a promotion? Is there one Borg queen for ALL the Borg, or do different sectors have different queens?

I've thought this a lot during Voyager, but way too many episodes end with "it's been 2 days, we've put everything back to normal", rather than actually showing what happened.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Apr 14, 2024 8:24 am


Didn't three of the crew have cortical implants in the last two episodes? Shame they obviously threw them away :lol:

Not rubbish, but I never felt at any point that there was any real risk to Seven. It was always way too obvious that it's all turn out fine.

I'm glad they've cleared out most of the Borg kids. The older one isn't too bad and I can't wait to see Starfleet's reaction to a Borg applying to become a cadet. :lol:


I assume Ryan Gosling( :| ) is starring in this. ;)

Kim's flirting is painful to watch. He needs to go and get laid on the holodeck.

I wished for a Fast and Furious crossover a few episodes back. Looks like this is as close as I'll get to that wish, especially with that ship with the red and green interior. I half expected it to have LEDs on the undercarriage. :lol:


"You've programmed a 3D environment to project a 2D image and I have to wear glasses to see it in 3D?" :lol:

As soon as we saw the ghostly image, it was obvious it was Tuvok. It looked just like him. :lol:

Entertaining enough episode, but the explanation was a little too ridiculous for me.

Critical Care

strawberry float, this was basically Britain by 2026 if the Tories keep going. I've deliberately put that date a long way ahead as I doubt this review will be posted for years. :lol:

I love the way they called out the Doctor for stealing, when he had been stolen himself. :lol:

Not a bad episode, I love the Doctor so anything with him in is usually decent. And the moral questions raised were thought provoking.

Inside Man

Please be a Denzel Washington bank heist episode, please be a Denzel Washington bank heist episode, please be a Denzel Washington bank heist episode...

Haha, it's not Denzel, but the way Barclay has programmed the hologram is hilarious, and I'm only up to the opening credits. :lol:

Ahh, it was the Ferengi being twats, little strawberry floaters :lol:

I'm not convinced I buy a lot of the stuff in this episode, they've beamed the Doctor to and from the Alpha Quadrant before without jamming their systems, but it didn't matter, it was still fun.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:20 am

Body and Soul

Jeri Ryan was fantastic in this. She perfected the way the Doctor speaks as well as his facial tics. And some great drunk acting.

Tuvok's pon farr was underplayed really. They should have done an episode on it, rather than a little bit part here. Tuvok is very underused in this series.

I doubt they'll ever do anything like this again or that it'll mean anything in the long run, but I thought it was brilliant.


I love how tens of thousands of light years from home, on a ship built by a species that they've never even heard of and Kim knows exactly how to use their computer systems. :lol:

Something about this was giving me Firefly vibes, it took me way too long to recognise it was because of Shepherd Book. I'm terrible with faces. :lol:

Harry Kim is such a boring character. And the Borg kid was just too naive to take seriously.

A very meh episode.

Flesh and Blood: Parts 1 & 2

This is one long episode on Netflix, so I'll keep it as one review.

I really enjoyed this. It had everything you'd want in an episode. Action plus a moral question.

It was pretty damn clear that holograms are capable of being self aware, the Voyager crew should have known that just from knowing the Doctor.

Giving the Hirogen the technology was an appalling decision in hindsight. The evil twats were always going to do something like this!

Having said that, Iden was also a wanker. I get that he had been through a lot, but that's little excuse for his actions. Religious zealotry with a genocidal nature, it's a good thing he was deactivated!


The first 21st century episode, Trek is now basically modern day.

While it isn't a clip show, it had that feel. One major difference being that this was actually good (very good!), whereas clip shows are awful. ;)

I'm a sucker for time travel stories and this did time travel in a different way, I thought at the end that Janeway was going to at least hint she remembered it, but I guess that would have blown all continuity out of the water.


I can see online that this is an episode that is highly thought of. But I found it a little dull.

I could see why Torres had the worry over her kid being a human/Klingon hybrid and there are obvious real world parallels. Plus her dad leaving and the things they said to each other. But to go this far to alter her child? I don't think so, nothing about Torres has previously suggested she'd go this far on an "issue" like this.

Not terrible, just not great.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:05 pm

You can't be that far off the end of the show with these updates now.

I've got some catching up to do, just approaching the end of season 6 myself

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:22 pm

I'll probably watch Endgame, but I'll be back on board for Enterprise. Only watched that the once so I'm interested to get back to it.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Lagamorph » Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:55 pm

Endgame :wub:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:59 pm

Lagamorph wrote:Endgame




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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cheeky Devlin » Mon Apr 22, 2024 1:38 pm


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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:21 am


This was ok, but it would have been more interesting if they had examined it from a rich v poor angle, and didn't put in the brain disorder stuff and then have one of the other prisoners turn out to actually be evil.

As it was, it felt like a criticism of the prison/capital punishment system, while also sitting on the fence about it.


I've noticed that often in Trek there will be an emergency situation like "30 seconds until a warp core breach!" and they'll spend 25 seconds of it looking worried and doing strawberry float all. :lol:

The story behind why the Klingons were there was a bit underused, it would have been good to know more about them. As it was, they just mostly came across as religious (and racist) fanatics.

Fun episode though, I especially laughed at Neelix at the end, dirty bastard. Tuvok should have murdered him. :lol:

The Void

While good, this felt like a mix of a few other episodes. Various episodes but most especially the empty space of Night crossed with the planet trapped in a distorted area of space in Gravity. Don't be impressed, I didn't remember those episode titles, I had to Google. :lol:

I also had to Google to remind myself of the name, but some of the aliens in this looked exactly like the Sontarans from Doctor Who. Thieving Trek bastards. ;)

The aliens "music" was just an annoying series of beeps. Janeway's "it's wonderful!" was laughable. :lol:

A good episode, despite my petty nitpicking.

Workforce: Part 1

The crew look so happy on that planet, they should just be left alone rather than go back to the misery of Voyager.


I'm going to hold off giving all my thoughts until after part 2.

Workforce: Part 2

I enjoyed part 1 far more than part 2. There was a nice build up in part 1 but I thought the second part spent far too long on characters trying to convince the crew they were who they were. It's one of those things that would have to happen in real life/in a serious show, but here just dragged when all you wanted was to get back to the action.

Overall it was good, but it could have been much better.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:31 am

Cheeky Devlin wrote:I'll probably watch Endgame, but I'll be back on board for Enterprise. Only watched that the once so I'm interested to get back to it.

I think I have 8 (9 if you count Endgame as 2) episodes left to post reviews of. If there's no objections from you, I might post 4 reviews mid week and then get this finished off next Sunday?

Unless you want to speed up/slow down the start of your Enterprise rewatch?

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Sun Apr 28, 2024 11:11 am

I'm on season 7 episode 4 at the moment so probably need another week before I can get through to the end!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun Apr 28, 2024 11:20 am

Jenuall wrote:I'm on season 7 episode 4 at the moment so probably need another week before I can get through to the end!

No probs, another couple of weeks won't hurt, I just wasn't sure how quickly CD wanted to move onto Enterprise.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cheeky Devlin » Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:04 pm

Moggy wrote:
Jenuall wrote:I'm on season 7 episode 4 at the moment so probably need another week before I can get through to the end!

No probs, another couple of weeks won't hurt, I just wasn't sure how quickly CD wanted to move onto Enterprise.

I'm good either way but I'm happy to stick to the schedule if Jenuall needs more time to get through the last few episodes.

I'll start a new thread for Enterprise once we get to the end of the last week for Voyager.

Looking forward to Enterprise actually as I've only watched it through completely once.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:55 am

I'm definitely keen to get onto Enterprise as it's the first Trek show that I never really watched so a lot of it will be completely new to me! :toot:

I'll see how quickly I can get through the rest of VOY, shouldn't take too long now

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun May 05, 2024 7:46 am

Human Error

Dreadful. One of those that was a struggle to get through and was so bad I can't be arsed writing anything about it.


I'm assuming a Q episode based on the title.

Up to the credits: I forgot Q had had a kid. Interesting they used de Lancie's actual son!

The 90s/00s rave. :lol:

What a little gooseberry fool. Although I guess having Q as a dad would not exactly make for a stable childhood. :lol:

I love Q. Even though he wasn't in it much this was a hilarious episode. I could have done without the obvious "he realised he was wrong and became a good kid at the end, but it was still amusing enough to not be annoying.

I'm guessing the last we'll see of Q until the Picard series? Which I'll probably be watching before you lot get halfway through DS9 (we've just started the final TNG series in the thread!).

Author, Author

I realise we still have them now, but are we really going to have literary agents in 300 years time? The only real reason to have them now is for cash, hasn't the Federation done away with money?

This is quite a long post full of spoilers, so rather than inline spoilers, I'll shove it in a spoiler box.

I get they don't want characters that look like them, that's all fine. But how the strawberry float can they still be arguing with the Doctor over his existence/other holograms self-awareness? Janeway seems to get it, I'm not sure the others did.

As with Data, it's pretty damn clear these machines are alive. If humans don't like it, then stop building machines that are capable of thinking, but treat the existing ones with respect. And yet after the Doctor made some great points about other holograms are used, the crew just ignored them. Just completely ignored that there's a damn good chance the Federation have created slaves that they force to work for them. They all saw the hologram uprising a few episodes back, but nope! strawberry float all the Doctor lookalikes in the mines, somebody has to get the dylithium and there's no way we could create dumb robots!

As for the trial (I love a Trek court room scene!) I think Janeway's argument was good. Whether an AI is alive or not is impossible to ever 100% prove, but the fact he disobeys (with no programming to allow for disobedience) shows he is self aware.

The ending was a kick in the balls as well. Basically a large number of slaves being forced to work in a mine, with a flicker of hope that they will rise up against it. It's not much of a happy ending though, as they'll all be there working for some time before they have any chance at all of being free.

strawberry floating humans!

This was great! :wub:

Friendship One

There was a great episode buried in here. The idea that a probe from Earth could cause destruction on another world was strong. Although why the strawberry float would you send anti-matter like that? :lol:

But it soon just turned into crazy leader does crazy things and then Voyager saves the day.

It's a 6/10 at best.

Natural Law

Another "it's ok but nothing special" episodes.

We're a few episodes away from the end of the series and it's still pissing around with episodes like this. I realise they can end the series in minutes ("Captain! We've found a wormhole!"), but some build up in the final episodes would be nice.


A whole asteroid full of Neelixs! You guys must love that. ;)

How are they living this far away from their home world, but aren't that old looking? Voyager has (several times!) been transported further along, taking decades off their journey. But the Talaxians all seem to remember living on Talaxia? Maybe they just age slowly compared to humans.

I don't get the hate for Neelix. He's far from the best character, but far from the worst (hello Harry Kim!).

Weird that he left the show just before the end. Although I bet he pops up in the finale.

The story here was alright, it's a bit like the previous couple, it's just ok.

Renaissance Man

I've been trying to avoid reading the Netflix descriptions as they sometimes have spoilers. Unfortunately I read it this time and so the confusion at the start of the episode wasn't much of a mystery to me.

Wasn't it established in TNG that warp drives do harm subspace and that there should be a speed limit? It was immediately ignored by the show, interesting they bring it up again here (even if they then ignore it!).

Nice to see the Doctor Who Sontarans are back.

All those Doctors in the holodeck reminded me of the Being John Malkovich poster. :lol:

I laughed my arse off at the Trek version of "if I die DELETE MY INTERNET HISTORY! DO NOT LOOK AT IT" panic. :slol: And all those confessions :lol:

Really enjoyed this!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun May 12, 2024 8:32 pm

Endgame: Parts 1 & 2

The last Voyager! I predict a super happy ending with no trouble at all along the way. ;)

I never imagined Chakotay and Seven getting together. Where did they come from? I saw him getting with Janeway.

It opened in a way that was obvious the finale would involve time travel and Janeway trying to fix the past. It was well done though, the future Admiral Janeway was played to perfection, all those years of dealing with the trauma and the determination to put things right. She'd have been better off time traveling to 7 years earlier though and stopping the whole thing. ;)

A great final episode, but that ending was massively rushed. At one point it looked like they'd have to divert to the Delta Quadrant and with zero explanation they suddenly appeared next to Earth. I thought I'd missed something, but reading up on the episode, it was just rushed. Why have 7 seasons of build up, just to fit the ending into less than 5 minutes?

It's a shame they crammed so much into the last 10 minutes, it would have been nice to spend a little more time on what happened when they got home. What did Starfleet think of the Maquis let alone Seven! A huge missed opportunity.

And now Voyager is over. It's a shame, I've thoroughly enjoyed this series. It's right up there with TNG for me, possibly even better. Voyager had its crap episodes, but overall it was far more consistent than DS9 and had just as many highs.


And now onto Enterprise! I've heard terrible things, so am looking forward to it. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Jenuall » Sun May 12, 2024 8:53 pm

TOS and VOY above DS9!


I do think I've enjoyed Voyager a lot more on this rewatch than I was expecting to. My memories of it were always a bit meh - it was the watered down TNG that didn't deliver on its promise and dropped off a cliff towards the end, but it's 100% a stronger show than I remembered.

I'm up to episode 18 of season 7 now - hoping to be done in the next week!

Last edited by Jenuall on Sun May 12, 2024 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Moggy » Sun May 12, 2024 9:02 pm

Jenuall wrote:TOS and VOY above DS9!



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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 6!- "Displaces" to "Scorpion - Part 2"
by Cheeky Devlin » Sun May 12, 2024 9:14 pm

I think I got burnt out on Trek a little bit. Between this and all the new stuff it was a bit much.
Voyager was the unfortunate casualty in that.

Fully aboard for Enterprise though and I'll make a thread for it starting next weekend. While it makes it's mistakes it does have some great characters (Shran :datass: ).
And by the end it's just great fun, even with the utter trash final episode.


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