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Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top to host WWE Raw Tonight

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:16 pm
by Psychic

I'm watching the repeat then.

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:00 pm
by KK
TNA's MEM faction is basically another version of the nWo again, isn't it? Even...

Traci Brooks

..has now joined.

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:44 pm
by Return_of_the_STAR
Erm i'm a bit confused. I've just finished watching this weeks RAW and i really enjoyed it. I don't get the hate on the net for it. I enjoyed the comedy and the crowd was awesome. I was really feeling Cena & HHH as they were well over and their opening segment was great. Yes there were botched lines, but so what. Most of the ZZ Top segment were always going to be really crap. They probably had to shoot them 20 times over. However I really enjoyed watching RAW so i'm happy.

I was very supprised that King beat Kendrick as King usually loses every match he is involved in unless he's in a tag match with a top star. However because of Kendricks character it doesn't harm him to lose matches.

Those who didn't like RAW this week please explain what it was that i was missing?

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:06 pm
by Adam Pollard
Return_of_the_STAR wrote:However because of Kendricks character it doesn't harm him to lose matches.

Aside from the bit where they've got a great worker who could actually be utilised in a much more worthwhile role than being an occasional jobber on TV.

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:16 pm
by Floex
Had to pop by and say how strawberry floating gooseberry fool Victory Road was. Infact it was one of the most wretched and worst of all boring PPVs I have had the mispleasure of seeing. Seriously, I cannot believe this is the same company I started watching just over a year ago.

Everything I HATE about wrestling turned up here tonight. It is such a shame as you could see the crowd were really up for it tonight but what we got was some of the slowest wrestling imaginable. The Kevin Nash match :fp: Fire him, he brings nothing to the table at all. Everything about TNA got shitted on. Not one X divsion match, infact over this past month they have been non exsitant. Jenna Vs Sharmel - Holy gooseberry fool an embarassment of epic porportions (though Jenna's ass, damn).

Last year I was watching the X-cup, I couldn't believe my eyes to what I was seeing. Sonja Dutt, probably one of the best X division wrestlings, fired.

Somoa Joe Vs Sting - The big reveal :fp: Talk about a crowd killer.Angle Vs Foley - this, THIS is the main event for christ sake.

Quite frankly TNA can go up themselves. With Bobby Lashley likely to get the next biggest push I just couldn't give a gooseberry fool. TNA, you have just lost a fan

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:30 pm
by KK
Huge backlash for Raw last night online from fans on forums & from feedback in to places like PWTorch & PWinsider (terrible matches, terrible humour, terrible booking & a stale main event scene being the major bones of contention).

Coupled with the disaster of Victory Road on Sunday & wrestling in general is in a really sorry state at the moment.

You may be interested to know Smackdown is now pulling in less viewers than WCW's Thunder back in 2000/1.

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:32 pm
by gaminglegend
KKLEIN wrote:Huge backlash for Raw last night online from fans on forums & from feedback in to places like PWTorch & PWinsider (terrible matches, terrible humour, terrible booking & a stale main event scene being the major bones of contention).

Coupled with the disaster of Victory Road on Sunday & wrestling in general is in a really sorry state at the moment.

You may be interested to know Smackdown is now pulling in less viewers than WCW's Thunder back in 2000/1.

Which is stupid and i don't think its about the show, more like the network. Smackdown week in week out normally has better wrestling and stars than Raw, sure I do think some weeks some more decent promos could be used but they dont have a real expert on the mic over there.

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:43 pm
by KK
F4Wonline wrote:John Cena Vs Triple H is currently scheduled to headline Summerslam.

WWE producer Kevin Dunn has brought up the idea of doing an American Idol type show for the SummerSlam pay-per-view where they look for the next Lilian Garcia.

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:45 pm
by gaminglegend
KKLEIN wrote:
F4Wonline wrote:John Cena Vs Triple H is currently scheduled to headline Summerslam.

WWE producer Kevin Dunn has brought up the idea of doing an American Idol type show for the SummerSlam pay-per-view where they look for the next Lilian Garcia.


Raw needs new main eventers/talent and fast. HHH vs Orton Orton vs Cena, Cena vs HHH Cena vs Orton Cena vs Orton vs HHH :fp: :fp: Give us something fresh!!

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:49 pm
by Adam Pollard
Who the strawberry float could possibly care about seeing John Cena v Triple H again?

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:59 pm
by Skippy
Adam Pollard wrote:Who the strawberry float could possibly care about seeing John Cena v Triple H again?

They put on good matches and they've only had three over the last three years, one on tv.

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:18 pm
by Psychic
The problem is that we've seen them face each other in triple threat matches, tag matches what seems like every few months. It doesn't feel fresh which is the important thing. I'd wager that Rock and Austin faced each other many more times that Cena/HHH, but they had the benefit of other top wrestlers to keep them occupied between matches against each other. Gaminglegend is spot on, although I'd argue that statement is more indictive of the WWE as a whole rather than just Raw.

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:21 pm
by Rog
F-Heonix wrote:Had to pop by and say how strawberry floating gooseberry fool Victory Road was. Infact it was one of the most wretched and worst of all boring PPVs I have had the mispleasure of seeing. Seriously, I cannot believe this is the same company I started watching just over a year ago.

Everything I HATE about wrestling turned up here tonight. It is such a shame as you could see the crowd were really up for it tonight but what we got was some of the slowest wrestling imaginable. The Kevin Nash match :fp: Fire him, he brings nothing to the table at all. Everything about TNA got shitted on. Not one X divsion match, infact over this past month they have been non exsitant. Jenna Vs Sharmel - Holy gooseberry fool an embarassment of epic porportions (though Jenna's ass, damn).

Last year I was watching the X-cup, I couldn't believe my eyes to what I was seeing. Sonja Dutt, probably one of the best X division wrestlings, fired.

Somoa Joe Vs Sting - The big reveal :fp: Talk about a crowd killer.Angle Vs Foley - this, THIS is the main event for christ sake.

Quite frankly TNA can go up themselves. With Bobby Lashley likely to get the next biggest push I just couldn't give a gooseberry fool. TNA, you have just lost a fan


Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:45 pm
by Shafto
Victory Road was really quite poor. Probably the worst TNA PPV i've seen (and i've been watching for a good few years now).

There were no competitive matches at all. It was all really obvious. Daniels vs Morgan should have been much better, but Daniels just got wailed on. AJ vs Nash was a complete non-starter. AJ didn't even get to show off, and the finish was terrible. TERRIBLE terrible. Both Tag matches were lacking in chemistry and flair, particularly Beer Money vs Steiner/T.

Foley/Angle wasn't anywhere near the level these two 'stars' should be at. And Joe vs Sting was dull as hell, particularly given the not so surprising 'revelation' of Taz.

In fact, the best match of the night was Tara vs Angelina.

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:28 am
by KK
This is how you do a barking mad promo:

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:37 am
by Zellery
RAW for the most part was awful.

Why oh why did they think not having the special celebrity guest hosts there live was ever going to be a good idea? Having Seth Green getting involved last week made the show really enjoyable in my opinion. Maybe ZZ Top were so bad they felt like they could only get away with prerecorded stuff but if that was the case, don't get them as hosts in the first place. :fp:

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:59 am
by sw26
I was doing a bit of youtube browsing when I came across this:

I don't think I ever saw that in full the first time around. Great swerve, and the crowd absolutely ate it up.

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:43 am
by KK
Raw did a 3.5.

Arguably the best WrestleMania ever has been added to the Tagged Classics range: ... Discs.html

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:02 pm
by A J Styles
KKLEIN wrote:Raw did a 3.5.

Arguably the best WrestleMania ever has been added to the Tagged Classics range: ... Discs.html

:wub: Pre ordered.

The extras has got the formation of the Two Man PowerTrip on the next nights Raw aswell. :o

Re: The Wrestling Thread: ZZ Top host WWE Raw

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:08 pm
by Cropolite
KKLEIN wrote:Raw did a 3.5.

Arguably the best WrestleMania ever has been added to the Tagged Classics range: ... Discs.html

No arguments about it, as far as I'm concerned, WWF's peak three hours in their history. Everything had a fresh feel to it, the only thing that was missing is a serious Kane storyline, but Undertaker was busy burying HHH.