Mafia 2: Dark City - And So Peaceful Until

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Captain Kinopio
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PostMafia 2: Dark City - And So Peaceful Until
by Captain Kinopio » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:37 pm


Mafia is a game of the uninformed majority vs the informed minority. Most (see special roles for further details) players will play one of two competing roles a member of the Citizens (the majority) or a member of the Mafia (the minority). The game is simple, the Citizens win by wiping out all the Mafia, the Mafia win by levelling the number of players on each side. All members of the Mafia know the names of the other Mafia members, crucially though the Citizens and other special roles only know their own role and must use their investigative ingenuity to work out the identity of others.

The game is split into two play phases, these are Day and Night. During the Day all players discuss who they think members of the Mafia are and come to a majority decision over which player they want killed, if a majority is reached this player is killed. ALL of this discussion takes place inside the thread, players MUST NOT communicate outside of the thread to come to this decision. The Day phase of the game ends at around 8pm every day, if a majority decision has been reached the player who is the target of that decision will be killed, if there is no clear majority there will not be a killing. If all players voice an opinion indicating who they want killed a majority decision only requires one swaying vote on either side, however if some players remain quiet or choose not to voice a supportive vote either way, the existence of a majority will be decided by me. Players may wish to highlight who they want killed by typing their name in bold in their last post before a killing is actioned.

During the Night members of the Mafia cast one vote each in secret (via pm to me), saying who they want killed. The Mafia must vote unanimously for a person to be killed (unless special circumstances apply), however this is not as easy as it sounds as they too MUST NOT communicate outside of the game thread. This means they must find a way of coming to this unanimous decision of who to murder in full view of all other players, they do this by using their posts in the game thread to communicate secret codes to other Mafioso. To be clear, these two phases Day and Night are only ways of providing times for decisions to be made and votes to be cast, speculation, accusation and Mafia coded chat can continue throughout at any time of the day the players wish. The night phase will end at 11pm, by which time all Mafia and Special Roles must have pm'ed myself. If there is a unanimous Mafia decision a player will be clipped, if not, there will be no hit.

As mentioned the Night time phase is also when special roles must cast their votes there are two such roles;

Detective - A detective has the ability to find out the identity of any player. This is valuable knowledge but as he cannot communicate what he knows in secret, he must use his persuasive power to convince other players of the Mafia's guilt or try to drop subtle hints as to player roles without revealing his own identity. The Detective can only use this ability on a night where there has been a kill (Mafia or Citizen). To Detect he must pm myself once after I have announced whether there has been a Mafia kill in the night phase, I will reply with the role of this player, whether it be Mafia, Citizen or Nurse.

Nurse - The nurse holds the keys to the secure town hospital and has the ability of protecting one player per night from a Mafia hit, like the detective they pm me the name of the person they want to protect (during the night phase) and they will be locked in the hospital protecting them from the Mafia. The Nurse will be able to protect themself but only ONCE. The nurse cannot protect the same person twice in a row.

When kills are made by the Citizens the identity of the victim will NOT be revealed, this is to create suspense and to stop the game from becoming too easy for the Citizens. You only win this game if you survive at the end, there is no honour in death, to highlight this, players who die in this game will not be allowed to participate in the next game of Mafia, if there is one.

Each side Mafioso and Citizen have a card to play at any time of their choosing throughout the game.

-The Citizens card allows them to identify how many have been killed up to the point in the game that the card is played. No individual identities will be revealed only the number of Mafioso killed, if any. This card can be played on any night the citizens achieve a kill and is played by at least half of the majority who decided the kill that night choosing to use it.

-The Mafioso's card is played in secret and allows them to forgo the need for a unanimous vote for one night only. As they cannot communicate in secret it is the responsibility of each member of the Mafia to hold off using this ability until the optimum time, or until one of their fellow Mafioso chooses to use it. To play this card a member of The Mafia must pm me to say they want to use it.

That is how the game is played. In this game of Mafia there are twenty players, here are how many of each role will exist

Citizen (14)
Mafia (4)
Detective (1)
Nurse (1)

00:01 - 20:00 = Players must come to a majority decision of who they want to be killed in the thread, no pm votes are sent to myself, everything is conducted in the thread.

20:00 or there abouts = I announce if a majority decision has been arrived at and if so announce the name of the player killed

20:00 - 23:00 = At any point during this times all members of the Mafia must pm me with who they want killed, based on what they think has been agreed by other Mafia members in the thread. At any point between these times the Nurse must pm me the name of the person she wants to protect.

23:00 = I announce whether there has been a Mafia kill

Some time after 11 = The Detective pms me the name they want to detect (only if there has been a kill that day) I then revel this players identity



2) The deadline for a majority decision during the day phase is 8pm, if I deem there has been no majority by this time there will be no lynch.

3) Players are not allowed to use the forum function to view what other members are currently doing. I would advise most players change their forum status to 'hidden'. To do this click on User Control Panel at the top of the screen, Select Board Preferences and change 'Hide My Online Status' to Yes.

4) There is to be absolutely no print screening of my pms or quoting of their content (they will all be different anyway), doing so will lead to instant dismissal from the game.

5) Once a player is dead they are silenced. I cannot emphasise this enough, I don't want to see a single post in this thread by any player who has been killed, not a dying shout of their role, not a vanquished soliloquy, not even a EURGHRGHRGRH I'm Dead post. Up until the second I post that somebody is dead you can post whatever you like (as long as it doesn't break the rules), once I post you are dead though you MUST stay silent in this thread, please abide by this.

6) All in game communication must be conducted in English, no using translation tools to try and pass codes.

7) When there are 4 Mafia alive, only 3 need to vote the same way to achieve a kill. Once one Mafia is dead all Mafia must vote the same way to achieve a kill.

As an aside the narrative flourishes in my key posts are just that. They do not hold clues to identities or number of Mafia dead.

First game can be found here:

City Inhabitants

AJ Styles
Banjo - Dead Citizen
Zenigame - Dead Unknown
Corazon De Leon - Dead Citizen
Oblomov Boblomov
Delusibeta - Dead Citizen
Dark Ritual
Henke - Dead Citizen
Denster - Dead Citizen
1cmanny1 - Dead Unknown
Fatal Exception - Dead Citizen
pyxl-8 - Dead Citizen
Staydead - Dead Unknown
Albear - Dead Citizen

Any further questions about your role, how to play or specific rules just let me know and I'll answer asap.

Last edited by Captain Kinopio on Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:05 pm, edited 22 times in total.
Time for adventure
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Captain Kinopio
Joined in 2008
AKA: Memento Mori
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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Captain Kinopio » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:37 pm

The Story So Far

Herbi wrote:Welcome to Cadeby


Welcome to Cadeby a once burgeoning city that has been run into a shady dilapidated hovel by the life draining grip of organised crime.

Before the turn of the decade, at it's peak in 1929 Cadeby boasted a population booming into the tens of thousands. A city famed for it’s World War 1 heroes and manufacturing industry, Cadeby was most definitely a city going places. However a crippling depression saw the rise of the unsavoury in the city as desperate citizens turned to the underworld to maintain the way of life to which they had become accustomed. With loansharks, vagrants and gangs delivering vigilante justice on an increasingly indebted populace a new city class was begining to form, The Mafioso!

With the Cadeby City Police (CCP) unable to understand or adapt quickly to the new rulers of the streets the city quickly declined into a husk of it’s former self. With the Mob casually flouting prohibition, trading black market goods and stacking the bodies of citizens refusing to fall in line in the gutters, the population collapsed. Anybody who valued their safety swiftly relocated to the outskirts of Cadeby leaving the centre a ghost town, that was all expect for twelve souls. These citizens, Mafia hidden among them, refused to be intimidated from their homes and fought back against those who sought to destroy them. After days of dark dealings and brutal killings, the citizens prevailed rooting out the Mafia’s core and delivering a swift justice.

With the Mafia gone from the city centre Cadeby could rise from it’s knees, or so the brave citizens thought. As nature abhours a vaccum The Mafia cannot leave a weakened city to simply rise from its control. With 3 of its number murdered The Mafia had a message to deliver to Cadeby and one that would cause the city drains to froth with the blood of those who called Cadeby home. To this end 4 new Mobsters were driven to the city outskirts with their Tommys and told to take back the purse strings of the city for the Godfather.

To fight this fiersome foursome Cadeby would once again have to rally together to uncover the threat that lay within their increased numbers. 20 stood in the City Hall on the evening of Wednesday 26th October 1934, all knew that what was to come would leave a mark on their souls till their dying breath, they could only hope that breath would not be in the coming nights.

1 Detective, disallusioned with the incompetence of the Cadeby City Police Department, this detective left his cowardly force who had relocated with the rest of the citizens and set about clearing the scum from the streets.

1 Nurse, with the sick and injured of the Cadeby hospital (who had been put their by the Mafia) unable to flee with the rest of the city's citizens, this brave nurse took the keys to the secure hospital from the fleeing chief of medicine and vowed to stay behind protecting anybody who asked, until she could empty the hospital or.....otherwise

16 Citizens of Cadeby, some said they were brave, many more that they were stupid. Whatever they are, the life expectancy of these individuals is going to be lower than their IQ when the Mafia gets their hands on them.

4 Mafioso, they only sought one thing, to impress The Godfather by taking back what had been stolen from them by the city they both loathed and desired.

The chess board has been laid, none know how this clash of good vs evil will turnout all we now know is that the Cadeby mortician is going to have a good week!

Night 1


“...they’re gone ok! No need to jump at shadows or sleep with a gun under your pillow, we took them ALL out” Corazon de Leon sat back down on his wooden seat in the town hall. Although his speach had been fiery it had a calming effect on all 15 others present of the Cadeby regeneration committee.

As the forward party to make sure all ammenities were up and running after the masacre last year these 16 individuals were discussing whether the city was ready to start inviting people back.

“Well I guess it’s settled we’ll start sending out letters tomorrow” Denster brought the meeting to a close as a “Here Here” slowly filtered through the room. Everything looked as if it might just be ok as the inhabitants of Cadeby’s city centre began filtering off in all directions from the City Hall.

As street lamps flickered into life the footsteps of wooden healed shoes could be heard tapping an echoed chorus throughout the streets, chimming a song to a n...


Everyone heard the gunshots ring throughout the empty avenues and all praying it didn’t mean what they thought immediately sprinted back to the city hall.

There on steps underneath the great clock, erected on the cities founding, lay the bodies of two Cadeby Citizens, Corazon de Leon and Denster ridden with bullet holes, their blood spilling down the steps and forming into a puddle. They were dead!

Horrified Cadeby’s inhabitants stood in a circle around the corpses each knew what this meant but none uttered a word.

The game was back on and from the looks of things was set to be bloodier than ever...

Herbi wrote:Day 1

The population of Cadeby in shock after the previous nights bloody festivities, the streets were quiet. Brief conversations in alleyways echoed into the streets and glances at those who were out trying to get on with the city maintenance seemed more like long stares.

With the population not sure which way to turn there were no rallying calls for revenge for last nights atrocity, a measured response was the murmur of the day.

The Mafia could breathe easy, safe in the knowledge their actions would go unpunished, the city could only hope their next strike would not be as swift.

The Game, continues.

Herbi wrote:Night 2


The Mafia relived that the Cadeby Citizens had held off on any hasty actions were not about to jeopardize their current position of hiding in the shadows.

After careful consideration the guns remained quiet on Night 2 in Cadeby, everyone had taken an early night. It seemed we had two sides waiting for the other to blink first.

Herbi wrote:Day 2

A Citizen of Cadeby walks through the quiet city streets. It’s been nearly 48 hours since blood was last spilled in the city centre but he could still feel it in the air, like the city was holding its breath.

As he walked across the street, his hands never leaving his pockets which concealed a rusty kitchen knife, his destination came into view. The Winchester, one of Cadeby’s former bustling Speak Easys, although the doors were open there was no one inside.

Our citizen kicked over a chair that stood blocking the route leading behind the bar, as he followed it round flicking all the beer taps they all spurted some foam and let out a slow hiss. As expected all were dry.

As he let out a sigh and ran his hands through his hair he crouched down onto his knees, contemplating what tonight may bring. As he went to get up his eye caught a reflected glint on the periphery of his vision. Inspecting further he pushed aside some glasses resting underneath the bar, casually allowing them to shatter on the floor, as he did so he saw his prize.

An entire bottle of whisky, he couldn’t believe it! He allowed himself the luxury of a laugh, lay down behind the bar and used his knife to break the seal on the whisky.

Tonight was going to be fun.

The Game Continues...

Mafia and Nurse pm to me by 11 please

Herbi wrote:Night 3


As the city lights flickered into life on the corner of Archive Street and Trading Way a shadowy figure emmerged from a boarded up property. With an axe at his side he looked both ways before venturing into the street and heading into the park opposite.

As he crossed the road another figure turned the corner and sealed off the route to his property, he turned to see this action and dropped his head down to quicken his pace. As he passed under the archway leading into the park he heard another set of footsteps join the pair that had already started to follow him.

Gripping his axe more firmly he once again quickened his pace, as he did so a suited man with a trilby putting his face into shadow, stepped out from behind a tree. The man stopped dead in his tracks spinning around quickly he was almost surrounded. Feinting to his left, he then darted right off the path and into the trees, now pursued at speed by his would be attackers.

Ducking under branches. Leaping over rocks. The man ran to the outskirts of the park but he could not shake his chasers. At last the high, spear peaked, park fence came into view. Taking a boost from a bench the man leaped into the air and gripped the fence with axe in hand. Desperately struggling to kick his feet off the rails to push him over the man felt his sweaty palms lose their grip and he slid back to the grassy surface.

Turning around he now faced the three men cutting off his escape. Taking an attack pose he swipped wildly in all directions keeping them back. As they taunted him he could not hear the footsteps approaching on the pavement outside the park.

Breathless the man kept swinging until he saw a smirk come across the face of all three assassins as their eyeline drifted from his face to the street behind him. As he began to turn his head he heard the gun cock, he did not hear the shot as it ripped through his skull at devastating close range.

The bullet tore the left side of the mans face off leaving his brains to colour the grass a dark red.

Pyxl-8 was Dead! Cadeby had lost it’s third Citizen

Day 3

As the sun rose over a bloody night in Cadeby a lonesome figure walks through the park in a long trench coat with a glint of light reflecting the sun on his left lappel. Hands deep in his pockets he comes across something on his path which doesn’t look quite right muddy foot prints, 4 sets by the looks of things that lead off the path and into the trees.

Pulling a large magnifying glass out of his pocket he bends down and follows the footprints to their bloody destination. He covers his mouth with a handkerchief as a revolting smell takes the air. Arriving at the scene of last nights murder the man looks through the footprints and blood splatters hoping to find something that might help him.

There just at the root of a sappling he finds a bullet casing, rolling it in his palm a smile comes across his face. He flicks up the casing and catches it in his pocket then whistles his way back to the path to get on with his day.

Cadeby was still a city slumbering at the looming threat.

The game continues...

Night 4


Two men wandered through the town library picking books off shelves flicking through them and then tossing them to the floor. Neither was really searching for anything they were just bored and wandering through the library brought back some sense of normality.

As they reached an end of a bulky stack they stopped to talk through what could be done. After several minutes they shook hands and one exited, the other continued to flick through books. As he tossed a pile onto the floor he didn’t hear the doors rattle as three bodies made their way to his position.

Only when one of the three men called out to him did he notice he was no longer alone. Startled he greeted his fellow Citizens with a smile, no such courtesy was returned. As the three men circled his position he queried their actions. Rather than answer two of the men pinned his arms against stack while the third whipped out several kitchen knives and forcefully stapped them into the mans hands pinning him to the stack!

Screaming in agony, blood pouring from his hands staining his shirt, the man tried to pull himself free but he was stuck. The three men disappeared behind him and he began to cry out for help. On his third shout he heard a rumble but it was not his saviour.
The men had pushed over the book stacks behind him which were now falling like dominoes towards his position. As the stack behind him crashed into his own the man accepted his fate. With the fource of several large stacks carrying mountains of books the mans face was slammed into the ground, crushing it beyond all recognition.

Fatal Exception was Dead! Cadeby had lost another Citizen

The Mafia came round to see the mans blood oozing from undereneath the chaos they had caused. Laughing they lit a cigar each and tossed the match into the pile of broken books and splinttered wooden structures the blaze roared ferociously as they bolted out the library door feeling invincible.

Herbi wrote:Day 4

5 Men stood across the street from the charred ruins of the Cadeby City Library. Still smouldering there was no evidence of last nights crime aside from the knowledge that all 5 men had, that there number had been reduced. Cadeby had been frozen in inaction since Wednesday nights killings, all knew that something had to be done but there was no leadership, no grouping of just citizens and without that the town was falling into ruin.

The men engaged in a discussion as to what should happen next, little did they know they were being watched from the end of the street by a man in a trenchcoat with binoculars. As he peered through his lenses at them he could see their discussion turn into a heated argument. Dramatic gestures, tosses of the head and aggressive posturing all signalled that this could quickly turn into a brawl.

The man sighed and dropped his head turning away from the ugly scene, and made his way back to his home to contemplate the bleak future of Cadeby.

Back with the group of men, two of them were now being held back from each other as fists flew at thin air. The men separated into two groups and full of scorn turned and made their way to opposite ends of the street. This sight was symptomatic of a city in crisis, a populace divided.

The Game Continues...

Herbi wrote:Night 5

A young woman walked alone through the streets of Cadeby glancing up at the nearest street sign as she strolled through the shadows. Seeing her destination she approached an unmarked door and knocked twice.

Tentatively the door was opened by a bearded old man pointing a revolver directly into her face. The woman muttered a few words calming the man then pulled something out of her pocket to show him. These actions caused the man to relax and pleased he tucked his revolver into his belt. As he did this he reached to a table inside his property and picked up a bottle of gin and left his house with the woman.

As the two walked through the empty streets they could not know how many glances they received through curtains, off rooftops and out of doorways but neither seemed concerned at such possibilities. The two appeared jovial despite the circumstances of their meeting and even shared swigs from the gin bottle as the walked to the south eastern side of the city. After approximately 25 minutes walking the two saw their destination, Cadeby City Hospital.

As they walked down the wide open street towards the hospital both became more aware of how vulnerable they were and without uttering a word to each other quickened their pace. As they made their way up the hospital steps the man pulled his revolver out of his belt and pointed it into the street, continuing to make his way backwards into the now opened hospital door.

As he assessed his safety he allowed himself a chuckle, spun the revolver around his finger and coolly slid it back into his belt. The woman donned her Nurse cap and then locked the hospital doors, ready to get on with looking after the City's sick, tonight with a little welcome company.

Herbi wrote:Day 5

A man walks down the centre of the road on 13th street, while it once would have been a bustling hive of market stalls, horse drawn carts and motor vehicles it is now nothing but a reminder of the poison that has taken Cadeby for its own.

Rotting fruit lays in baskets on stalls, goods formely of some worth lay in the street gathering dust and only the fading light illuminating the snow on the ground suggest that this place has become anything other than a hell hole.

As the the man, approaches the end of the street he pauses as a noise pierces the silence. Looking to his left his sees a horse, it's cart has been over turned forcing the poor creature to drag it along the ground. This is clearly causing much discomfort as trickles of blood can be seen making their way down the animals legs where the bindings of the cart have twisted into harsh positions.

The man does nothing though, seeing the horse struggle past, ignoring it's plight gives him a strange sense of power, as if there is something left in this city he can control.

As the horse struggles past in front of him the man digs his hands further into his pockets and carries on.

The Game Continues...

Herbi wrote:Night 6

Tires squeal through the empty streets, echoing in the dead city that has become Cadeby.

Inside the vehicle creating the noise four men dressed in pin stripe suits, with the fine Cubans in their mouths and Tommy Guns pointing to the skies, almost as if they're daring the almighty himself to challenge their authority.

As the driver puffs a billow of smoke his view is temporarily obscured, a garbage can, a shop window and a stray cat are the victims but he cares not, taking another deep gulp of the silky Cigar. His friends, shooting at the rats in the street with no less thought than as if they were the city's citizens who had been their targets just a few weeks ago.

As the driver approaches a cross road he slams the breaks on, sending his three passengers hurtling forward, they give him a thump on the back of the head and step out in unison in the middle of the 4 adjoining streets.

The foursome climb atop the car and stand back to back and fire over round after round randomly in different directions into the dead of night, with no clear target. As the bullets clatter to the floor the sound of the maniacal laughter coming from the three overpowers that of the guns, the combination of sounds sends chills down the spines of anyone in the vicinity.

Happy with their nights statement they climb back in the car and head back to their den to gamble and drink the night away, after all who would stop them.

Herbi wrote:Day 6


A Bell is being rung in the Cadeby City Plaza. Over and over again like a headmaster calling children to the end of playtime. As the ringing goes on and on and the sound echoes throughout the silent city, doors down dark streets begin to creak open. The inhabitants leave their bunkers nervous they could be walking into a trap. As the citizens filter out of their homes, all concealing any weapon they could get their hands on they make their way to the source of the noise.

As Citizens begin to filter into the plaza they see a table with 6 chairs around it, but no bell. Instead the sound is coming from a microphone with it's button taped down resting against a tape player that has been clearly set to loop the sound of a bell to draw the citizens in. Sensing a trap one Citizen withdraws a knife from his pocket and approaches the table. The Cadeby inhabitants continue to filter into the Plaza until all 16 are present watching one of their number approach the mysterious table.

As he reaches the table he pushes the microphone to the floor, breaking the sound and causing silence to fall on the plaza. He now sees a Revolver on the table which he instantly grasps. Underneath the Revolver is a sheet of paper entitled RUSSIAN reads.

Welcome Cadeby inhabitants to the city Plaza, once home to festivals now the staging area to a game that will help decide the fate of some of you and seal that of others.

In the revolver, one of you has no doubt grasped, are 6 chambers and 6 bullets, some may be live, some may be blank. Here is what you must do. Amongst yourselves you must choose 6 Citizens to sit in the 6 chairs you see surrounding this table. You must then take it in turns to spin the revolver. As the revolver comes to a halt the player it is facing must pick it up, point it at the person opposite them and fire!

If the bullet is live that person will die. If it is blank that person will survive and will be allowed to send a secret message to one other player in the game of their choosing.

All 6 seats must be filled, if there are not enough volunteers citizens can be nominated, falling that the quietest citizens will be put in the chairs and if that still doesn't fill them citizens will be chosen at random.

As the citizens inhabiting the plaza take in this twisted game all ponder what it might mean for them. It might provide them the life line they need to bring peace to Cadeby, but it could also put them to bed, for good.

All 16 standing in the Plaza this day had a big decision before them.

Herbi wrote:Night 7



6 Brave Souls take their seats at the Roulette Table, none knew whether it would be the last seat they ever took.

The 10 remaining Citizens stood far away from the table, some in groups some alone, all waiting to see what would happen when the trigger was pulled for the first time.

The Game, was on.

Herbi wrote:Night 7


It had been a dramatic evening, Cadeby Plaza was now roaring with flames just as the library had done days before. The city's number had dropped from 16 to 14. From the six who entered the game of Russian Roulette 4 survived, the Citizens would have to be happy with that, as long as they were the right 4...

1) AJ STYLES - Survived
2) AARON - Survived
3) STAYDEAD - Dead Unknown
4) 1CMANNY - Dead Unknown

5) DELUISBETA - Survived
6) CLARKMAN - Survived

The 4 men who had lived to tell the tail from their horrifying experience stood up from the table and walked towards a postbox on the corner of Cadeby Plaza. Each withdrew a pre-prepared message and slid it into the post box, hoping that it's recipient could understand whatever had been written.

Following this action the 4 walked their separate ways each likely heading home for a stiff drink and quite possibly a shower to cleanse themselves of the experience. The Cadeby inhabitants that had watched the affair also left the scene wondering how the evenings events would impact their own chances of survival.

The game continues...

4 survivors messages to me by end of the evening please

Herbi wrote:Night 7

As the charred remains of Cadeby Plaza smoulder under the full moon a man walks through what was formerly a row of shops and market stalls. The heat blazing off the ashes something catches the man's eye amongst the timber structures.

There laying just inside what was formerly the city hardware shop are three bodies. Walking up closer to identify these individuals the man turns over to discover that the corpses belong to Albear, Henke and Banjo, all were dead Citizens of Cadeby lost as a result of the game of Russian Roulette played earlier in the evening.

The man's head sunk as he realized how many had now been lost as a result of this war between the City of Cadeby and Mafia. He took stock of what was known

City Inhabitants

AJ Styles
Banjo - Dead Citizen
Corazon De Leon - Dead Citizen
Oblomov Boblomov
Dark Ritual
Henke - Dead Citizen
Denster - Dead Citizen
1cmanny1 - Dead Unknown
Fatal Exception - Dead Citizen
pyxl-8 - Dead Citizen
Staydead - Dead Unknown
Albear - Dead Citizen

With the City's numbers having taking a pounding this evening and an unknown number of Mafia still at large the man knew one thing only, that Cadeby did not have long left before it would be lost beyond all hope.

The game continued...

Herbi wrote:Day 7


Throughout the day the city of Cadeby had been very restless. Last nights repeated shootings and deaths had set the city on a knife edge. The fact that so few remained meant something had to be done.

At 6pm a man walked down the city highstreet which had as yet been untouched by the blazes roaring out of control throughout the city. He seemed oddly upbeat given yesterdays actions and walked with a skip in his step as he zig-zagged across the pavement picking up green bottles and depositing them in a black bin bag.

As he moved under a streetlamp which was flikering into life he saw a man exit one of the shops and head toward him. "Hello Citizen he shouted", there was no reply, instead a second man and a third joined him from two more shop fronts and they too headed for our chirpy bottle collector.

"Whats the matter" he asked hoping for an innocent reply, instead none came and the three men started running at him, as he turned to flee his pursuers 4 Cadeby inhabitants blocked his path and he stopped dead in the street. The chase was over before it had began as the man pulled a chairs from outside one of the shops and sat down. Once he settled he realized there were now 9 people surrounding him, where they had all come from and what there purpose was he could only guess at.

The man stood up "My fell*CRACK* as he had began talking a baseball bat swung from nowhere and crashed into the side of his face sending blood, teeth and spittle flying into the night. The man instantly dropped to his knees and raised a hand begging for mercy.

None was shown.

Instead 3 of the number surrounding him reached into his bag and with drew bottles, two of them cracked them against the chair the man had been sitting on, one was shattered over his head. As the man drifted out of conciousness he felt one bottle ram into his throat and the other his heart, slicing the life out of him.

Zenigame was dead!

The game....continues

Last edited by Captain Kinopio on Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:14 pm, edited 14 times in total.
Time for adventure
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Oblomov Boblomov
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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:37 pm

I say we kill Denster.

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Captain Kinopio
Joined in 2008
AKA: Memento Mori
Location: The Observatory

PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Captain Kinopio » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:42 pm

I didn't add it in to anyone's pm but the Cards for both sides will be used.

-The Citizens card allows them to identify how many have been killed up to the point in the game that the card is played. No individual identities will be revealed only the number of Mafioso killed, if any. This card can be played on any night the citizens achieve a kill and is played by at least half of the majority who decided the kill that night choosing to use it.

-The Mafioso's card is played in secret and allows them to forgo the need for a unanimous vote for one night only. As they cannot communicate in secret it is the responsibility of each member of the Mafia to hold off using this ability until the optimum time, or until one of their fellow Mafioso chooses to use it. To play this card a member of The Mafia must pm me to say they want to use it.

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Denster » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:53 pm

Oblomov Boblomov wrote:I say we kill Denster.

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PostMafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by aayl1 » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:54 pm

So we don't don't find out someone's identity once they're killed? Because you do in the real Mafia and I worry it may be game breaking if we don't. But I'm up for a challenge, don't worry.

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Denster » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:57 pm

If nothing else - this should be intriguing.

(throws sand at Azza)

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:00 pm

Denster wrote:
Oblomov Boblomov wrote:I say we kill Denster.

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That's exactly the kind of thing a mafioso would say... :shock:

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Delusibeta » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:00 pm

The no-identity-on-kill and the no-PMs-even-for-the-Mafia rule will make this game very interesting. I'll be surprised if the latter doesn't prove to be game-breaking, to be honest, but we will see. We will see...

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Denster » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:02 pm

Oblomov Boblomov wrote:
Denster wrote:
Oblomov Boblomov wrote:I say we kill Denster.

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That's exactly the kind of thing a mafioso would say... :shock:

I was going to Pm you and call you a bitch - but then remembered it's against the rules.

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by jiggles » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:32 pm

The citizen card rule is utterly strawberry floating retarded.

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Oblomov Boblomov
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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Oblomov Boblomov » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:35 pm

What a lovely way to put it. :fp:

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Qikz » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:44 pm

pyxl-8 wrote:The citizen card rule is utterly strawberry floating retarded.

Mafioso right here.

The Watching Artist wrote:I feel so inept next to Qikz...
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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Frank » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:51 pm

6) All in game communication must be conducted in English, no using translation tools to try and pass codes.

The StayDead Rule :shifty:

So just for clarification, when someone's killed, their role isn't revealed to the rest of the players a la AYA?'s "DENSTER IS DEAD - HE WAS A VILLAGER" type messages?

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Sir Aaron of GRcade
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PostMafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by aayl1 » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:53 pm

I say we use the citizen's card now. Show the Mafia we don't need no poxy cards to win this.

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Captain Kinopio » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:56 pm

aaronayl1 wrote:I say we use the citizen's card now. Show the Mafia we don't need no poxy cards to win this.

Can only be used on the night of a Citizen kill

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Captain Kinopio » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:58 pm

Frank wrote:
6) All in game communication must be conducted in English, no using translation tools to try and pass codes.

The StayDead Rule :shifty:

So just for clarification, when someone's killed, their role isn't revealed to the rest of the players a la AYA?'s "DENSTER IS DEAD - HE WAS A VILLAGER" type messages?

That is correct but only for Citizen kills.

I thought about changing it from last time but I just think it would be too easy to go back through known Mafia posts to identify codes, making their job nigh on impossible.

The ID of Mafia kills are revealed

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Frank » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:01 pm

Cheers, Herb :wub: I wasn't around for the first Mafia game, so I'm almost certainly going to be as bad at this as I was in my first AYAW :fp:

At least there's no vigilantes in this to mess things up.

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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by A J Styles » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:09 pm


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PostRe: Mafia 2: Dark City - Game Thread
by Drumstick » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:21 pm


Check out my YouTube channel!
One man should not have this much power in this game. Luckily I'm not an ordinary man.
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