Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - All done now!

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Cheeky Devlin
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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 1!- "Basics" to "The Chute"
by Cheeky Devlin » Sun Nov 05, 2023 6:55 pm

Loved Brad Douriffs appearance as Suder.

Would have been great to see more of that character. I like that he gets a chance to redeem himself though.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 1!- "Basics" to "The Chute"
by Jenuall » Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:25 pm

Basics is such a good two parter! Agree that the stranded on a planet aspects are far weaker than the ship stuff.

There's almost a kind of First Contact vibe with some of the crew down on the surface whilst others are up on the ship running some counter-insurgency action!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 1!- "Basics" to "The Chute"
by Cheeky Devlin » Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:34 pm

The ship stuff on Basics is great. Really solid two parter.

Flashback has so many cameos in it.
Sulu, Janice Rand and Kang. The same Kang from TOS and DS9. The guy who dies at the bridge console was in Undiscovered Country as well.
The continuity geek in me did notice that Tuvok said two days after the explosion of praxis two starfleet officers are on trial for the assassination of Gorkon. But in the movie the explosion of Praxis happens a few months before the assassination.[/frink]


Just the Chute next which I'm not a huge fan of. Crew thrown into a horrible prison episodes aren't ever particularly interesting.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 1!- "Basics" to "The Chute"
by Jenuall » Wed Nov 08, 2023 6:43 pm

I'm on The Chute now...

The core storyline with the memory engram virus is a bit pants but as an opportunity to go back and do some fan service I'll forgive it! Nice discussion from Janeway about the differences in era between "modern Trek" (or what was modern at the time at least!) and the TOS era, although quite ironic how she chews the likes of Kirk out for being "quick to drop the Prime Directive" when you consider some of the gooseberry fool she gets up to! :lol:

Basics did make me think of another Red Dwarf reference/crossover when they're discussing the initial video transmission from Seska and the similarities to the video illusions designed to lead the Dwarfers astray in Psirens:



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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 1!- "Basics" to "The Chute"
by Moggy » Sun Nov 12, 2023 2:15 pm

The Swarm

Death by trilobite. ;)

I love how sometimes they take Starfleet rules super seriously. And then sometimes it sounds inconvenient and so strawberry float it, I'm not flying around the civilisation that want us to stay away. ;) Two episodes ago they even literally made a point that "well back in those days they didn't always follow the rules, what different days they were!". :lol:

The Doctor's story was heartbreaking in places. I'm lucky enough to have not had a family member with dementia, but I can imagine this would be impossible to watch for anybody that had gone through it.

False Profit

I've only read the description so far, but I'm assuming the Ferengi are going to be the ones from TNG? I remember them being really annoying so I'm not looking forward to this.

Hmm. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but a long long way from being good. The two Ferengi are annoying little bastards and I didn't much enjoy the people worshipping them.

The beggar guy with the eyepatch kept making me think of Monty Python for some reason. I half expected somebody to shout "he's a very naughty boy!".


It reminded me of the TNG episode where Deanna was mind raped by the evil telepath alien. Not anywhere close to as bad here, but felt like they were borrowing from it.

Telepath aliens, weird musical instruments, creepy dreams and a character living another person's memories. All it needed was a Klingon demanding honour and an energy being to be responsible for it all. Never say Trek isn't original. ;)

The episode was pretty dull overall. So much of it felt like a retread of other stuff that I don't think I'll remember anything about this one.

Sacred Ground

Mrs Potato Head :wub:

Other than Mrs P H, meh. This felt like it dragged on for hours rather than just 40 minutes or so.

I'm struggling to think of much positive to say about it. Umm, nope, just nothing.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 2!- "The Swarm" to "Sacred Ground"
by Moggy » Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:29 pm

Future's End: Part 1

Sarah Silverman? "No way....way". 90s as strawberry float. :lol:

Why do the 90s feel so ancient? It was only a few years ago.... :shifty:

3000 gigabytes? This guy really did have future tech if he had a 3 terabyte (at least!) hard drive in 1996.

That was really good. I'm not sure where it's going from here, but the Voyager crew has, so far, really strawberry floated this up. :lol:

Future's End: Part 2

The racist hicks reminded me of Pulp Fiction. ;)

Silverman looked stunning in this. :wub:

I know the guy was crazy, but launching his ship straight through his own building! :lol:

I love that the Doctor got a hard light bee. He is like Rimmer in quite a few ways, although he's not a total smeghead.

"Your a real freakasaurus" :fp: :lol: This is set in the year it was made, but feels like it was written by somebody from the 24th century who was trying to sound like a 90s kid.

A very good two parter, but it's a shame they hit the reset button in such a simple way at the end.


Obviously a very different episode, but I kept thinking about the episode where Kirk ended up body swapping with the woman who wanted to be a captain. :lol:

This is smack bang in the middle tier of episodes. It's not great but not gooseberry fool.

I did laugh at Torres getting the half naked man on the holodeck. :lol:

The Q and the Grey

Q said that mating with a human would create a new Q race and he also said that no Qs had ever mated with each other. But wasn't there a TNG episode with a girl who was a Q but thought she was human? I can't remember if she was a Q/human hybrid or if her parents were Qs, but either way it contradicts Q. Although he is always lying, so who knows. :lol:

Decent if unspectacular Q centric episode. I could have done without the US Civil War nonsense.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 2!- "The Swarm" to "Sacred Ground"
by Jenuall » Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:54 pm

I've never been a particular fan of Silverman so Future's End has always been quite a bad hang for me. It's a decent episode and they do have fun with how the crew interact with what was effectively 'now' at the time, but like most Trek time travel episodes it's always a bit disappointing that they don't do more with the concept.

Still, we've had both Chuck McGill and Clifford Main (and Mike Ermentraut in DS9!) in the show now, wonder if any more Better Call Saul characters will turn up!?

Also, it's a bit unbelievable that the 29th century time police ship wouldn't be equipped to just instantly strawberry float Voyager up if that was what it's entire mission was for!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 2!- "The Swarm" to "Sacred Ground"
by Cuttooth » Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:19 pm

Jenuall wrote:Still, we've had both Chuck McGill and Clifford Main (and Mike Ermentraut in DS9!) in the show now, wonder if any more Better Call Saul characters will turn up!?

Raymond Cruz was in a DS9 episode and Patrick Fabian will turn up quite soon in Voyager.

Just watched the end of Tuvix on TV for the first time in probably decades. Janeway commits an indisputably heinous act. The guy is pleading for his life FFS!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 2!- "The Swarm" to "Sacred Ground"
by Moggy » Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:25 pm

Cuttooth wrote:
Just watched the end of Tuvix on TV for the first time in probably decades. Janeway commits an indisputably heinous act. The guy is pleading for his life FFS!


Most Trek fans are unfeeling monsters.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 3!- "Futures End" to "The Q and the Grey"
by Jenuall » Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:28 pm

Yeah it was pretty horrible to just kill the dude when he's pleading for his life, but on the other hand - Tuvix was kinda weird so... the court finds in Janeway's favour!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 2!- "The Swarm" to "Sacred Ground"
by Cuttooth » Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:47 pm

Moggy wrote:
Cuttooth wrote:
Just watched the end of Tuvix on TV for the first time in probably decades. Janeway commits an indisputably heinous act. The guy is pleading for his life FFS!


Most Trek fans are unfeeling monsters.

For some reason I had completely misremembered the end as being Tuvix deciding to sacrifice his life so Kes and the crew could be happy to have Neelix and Tuvok back, or that there was a proper remnant of both personalities trying to break through so they knew they were sort of still alive.

But they’re not; they died in a transporter accident like way too many people before them!

I think it was always to Voyager’s detriment that events like this had absolutely no consequences and were never referenced again when at the same time DS9 was at least trying to write longer term storylines more as a matter of course.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 2!- "The Swarm" to "Sacred Ground"
by Jenuall » Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:02 pm

Spent a lot of time on the train for work yesterday so managed to catch up on this weeks episodes (and get several ahead of the game as well!)


I think Jennifer Lien does a great job here of portraying a different character than Kes, often these "body taken over by someone else" scenarios ring a bit hollow or go too far into either campy or OTT performances but she nails it here.

Overall it's not a bad episode but not a great one either, the stakes never quite feel as high as they should and it feels weird that we're supposed to buy into some civil war happening on this alien world when all we ever really see of it is one room!

The Q and the Grey

Mid-tier Q episode, pretty fun overall even if their ongoing attempts to flesh out the Q Continuum seem to have the effect of making it all seem less interesting. Like many of these kinds of things in sci-fi the mystery is often more interesting than the eventual explanation or deeper exploration of the ideas.

Also really hard to look beyond the actress of "Miss Q" as being anyone other than Worf's half-Klingon lover and mother of Alexander from TNG. They really do love re-using an actor in Trek don't they!? :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 3!- "Futures End" to "The Q and the Grey"
by Moggy » Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:01 am


What do you get if you cross Die Hard with Alien and set it in the Star Trek universe?

Janeway is pretty badass, the effects weren't great but she sold the action hero thing pretty well. The Doctor was quite useless but at least he did find a cure I guess. :lol:

I can't understand why the virus sounded just like a fly or even how they were flying, they didn't appear to have wings. ;)

Fair Trade

Meh, I found that very uninteresting. The security on that space station were gooseberry fool compared to Odo.

Alter Ego

Another meh one for me. Kim is so dull he seems more emotionless than a Vulcan anyway.

And the conclusion was gooseberry fool, it would have been better to have a rogue holodeck character, like Moriarty, than the lonely woman connects into the ship rubbish.


Hmm. This seemed such a mishmash of different ideas, all of which would have worked better by themselves.

A time loop story could have been fun.

A dying Janeway being tricked by an alien could have been interesting.

As it was, it just felt messy and unsatisfying. It wasn't bad, far from it, but it made me wish it had been much better.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 2!- "The Swarm" to "Sacred Ground"
by Jenuall » Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:48 pm

Cuttooth wrote:
Jenuall wrote:Still, we've had both Chuck McGill and Clifford Main (and Mike Ermentraut in DS9!) in the show now, wonder if any more Better Call Saul characters will turn up!?

Raymond Cruz was in a DS9 episode and Patrick Fabian will turn up quite soon in Voyager.

Just watched this episode. Once again things don't end well for old Howard Hamlin!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 3!- "Futures End" to "The Q and the Grey"
by Moggy » Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:33 pm

Blood Fever

Rapey Vulcan goes around sexually assaulting and everyone is cool with it because it's just ponn farr! He can deal with it himself!


This would never be made today, the message was horrific.

Paris is going to get torn to shreds by Torres. :datass: :lol:

The episode was worth it for the ending though, the Borg!


Great jump scare when the Doctor was examining the Borg corpse. I nearly gooseberry fool myself, even though I knew it was going to happen. :lol:

That was great, the ex Borg idea was sort of done in TNG, but went much further here. Some really interesting moral questions, they were "good" people but as Chakotay said, they didn't hesitate to force their will on other people either.

I'm hoping some of this comes up again in later episodes.


Meh. I like the Doctor but could have done without the silly historical figures and the laughable EVIL version.

Struggling to think of much positive to say about this one.


Neelix can be a little annoying, but Tuvok is a dick. :lol:

Interesting idea to set an episode in a space elevator and it had decent enough action. Nothing too remarkable, just mostly solid fun (kenneth.jpg).

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 3!- "Futures End" to "The Q and the Grey"
by Moggy » Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:46 am

Favorite Son

None of the Voyager crew seemed very bothered at the idea of alien embryos being implanted in non-consenting women. :dread:

It would have been more interesting if he had actually been an alien and the planet of sirens had actually been what they originally claimed.

As it was, it was a poor retelling of Odysseus and the Sirens. And didn't make much sense, if they need lots of men, why only go for one crew member?

Oh and they should have used an interesting crew member, rather than the most boring one.

But they did have a terminator :shock: (I didn't recognise her, just saw the name on Wikipedia). ;)

Before and After

This conversation probably happened years ago by the time I post this (quite apt considering this episode), but we recently discussed Neelix in the thread and he was described as a "disgusting little gnome pederest". Assuming he doesn't do something disgusting in a later episode, that seems a bit harsh. Paris and Kim are just as guilty of shagging the really young Ocampa. Kim being the worst, he'd have known Kes's daughter when she was born, he literally strawberry floated the daughter of the people who he acted as best man for. :dread: ;)

Fantastic episode! It did a great job at the start making you as confused as Kes was, while slowly explaining what was going on.

The Doctor's hair :lol:

I know that Kes is leaving the show soon, they should have been braver and ended her story here. When she went back so far that she went out of existence, the episode should have ended. And Kes never should have been mentioned again. Not because I dislike the character but because it would have been a devastating character ending!

Real Life

The whole family thing gave me Wandavision vibes. :lol:

Not a big fan of this one. 80s/90s American kids are always written to be infuriatingly annoying. And while the Doctor's version was too nice, Torres's was too far the other way. And then the end was horrific for no good reason.

The other plot was better, if a bit nothingy.

Distant Origin

It's a good job old school Trek didn't have any politics... ;)

The pseudoscience here was utter bobbins.

But, it was still a cracking episode! I like that it opened up with the aliens and showed so much from their point of view.

The lady elder was a brilliant character and was played wonderfully. It's clearly based on the Catholic Church v Galileo but worked well updated into a sci-fi setting.

Great stuff!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 3!- "Futures End" to "The Q and the Grey"
by Jenuall » Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:50 pm

Apparently Favourite Son was originally intended to reveal that Kim really was an alien and then have that as an ongoing plot point but it got rolled back as the episode was developed which is a shame I think. I guess they already knew they had other irons in the fire they were more interested in pursuing.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 3!- "Futures End" to "The Q and the Grey"
by Cheeky Devlin » Wed Dec 13, 2023 12:07 am

Jenu-All I Want For Christmas wrote:Apparently Favourite Son was originally intended to reveal that Kim really was an alien and then have that as an ongoing plot point but it got rolled back as the episode was developed which is a shame I think. I guess they already knew they had other irons in the fire they were more interested in pursuing.

I do love that Kim flat out died a few weeks back, so they replaced him with the one from another dimension and it's just never mentioned again. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 2!- "The Swarm" to "Sacred Ground"
by Carlos » Wed Dec 13, 2023 5:01 am

Moggy wrote:

I love that the Doctor got a hard light bee. He is like Rimmer in quite a few ways, although he's not a total smeghead.


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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Voyager - Season 3 Week 2!- "The Swarm" to "Sacred Ground"
by Moggy » Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:28 am

Carlos wrote:
Moggy wrote:

I love that the Doctor got a hard light bee. He is like Rimmer in quite a few ways, although he's not a total smeghead.



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