Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Jenuall » Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:35 am

Moggy wrote:
Jenuall wrote:Just watched Trials and Tribble-ations, just a perfect slice of fun nostalgia :wub:

Yeah that's a bloody great episode.

It's a concept that could so easily have gone wrong but they judge everything in it so well. The right amount of interaction with the original cast, a well engineered story to fit inside the original, perfect balance of poking fun at the old style but in an affectionate way, absolutely spot on recreation of the costumes, sets and general aesthetics of TOS etc. And you can just tell that everyone is having an absolute blast making it as well. :wub:

Always love how they deal with the Klingon situation as well - we should never know more than what we get from this exchange!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:01 am

Jenuall wrote:
Moggy wrote:
Jenuall wrote:Just watched Trials and Tribble-ations, just a perfect slice of fun nostalgia :wub:

Yeah that's a bloody great episode.

It's a concept that could so easily have gone wrong but they judge everything in it so well. The right amount of interaction with the original cast, a well engineered story to fit inside the original, perfect balance of poking fun at the old style but in an affectionate way, absolutely spot on recreation of the costumes, sets and general aesthetics of TOS etc. And you can just tell that everyone is having an absolute blast making it as well. :wub:

Always love how they deal with the Klingon situation as well - we should never know more than what we get from this exchange!


To be fair though, I didn't hate how Enterprise tried to explain it. That it was the Klingons trying to recreate the Eugenics projects on Earth.

But honestly I agree that "We don't talk about it" is such a great way to explain it away without making it a big thing.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Moggy » Sun Jul 02, 2023 2:31 pm

Soldiers of the Empire

Klingons :lol: :wub:

Loved this one, Klingons are such fun and it's always great to watch them infighting and heading to battle.

My only complaint is we didn't see the battle at the end!

Children of Time

LOVED this one! I always enjoy a time travel story, but this also presented a fantastic moral dilemma. There were no right answers to it either, both options were shitty.

At first I thought it was going to be a trick and there was no time travel. Then I was wondering (after the plan was revealed as bollocks) how they were going to get around it. And then 8,000 people ceased to exist.

I guessed it was future Odo who changed the autopilot. I've no idea if he'll ever get together with Kira, but she must be stunned he'd (well future him) wipe out himself and 8,000 others for her!

More of this sort of thing please!

Blaze of Glory

Eddington is such a twat. It's beyond me why anybody would follow him.

Some great acting from Brooks, but otherwise a bit of a meh episode. The Marquis might have been an interesting storyline if it wasn't for the big bad of the Dominion. As it is, they just feel like a pointless waste of time.

Empok Nor

This was a fun one! It had really good horror/slasher movie vibes and was pretty creepy in places.

O'Brien was great, Garek is always welcome and Nog held his own. Everyone else was doomed from the start, have there ever been more obvious Redshirts? :lol:

In the Cards

This felt like a build up episode. The Vorta guy talking/negotiating with Bajor and the crew feeling depressed about what they think is about to happen.

Jake and Nog's story was fun, but very "episode of the week".

End of the season next. I'm hoping for good things.

Call to Arms



It makes sense for Bajor to sign a non-aggression treaty with the Dominion and for the Federation to abandon the space station. Both Bajor and DS9 are in a terrible position for defence.

That was a cracking episode. The discussion between Sisko and the Vorta bloke was dripping in tension and diplomatic doublespeak. Wonderful stuff.

And that final shot of hundreds of Federation ships :datass:

But Jake :fp:

Season 6, here we go!

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Moggy » Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:08 pm

A Time to Stand

We are properly into a war now! And the Federation is getting its arse kicked. That might cut out some of their arrogance. ;)

I'm not sure why Garek is being such a dick to Bashir. The genetic modification thing can't be the only reason?

Behind enemy lines and carrying out a terrorist bombing, we are a long way from the days of peaceful exploration!

Dukat is so strawberry floating evil. I love it. :lol:

17 years from home, while it's obvious they will get out of this mess, it'll hopefully be fun seeing how they do it.

A nice start to the new season.

Rocks and Shoals

This show appears to be turning into a more modern way of TV story telling, with one continuous narrative. There have been hints of that of course, but the first two episodes feel less like "story of the week" and more "story".

I liked this one, the being shipwrecked with the enemy is hardly an original idea, but it worked well for this episode. And the Vedic (sp?) hanging herself plus the Vorta betraying his troops, really adds to this feeling like a much darker Trek than we are used to.

Sons and Daughters

I've paused at the opening credits, how long after TNG is this season? Alexander looks about 30 years old. Worf barely recognised him as well, such a gooseberry fool father. :lol:

The way he talks and his miserable face is giving me Anakin Skywalker vibes.

Why bring Alexander back and get a terrible actor to play him? He was a crap character back in TNG, why stink up DS9 with him? And if they must have him, why not get a good actor? :lol:

The Dukat and Kira stuff was ok, but not enough to save this episode. Alexander ruined it beyond redemption.

Still, it was better than watching TV, I'm writing this on the day the Queen died, anything is better than the constant news and tributes to the Queen. And we probably have months of "good old Lizzie!" to come. :dread:

Behind the Lines

It goes for most episodes, but this really was an episode of two halves.

The Sisko and crew side was ok. Nothing spectacular but ok.

But I loved the stuff on DS9. Quark getting drunk :lol: . Poor Rom. :( .

Odo I am not sure about. I can't see them turning him into a bad guy. I predict he's playing the changeling lady, pretending to be seduced by the great link, while actually just getting information to use against them.

Favor the Bold

I'm loving that there are proper story arcs now and regular two parters.

This was another great episode. All the plots were good, the DS9 stuff was riveting and the Federation side was great at building up the tension for what's to come.

Rom better be ok in the end though :x

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Moggy » Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:09 pm

It's nice to actually be able to date one of my scribblings. And I wasn't wrong about the Queen/Charles. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Jenuall » Thu Jul 13, 2023 10:32 am

Last time I rewatched DS9 I had forgotten about the plot line of Bashir getting replaced so it's quite fun this time watching it with that in mind and picking up on some of the clues

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Moggy » Sun Jul 16, 2023 7:03 am

Sacrifice of Angels

Ominous title. :dread:

That space battle was excellent :datass:

Fantastic stuff. The plan was obviously very "TV". All the ships rushing through the gap and it was only our heroes that made it?

But it didn't matter, it was exciting and I'll forgive a lot of things as long as they are entertaining.

The DS9 story was also excellent. I was stunned that they killed Dukat's daughter. When she was with Dukat, I thought maybe she was going to kill him, I didn't think she'd end up dead!

I've seen the description for the next episode. It looks like it's going to be a massive comedown after these two great episodes.

You Are Cordially Invited...

Urghhhh Alexander :dread:

"That is a prejudiced and xenophobic view!"
"We are Klingons..."

This wasn't bad, but felt out of place after the awesome episodes that came before it. There were some funny bits that made it stand out as more than just a filler episode though, Bashir and O'Brien were great.


A big shocking appearance before the opening credits......and I had no idea who he was. :lol: I've watched all of DS9 without any long breaks, strawberry float knows how anybody in the 90s knew who it was when it would have been year(s) since he was onscreen. :lol:

How have we gone from "the Federation is on its last legs, after a desperate fight they retake DS9 by the skin of their teeth" to "yeah we have time for an elaborate wedding and for Kira to take some time out with her "resurrected" boyfriend!".

This was mostly dull and boring. I liked evil Kira, she was fun but other than that, meh.

Statistical Probabilities

Worf and O'Brien would definitely be TERFs if they were around today. ;)

I think I said this before, but how did the Trek writers manage to think up tablets, but also think that we'd be using an individual tablet for each document? :lol:

The plot reminded me of Asimov's Foundation series, wiki confirms that was in the writers minds when they came up with this one. It was a nice spin to change it so that even the best statistical formulas are never going to be able to account for everything.

Jack was annoying, but otherwise this wasn't too bad. Quite enjoyable in fact.

The Magnificent Ferengi

Finally, the Iggy Pop episode! :lol:

This was massive amounts of fun. Bloody stupid from start to finish, but really bloody fun. With Iggy Pop. :lol:


It's bloody lucky that whenever anybody crash lands on a planet/moon, it always has breathable air.... ;)

I liked this one, Gul Dukat is always a fantastic moustache twirling villain and the actor (I forget his name) was wonderful here.

I look forward to the inevitable Dukat v Sisko showdown :datass:

Who Mourns For Morn?

If the Federation doesn't use money, how do they pay for drinks at Quark's?

I guessed pretty much straight away that Morn wouldn't actually be dead. I figured it'd be a mistake, then that he probably faked his death.

Not a bad one. It had Reservoir Dogs vibes in places, not surprising baring in mind the era it was made in.

At the wake, I was expecting a 10 mile queue to get into the bar, but that's just because of the people in London at the moment queuing up to get a glimpse of the Queen's box (kennethwilliams.jpg). ;)

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Moggy » Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:37 am

Far Beyond The Stars

KeEp PoLiTiCs OuT oF sTaR tReK!!


The Amazon TV show of Rings of Power is being shown as I write this. It's scary the amount of dickheads crying about black elves and screaming that "woke" ruins everything. How have we not moved past this gooseberry fool?

It's so weird seeing some of these actors without make up/prosthetics. It took me a bloody long time to work out who was who in some cases. :lol:

A really strawberry floating brave and important episode. Utterly brutal in places and didn't even flinch from using the vile words that were so common in the 1950s (and sadly, even today). The violence also hasn't really gone away :cry:

Great episode, even if it thoroughly depressed me.

One Little Ship

Interesting how the Alphas look down on the Gammas. Even Jem'Hadar end up being racist twats as soon as somebody is born (grown?) elsewhere. ;)

Great effects in this one, the little ship is really impressively done.

Plot wise though, it's a bit meh. It probably suffered a lot though as I watched it straight after Far Beyond The Stars. Great joke from Odo at the end though :lol:

Honor Among Thieves

What the strawberry float was that? :lol: Star Trek doing a piss poor version of Donnie Brasco? :lol:

Why the hell would an engineer on a space station be sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate a crime syndicate? If that was explained, I totally missed it. :lol:

Ermmm this was mostly utter gooseberry fool and felt hugely out of place as a Star Trek story. Decent acting I guess, but not enough to save it.

Change of Heart

It was obvious that Worf was never going to leave her. It's bloody daft to send a husband and wife team on a dangerous mission. I get that Sisko has to follow the rules, but come on, it's Starfleet's fault for sending them together.

The B plot was meh. Although it was amusing listening to Quark strawberry float with Bashir. :lol:

Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night

Comfort women? What has happened to Trek this season, they are not holding back anymore. :dread:

I'm not convinced this was a good episode. It had backstory, dark details and time travel, but it wasn't all weaved together very well.

I fully accept Dukat wouldn't recognise Kira after all those years, but there's no strawberry floating way he wouldn't have previously mentioned shagging her mother. He'd have been bringing that up at every opportunity.


I've paused about 15 minutes in. Something feels off here, ever since Bashir went to sleep and then when he woke and couldn't believe the time. It just all feels weird and a bit dream like. I'm predicting this is a dream/simulation or something like that.

Boom! I'm good at the guessing game, I better spoiler the above :lol:

Why does anybody ever go off for a conference in Trek? Bashir has been kidnapped twice now. Jordi (I haven't forgotten Cora :x ) was once etc. Stick to your main ship/space station you fools!

The 90s really were the birthplace of paranoid conspiracy stuff. Shadowy organisations secretly running in the background. I blame the X-Files. ;) And of course Odo is fully in favour :lol:

I really enjoyed this one! Great performance from the guy playing Sloan, I hope he shows up again.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Moggy » Sun Jul 30, 2023 7:20 am

In The Pale Moonlight

Garek is a brilliant character. Twisting, turning and you are never sure what side he's on or what he's going to do next. An absolute scumbag, but could charm his way out of anything.

I figured the data rod would be enough but was stunned when it turned out Garek's plan was to murder the Romulan in order to bring them into the war. He's such a devious banana split. :lol:

Fabulous performances from Andrew Robinson and Avery Brooks. A wonderful episode. Every single time there's an episode of this quality it makes me sad that the first few seasons of DS9 were so bad. I'm glad I managed to stick it out.

His Way

Is this the first time there has been "modern" music in Trek? They always seem to play classical music, I assume to save money on copyrighted music, interesting they do have 20th century music in the future. ;)

This was far from dreadful, but didn't really hold my interest. I'm far more into the war, politics and exploring in Trek, than I am in with the love stories.

The Reckoning

With the way he treats ancient artefacts, it's a good job that Sisko isn't an archaeologist. ;)

At the end I just couldn't stop thinking of Ghostbusters. I kept imagining some "are you the Gatekeeper?" dialogue ;)

For something about 25 years old, the effects are pretty damn good in this show.

Hmmm, I'm not too interested in the Bajoran religion and prophecies. So it's an ok episode but is never going to be close to my top episodes.


Star Trek: Kidz Edition ;)

Not a top class episode, but nice to catch up on the Red Squad. Their Captain was a dick, but it was nice to see Nog getting a promotion, even if it was temporary!

Profit and Lace

Erghh was that sexual harassment at the start supposed to be funny? It felt really weird, like we were supposed to be amused by Quark. And the ending didn't help, he clearly hasn't changed a bit.

Meh. For a comedy episode, it wasn't very amusing other than laughing at the way Quark looked.

Time's Orphan

O'Brien really is a gooseberry fool father. "I'll never leave you again Molly" he says before snogging his wife and not noticing that the kid goes into a cave. :lol: I do love how American TV allows Irish/British swearing though..."bollocks!" :lol:

I wrote the above just after the opening credits and almost added "although he's great compared to Worf". And then saw Worf's attempt at babysitting :lol:

What sort of strawberry floating plan is that? "yeah, I'll send my feral daughter back in time 300 years so she can live completely by herself and we'll never see her again. There's no other way!" I don't care that older Molly sent the younger one back, what sort of parent would ever send their strawberry floating child back in time like that??!!! strawberry float me :fp: :lol: It was an offensively bad solution, it actually made me angry. Just mind meltingly bad writing. :lol:

And after all that happened, Worf felt the need to apologise? :fp:

A very gooseberry fool episode. The O'Brien family is crap and you can tell the writers knew it because they keep sending them away. O'Brien's a great character, they should have just kept him as a grumpy engineer who occasionally has fun with Bashir playing WW2/60s spies in the holosuit.

Still, I never thought I'd end up fancying Molly. ;)

The Sound of Her Voice

20ish minutes in. Prediction: they are not talking to a real person. The voice is some sort of AI, either fully AI or an AI based on the memories of the woman who probably died a few years before. She's WAY too perceptive to be human and it's suspicious she doesn't sleep.

Ahh, bollocks, I was sort of close. I didn't think of time travelling voices due to the energy field :lol:

Pretty good episode.

Tears of the Prophets

A few episodes before this one, I looked ahead at the Netflix episodes to see how many were left in the season. And the description in S7E1 gave away the death. I think I'd have been quite shocked if I hadn't already known she was a goner.

A good end to the season. Decent action and it's set up a lot of plot for the final season.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Cheeky Devlin » Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:08 pm

Jadzia :cry:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Jenuall » Thu Aug 03, 2023 3:44 pm

Going to struggle to catch up to Moggy pace but I am still making my way through DS9. Just watched the mid-Season 5 two parter of In Purgatory's Shadow and By Inferno's Light - such a great set of episodes! Genuinely think this season 4,5,6 run of DS9 is my favourite sequence of Trek, just so good. :wub:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Aug 03, 2023 3:47 pm

I am so far behind. Still on early season 3. :shock:

Don't see me catching up before Voyager, but I could still surprise myself. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Jenuall » Thu Aug 03, 2023 3:56 pm

Re-Watch Factor 9, engage!

Would be fun to get back in sync for Voyager if we can, kind of miss the discussions we could have when watching at mainly the same pace as each other for TOS and TNG

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Moggy » Thu Aug 03, 2023 3:56 pm

Jenuall wrote:Going to struggle to catch up to Moggy pace

Yeah sorry, I've been trying to clear my notes out so have been posting more than 4 or 5 a week. :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Moggy » Thu Aug 03, 2023 3:56 pm

Jenuall wrote:Re-Watch Factor 9, engage!

Would be fun to get back in sync for Voyager if we can, kind of miss the discussions we could have when watching at mainly the same pace as each other for TOS and TNG

Can't blame me for that :capnscotty:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Jenuall » Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:01 pm

We've let you down Moggy :cry:

But yeah, if we can get back on the same schedule for VOY it will be good to have some back and forth views being posted again. If you can remember anything about it by the time we get there that is! :slol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:40 pm

It was fun yeah. I think I just suffered my own small Trek burn-out for a bit. I went from one complete rewatch of the show straight into this one.
I only watched DS9 a few months before we started TOS. :slol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Jenuall » Thu Aug 03, 2023 5:01 pm

Yeah appreciate that, I hadn't long rewatched TNG and DS9 as well! :lol:

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Cheeky Devlin » Thu Aug 03, 2023 5:26 pm

Jenuall wrote:Yeah appreciate that, I hadn't long rewatched TNG and DS9 as well! :lol:

Just a lot of Trek in a short period of time.

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PostRe: Epic Star Trek Re-Watch - Deep Space Nine - Season 1 - Week 4
by Moggy » Thu Aug 03, 2023 5:28 pm

Cheeky Devlin wrote:
Just a lot of Trek in a short period of time.


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